Real Sex Question: What is the average time to wait for sex and how long is too long?

How long will you wait for pussy before bailing?

  • 2 dates or 1 week

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • 3-5 dates or 2-3 weeks

    Votes: 19 63.3%
  • 6+ dates or a month

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • 2-3 months

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Longer than 3 months

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bro, this chick would even piss off Ralph Tresvant

She called me about a half hour ago still sad that she pushed this guy away and I told her, we've been talking about her on here. And you got to get out of your own head, but it's too late for that one
I mean she 57 and if she got dudes coming at her like that, she should have a dude ready to come over to eat her out and leave...pretty simple. just like we move on to the next, she should too?? :dunno:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Bro, this chick would even piss off Ralph Tresvant

She called me about a half hour ago still sad that she pushed this guy away and I told her, we've been talking about her on here. And you got to get out of your own head, but it's too late for that one

Let me talk to her


@tallblacknyc out here



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I said the month, but that is the LONGEST I am willing to wait. But two to three weeks and no sex, I am looking replace her


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Bro, this chick would even piss off Ralph Tresvant

She called me about a half hour ago still sad that she pushed this guy away and I told her, we've been talking about her on here. And you got to get out of your own head, but it's too late for that one

You read her the wrong lyrics

Baby, come to me
Let me put my arms around you
This was meant to be
And I'm, oh so glad, I found you

Playa playlist



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I respect it.

But are just gonna cut her off or actually discuss the situation face to face?
At the 2-3 week mark we're discussing it. She gives me a good enough reason, then I wait...THE MONTH! If she is trying to wait longer then after that month I have one foot out of the relationship.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Man please... a woman knows within the 1st 15 seconds of meeting you if she will entertain the prospects of fucking you.. remember, a man chases and a woman chooses..
Exactly, that 3month with is some rip-off shit but dudes allow it being scared to let her know they aren't gonna wait that long for some pussy.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
There's a lot of hurt women out there dealing with sexual trauma that they need healing before thinking about having sex again with someone else and shouldn't even be thinking about dating or pursuing anyone.
You're right about that, but a lot of chicks do this shit where they just refuse to get into the pool at all and just get little miniature toy dogs and just live a remiserable single life not wanting to even try at it.

In the end, they don't want to deal with any of their trauma or face the fact that they might be their biggest problem.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
At the 2-3 week mark we're discussing it. She gives me a good enough reason, then I wait...THE MONTH! If she is trying to wait longer then after that month I have one foot out of the relationship.

I respect your personal boundaries and limits just as I respect hers.

You keeping it real and honest.

You as much as she shouldn't have to unwillingly conform to a relationship that doesn't make you happy.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
It took forever for me to talk to this chick and get her to even halfway understand.

Those lies that our parents teach us, we don't even realize that they are lies. Mothers and aunts tell their children and nieces that pussy is precious and you shouldn't just give it away yada yada yada.

In actuality, sex is sex and sometimes it's just that. Sometimes I get it just so I can feel better. Sometimes it relieves stress.

But if you remember that movie the brothers, where one guy had a woman who wouldn't give him head because she believed her mother when her mother told her that good girls don't do that.

Sex is the big lie. You look at someone you can't tell what the fuck they're into kinky or not. They tell you one thing, but they're into something even more freakier than you could imagine.

Sex is sexual healing as Marvin Gaye said. "There is something I can do, I just get on the telephone and call you a baby. And honey I know you'll be there to relieve me..."

It took more than 2 hours of talking to her to get her to understand this fact. I told her of a woman who I film for her only fans, who gets fucked by dick after dick and comes a hell of a lot of times. It took that before she realized that sex and love don't always have to be connected.

She told me she was going to finally have sex with him in the Bahamas and August, 3 months from now.

"Stop thinking that sex has to be special. Sometimes it's just fucking sex"

It's crazy that we believe the lies that our parents tell us about sex. The girls believe they shouldn't want it, and the guys think that that's all there is to life. Both are wrong
Good points here. Very well stated



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Some women gotta learn the hard way to understand the assignment. I bet she won't do that again.
I'm going to try to smash this week. I told her I'm going to try to get her to come to a lifestyle Hotel takeover event with me next month and watch some women get railed on & gangbanged to show her that sex is just sex and not anything special like she has in her head.

