Real Talk: Would you a $10M / yr position if you had to publicly spread coon-ish views (Stephen S. Smith Approved) UPDATE: $20M years


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This is a tough one...

Would be basically have a PRICE to speak AGAINST black issues (on occasion)?

would you accept a $10 million a year contracted position at a media outlet to be a public face but a condition would be to publicly support views that went against BLACK people or were detrimental or just coon-ish?

I think this is different then my original thread about whether you would work with big tobacco, alcohol phama or firearms to promote smoking, drinking prescription drugs and gun use SPECIFICALLY to the young poor BLACK community.

So basically could you be the Stephen A Smith of a rival network?


Rising Star
Stephen takes shit too far for ratings and clicks too often. However, I am almost definite I heard him admit it's fuckery that Kaep isn't on a roster. But as I said before, Stephen is about making paper. Whenever he feels bruthas and sistas do shit to fuck with their money, he loses his shit. I am not caping for Stephen, but I know what he's about. $$$$$$$
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Nope, and I really need the money.

but I in my old age?

I could UNDERSTAND the move.

I mention how Marcellus just went compete apesh*t when he went to FOX

and how Whitlock sold his soul and how Chuck made it somehow even "acceptable"?

I could understand a man seeing that and saying well as long as behind the scenes I support schools and programs that are REAL?

It will be OK.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This would be a deal breaker for me.

It would not be ALL the time

you would just be umm..

willfully ignorant

again use SAS as the prime example..

you would have your moments of reason but if a sponsor or partner was like we need you to say this or spread this or support this as BEST you can while maintaining "credibility" you got to.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Still can't do it. If you was raised by my pops, you wouldn't be able to do it either.

10 MILLION , uncle chuck.

not talking endorsements either

radio show speaking engagements, too

VIP everything tickets to EVERYTHING, networking possibilities...

you could get a LOT of GOOD WORK done behind the scenes.


Rising Star
Not all criticism of Kaep during this journey is cooning. You can be a fan and supporter and think he made some "Dafuq?"moves. You don't think some of MLK Jr's friends were ride or die but may have thought,"Damn, why won't he leave these hoes alone?" I don't get why when Kaep was a qb, you could be a fan, but say,"What was he thinking on the INT?"and no one call you a coon. Yet if you think, strategically, the pig socks were a "dafuq?"move, you're a sellout/coon? SMH.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
As much as I have let go the idea of blackness and what it means to be black, I would never sell us out or sell myself out for any type of money.

I love us way too much. I can’t bring myself to add to an agenda that is used to oppress us.

Money helps you live financially comfortably and aid to your life line, but there is no way I could consciously support the views for the white supremcist machine and then go and try to be pro black behind the scenes.

I’ve never been good at being two faced. I want folks to know that I’m consistent and my integrity is one of my most proud traits as a human.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
10 MILLION , uncle chuck.

not talking endorsements either

radio show speaking engagements, too

VIP everything tickets to EVERYTHING, networking possibilities...

you could get a LOT of GOOD WORK done behind the scenes.

And things could also be used against you.

I can’t trust people that say one thing and do another. It leaves me guessing their intentions on a regular basis.

Great thread question, Playa.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The key word is "on occasion". That disclaimer describes practically every American network shill of any race. Except that most of them make far under $10 million a year

you are not wrong...

most KNOW what the rules are.

but then shouldn't we give those that DO SPEAK out MORE SUPPORT?


BGOL Legend
So people actually believe there’s a white or Black person from ESPN’s management telling Stephen A to shit on Black people for ratings and money? :confused:

Yes lol

They have production meetings where they get their talking points fam

It's mandated

It's why you can turn on the TV to the channel and hear the same thing parroted across multiple shows

They say how they're going to cover something and then you go out there and do it


Rising Star
They probably don't directly tell him, but he knows they love it.

What's weird is that none of the whiteboys who are calling fuckery on Kaep not being on a team are (publicly at least), being admonished by "the man." Maybe fans on comment sections...see Mike Florio of Pro Footbal Talk, but not the HCACICS.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
If it was offered that'd mean that I already was cooning it up

They don't want ppl to change up they want to amplify

So I'd never get that offer in the first place

OK to be fair...

Bomani and Shannon Sharp get paid VERY well

and Mike and Jemelle before they were cut.

so does Dominque Foxsworth on lower levels

You think if they were willing and able to ummm

coon it up

they would be not only be PAID more but more recognizable?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s the luciferian left mentality = My view on the topic is right and if you don’t agree you are a cac, coon, faggot, hater, sellout, etc. when the reality is that the person shouting those are generally at least two of those or more.

Also, you’ll likely see most of those either be an immigrant or married to or have kids with a non so-called black woman because of the self hatred
Not all criticism of Kaep during this journey is cooning. You can be a fan and supporter and think he made some "Dafuq?"moves. You don't think some of MLK Jr's friends were ride or die but may have thought,"Damn, why won't he leave these hoes alone?" I don't get why when Kaep was a qb, you could be a fan, but say,"What was he thinking on the INT?"and no one call you a coon. Yet if you think, strategically, the pig socks were a "dafuq?"move, you're a sellout/coon? SMH.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yes lol

They have production meetings where they get their talking points fam

It's mandated

It's why you can turn on the TV to the channel and hear the same thing parroted across multiple shows

They say how they're going to cover something and then you go out there and do it


they even SAY it DURING the show...

you didn't say THAT at the meeting this morning?

and they have ear pieces on DURING THE SHOW with producers telling them points to make and when to wrap up etc.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Oh to be clear...

I am not saying OPPOSING viewpoints are coonish...

that's stupid

I mean comments that are detrimental uneducated deliberately obtuse and stereotypical dog whistles

its like porn

hard to define

but you KNOW them when you hear them


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes lol

They have production meetings where they get their talking points fam

It's mandated

It's why you can turn on the TV to the channel and hear the same thing parroted across multiple shows

They say how they're going to cover something and then you go out there and do it

Talking points and telling him to negatively talk about Black people are two different things.

Do you believe they tell him to have a negative angle on issues related to Black people?


Rising Star
would you accept a $10 million a year contracted position at a media outlet to be a public face but a condition would be to publicly support views that went against BLACK people or were detrimental or just coon-ish?
Honestly,yeah I would and after I've had enough I would fall all the way the fuck back and support my people in many different ways to combat the fuck shit I signed up for.Paying for a few thousand to get higher education,help struggling black business owners and business's,start a network of circling the black dollar online and in our communities and other things and It won't ever be public if I have anything to do about it.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
Honestly,yeah I would and after I've had enough I would fall all the way the fuck back and support my people in many different ways to combat the fuck shit I signed up for.Paying for a few thousand to get higher education,help struggling black business owners and business's,start a network of circling the black dollar online and in our communities and other things and It won't ever be public if I have anything to do about it.
Jay Z said that was the reason he dumbed down his lyrics.