I know she's more than likely going to punk out, but she needs to see something different


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I'm going to try to smash this week. I told her I'm going to try to get her to come to a lifestyle Hotel takeover event with me next month and watch some women get railed on & gangbanged to show her that sex is just sex and not anything special like she has in her head.

I know she's more than likely going to punk out, but she needs to see something different

Your version of Mr. Miyagi brings an entirely new and slightly uncomfortable spin on wax on wax off.



It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
I'm going to try to smash this week. I told her I'm going to try to get her to come to a lifestyle Hotel takeover event with me next month and watch some women get railed on & gangbanged to show her that sex is just sex and not anything special like she has in her head.

I know she's more than likely going to punk out, but she needs to see something different

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
One thing that always killed me is women on social media announcing they've been celibate for an extended amount of time. Like it's some badge of honor, integrity and the key to a healthy and long lasting relationship. Bitch, you fuck around and let that sex juice get too backed up on you dat shit will fuck around and kill yo ass. :smh: Then you wonder why you walk around snappin' at your kids, not getting along with your coworkers (especially other females) and constantly saying all men aint shit. I'll give you a month bitch. If you not wanting to suck on my Charles Bronson I'm out.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is just an observation, and not a response to the "waiting period."

She's known this guy for over 40 years and they've reconnected,and had been dating for at least 3 months. So, it would be safe to assume that he's a "decent individual" (I don't think he was in the relationship for just sex).

I could be wrong (I have very limited knowledge of her past), however, I get the feeling she has dealt with her fair share of "Ne'er-do-wells," but didn't make any of them wait longer than a week or 2 at the most?

File this under the same "twisted logic" that I've often heard women say that "I can't date him because he's too nice."

Hopefully, at some point she'll trust her decision making skills and find a guy who has her best interests at heart (because for now, I think she realized she just lost one).


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
One thing that always killed me is women on social media announcing they've been celibate for an extended amount of time. Like it's some badge of honor, integrity and the key to a healthy and long lasting relationship. Bitch, you fuck around and let that sex juice get too backed up on you dat shit will fuck around and kill yo ass. :smh: Then you wonder why you walk around snappin' at your kids, not getting along with your coworkers (especially other females) and constantly saying all men aint shit. I'll give you a month bitch. If you not wanting to suck on my Charles Bronson I'm out.


My cuzzo ain't trying to hear the peace and love save em bars I'm spitting.

He on that @killagram


A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Everyone is different.

I get the tease thing trust me.

But it's complicated to differentiate between a tease or repressed or conflicted or damaged.

If a MAN OR WOMAN - I make that point because even as a site for men we need to acknowledge there are men out here who women would complain as teases or headaches too - feels the person is wasting their time okay.

But that isn't a WOMAN thing its a person thing.

But sexual repression in our society is usually forced on women.

I don't think celibacy is a bad thing. Having sexual limits isn't a bad thing.

No one should feel forced or compelled to do anything like OP said.

Specifically this woman. It's sad that at 50 years old she is still unsure about her own sensuality and sexual identity.

I disagree with OP (however he knows her intimately so wtf do I know)

It's a little obvious since she was young because of her body and looks it caused her to have sex issues and it probably wasn't her parents being strict. Her whole life men and women probably judged her hated her lusted her touched her manipulated her because of her body.

Again that doesn't mean she gets to manipulate others

It means I can empathize with her.

And other women like her.

there are A LOT of men and women who would be fine with a massage some mid head and watching her cum 5 times in a row. In fact that's a 20 a month only fans subscription waiting to happen.

She needs someone who actually cares about her well being sense of self and what she wants to support her.

And at another time my mouth would be the constant safe place for her to rest her twin issues.
Man just read half these responses and know they are BULLSHIT.
Out in the real world shit go a diff way


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

My brother I know you a grown man very experienced in the ways of the world

So you don't need any advice from me

@tallblacknyc always says I'm too kindhearted when it comes to alot of things. He is one of my most trusted keep sh*t real consiglieres

I just want to drop this cause you a brother of mines

I wouldn't play these sexual awakening games with this specific woman.

If everything you telling us is true... you might end up on the wrong side of a case because she "feels different" all of sudden about your "relationship" after doing something she has regrets about later.

Just saying



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
This is just an observation, and not a response to the "waiting period."

She's known this guy for over 40 years and they've reconnected,and had been dating for at least 3 months. So, it would be safe to assume that he's a "decent individual" (I don't think he was in the relationship for just sex).

I could be wrong (I have very limited knowledge of her past), however, I get the feeling she has dealt with her fair share of "Ne'er-do-wells," but didn't make any of them wait longer than a week or 2 at the most?

File this under the same "twisted logic" that I've often heard women say that "I can't date him because he's too nice."

Hopefully, at some point she'll trust her decision making skills and find a guy who has her best interests at heart (because for now, I think she realized she just lost one).
What a dumb dumb

Damned right. She called me damn near crying a couple hours ago. She fucked up and she knows it.

I'm going to have her talk to this freaky chick right here and watch her get dug out all weekend so she might be able to comprehend. Some people need to be shown that the way they've been going about things is the wrong goddamn way



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor

My brother I know you a grown man very experienced in the ways of the world

So you don't need any advice from me

@tallblacknyc always says I'm too kindhearted when it comes to alot of things. He is one of my most trusted keep sh*t real consiglieres

I just want to drop this cause you a brother of mines

I wouldn't play these sexual awakening games with this specific woman.

If everything you telling us is true... you might end up on the wrong side of a case because she "feels different" all of sudden about your "relationship" after doing something she has regrets about later.

Just saying

I hear you, but it is what it is. She is either gonna get it or not, but she's not going to Tell me how horny she is and then thwart potential opportunities to quench that thirst.

I'm going to go against the orders of a very wise individual and put the offer out there for her to either take or not. If she takes it she's going go there, and get her eyes opened to what reality really is or she's gonna punk out and not go.

Either way, I'm not losing much with her and the next dude is going to gain a lot. Or she's going to become a dog lady, and not the fun kind


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I hear you, but it is what it is. She is either gonna get it or not, but she's not going to Tell me how horny she is and then thwart potential opportunities to quench that thirst.

I'm going to go against the orders of a very wise individual and put the offer out there for her to either take or not. If she takes it she's going go there, and get her eyes opened to what reality really is or she's gonna punk out and not go.

Either way, I'm not losing much with her and the next dude is going to gain a lot. Or she's going to become a dog lady, and not the fun kind

Be safe.

Al Smith

Rogue Mod
OG Investor
Man.. when I was single, I used to ask a woman if she knew what the difference between having sex and making love.. I had to explain to them that making love has nothing to do with anything sexual.. it's the time you spend together making love work, and sex is just "fuckin".. I also let them know that I approach each relationship/engagement like I'm purchasing a car. I have to test drive for performance to make sure that I at least will want to lease with an option to buy. If you want to be a showpiece only to look at, I'll leave you at the car lot.. and I also let them know I only want to be bothered with those who want to fuck me also..
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Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
When I was in the dating game I always had at least one that I was actively having sex with. If dated a woman that wanted to wait, I wasn’t too disappointed because my sexual needs were being met. Being nonchalant almost always got them to reconsider. They would often ask if I was seeing anyone else and if we were sexually active and I would always reply yes without providing any details. They almost always ended up initiating sex soon after. I don’t think it is right to pressure a woman to have sex. They don’t “owe” it to us. That said, I can understand how hard it can be if your sexual needs aren’t being met or if you are spending a valuable amount of money.
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Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
I did have friends that were genuinely celibate for years. All of them were very promiscuous prior to their celibacy. Women like this can’t be shamed or tempted into giving up the pussy anyway.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Real talk! For me, it depends on the woman. If she's really worth waiting for (wifey status), I can wait (but not too long). If she's a jump off and I just wanna fuck, I'll give it a month if we chillin' all the time. A blow job/hand job? Something! If you ain't doing nothing by 3 months, then it's def time to bounce! Time is valuable!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have a friend who is built likean older Danni Lynne. She is stacked like this still at 57.

Now, I stop fucking with her because she was a dick tease. She believes that sex is connected to her heart and she's not trying to get hurt again and wah wah wah. She has been willfully celibate for 5 years. She just said she tries not to think about it, but she's built like Dabbi Lynne. So she gets approached.

I tried to tell her over and over that getting a nut isn't connected to your heart, or it shouldn't be. Or, you should be able to turn that shit on and off and get you some and quiet the pussy rumblings.

She calls me today and says she's been dating this guy for 3 months. They used to go to high school together and she still hasn't let him hit after 3 months.

Last night, she gave him a massage When they met up after work, he asked to return the favor and He eventually got her to let one of her gigantic breasts free.

She can have nipple orgasms, so eventually he got the other one free and she came four times. Then she said, "I don't know if I'm ready for this, yet" and made him go home.

She said when he called this morning he said, "I'm done. I can't do this anymore. Keep your lips, keep your tongue and your pussy."

She called me and was like, "Am I tripping? I just don't want to get hurt again."

I told her, "you goddamn right you tripping. You came four times to his zero, sent him home horny as fuck after you busted four nuts. I read the lyrics of sexual healing to her and told her she was torturing the poor dude. This ain't 1953. What are you waiting for? You are on some Cooley High type shit, holding out like your mama watching, and for what?

Now, we as men WANT to hit the first night if we can, but we won't press it if it ain't there. But I'm not waiting 3 months.

Her and I used to fuck, and when we reconnected, even though we used to fuck she was a dick tease like a motherfucker, letting me kiss her, suck on them big ass titties and sending me home hard and horny.

This is what she finally understood. I told her I imagine going to work for 2 weeks without getting paid, that's how it feels for a guy to fuck with a woman for a number of weeks or months and not get no pussy, no payoff.

I said that and she finally understood. Fucking women

This is what she looks like except just a little bit older, but still built like a brick house

It took forever for me to talk to this chick and get her to even halfway understand.

Those lies that our parents teach us, we don't even realize that they are lies. Mothers and aunts tell their children and nieces that pussy is precious and you shouldn't just give it away yada yada yada.

In actuality, sex is sex and sometimes it's just that. Sometimes I get it just so I can feel better. Sometimes it relieves stress.

But if you remember that movie the brothers, where one guy had a woman who wouldn't give him head because she believed her mother when her mother told her that good girls don't do that.

Sex is the big lie. You look at someone you can't tell what the fuck they're into kinky or not. They tell you one thing, but they're into something even more freakier than you could imagine.

Sex is sexual healing as Marvin Gaye said. "There is something I can do, I just get on the telephone and call you a baby. And honey I know you'll be there to relieve me..."

It took more than 2 hours of talking to her to get her to understand this fact. I told her of a woman who I film for her only fans, who gets fucked by dick after dick and comes a hell of a lot of times. It took that before she realized that sex and love don't always have to be connected.

She told me she was going to finally have sex with him in the Bahamas and August, 3 months from now.

"Stop thinking that sex has to be special. Sometimes it's just fucking sex"

It's crazy that we believe the lies that our parents tell us about sex. The girls believe they shouldn't want it, and the guys think that that's all there is to life. Both are wrong

She's been celibate for 5 years and he thought he was gonna get some in only 3 months?

That's his mistake. I don't know what their status was as in dating, meaning I don't know if it was at or close to the love stage yet but that's what she wanted. She wanted to be in love and know that he was in love with her before she gave herself to another man.

She's 57, probably been married a time or two and has been with numerous men. Who in the end she found pointless and empty in being with so she's had a change of heart and emotion regarding Sean's intimacy.

For the past 5 years she didn't want to get into a simply physical relationship that she would eventually end up regretting.

You can't teach her how to feel about sex. You can teach her how many men and many others view sex.

But you and him did educate her on how men fell empty when teased and get tired of the shit and bounce though. :lol: