Republican coon Byron Donalds says Black people were better off during Jim Crow


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Terrible point
You will never hear a jewish man say “at least we had families during the holocaust”

You smarter than this bro... and you know this, low level garbage like this is foolish

We never ever had a chance to even get to that point historically. Family oriented, culture and a system... we NEVER had that because of slavery, can't compare us to ANY OTHER group period, damn sure not the Jews with a deep history going back centuries.

Gotta do better, stop click baiting for internet daps....

As much as a coon Bryon is, a lot of blacks feel the same way low key, they want structure and system that a education CANNOT get them, it's a reason why the black conservative stuff never truly goes away because a lot of people feel somewhat similar at times especially those of us not balling, living like that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude is trying to claim he was misquoted. But the facts are that even with full context, what he's saying is full of shit.

And while he may not have said the actual words, it was definitely implied that we were better off back then. Otherwise, why would he be talking about "being together" with such reverence.

If you're going to be a trash individual, at least own that shit, man.

He's sorry that he said it in a way to make it obvious that the right wants everything to go back to how it was before the 60s.

They denied they were going after Row v. Wade until they got the judges to get it appealed. They are currently denying they are going after birth control, until again they have the seats to make it happen. Next on the list will likely be voting rights, not directly banning women or minorities.

They'll do it in a way similar to how Texas Republicans are trying to propose which makes it impossible for Democrats to win a statewide office seat because they'll have to win the majority of the counties of the state, not just the major cities.

Keep thinking Republicans are going to not follow through with the rumors. Deep down they know they can't compete number-wise, so the next best thing is to rig everything for their favor by making everyone think that's not what they are trying to do.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I never said anything about anti-black, conservative values ain't got nothing to do with anti-black.
Correct. It's just odd that all black conservative politicians or talking heads, are always anti-black and repeat racist talking points. When they stray from that for a second, they get their wake up call and see how their fans really feel. Candace Owens admitted she liked the Dr Dre superbowl show, and her racist fans laid into her.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People like drawing a contrast in the behavior of blacks of 1950 with blacks in the 60s and beyond. As if in 1955 the black community was a Norman Rockwell painting with father in the home dressed in a suit, mother wearing pearl necklace, daughter in a poodle skirt and son dressed in overalls with slingshot in the back pocket. And by 1965 just ten years later daddy's gone, mommy's a welfare queen, daughter is a slut in training and son is a violent malcontent. But here's a question if Blacks behaved so much better in the 1950s and before then why was that generation treated so horribly?? Why would a generation of blacks that was so noble and had such good family values and so earnest in assimilating into society be treated in such a fashion?

10 years is not a long time and well with a generation so that 1950s blacks are the the generation that migrated from the racist south to the north and west in search of those good jobs in factories and such by the late 50s early 60s..but couldn't find any...why not? Was that generation too lazy to work? That's the generation that moved into predominately white neighborhoods only to see their white neighbors leave for the suburbs (I think the term is white flight) what reason would they have to do that if that generation was so upright and noble? Why would that generation of hard working Christian values black people accept welfare if jobs were plentiful in the first place?

what he;s NOT saying and the TRUE gaslighting is just the political titles of democrat and republican but NOT saying that southern democrats in the jim crow era were DECIDELY CONSERVATIVE.

Blacks supported republicans (when they could vote) but the 1800s up to 1950s republicans were liberals compared to the democrats of that time who were decidedly conservative. Even tho there was the GOP and democratic parties in the 1800s.. abolishing slavery (the GOP position) was pretty liberal compared to the democrats position on the subject (only conservatism could give birth to the kkk)...don't think that's true..then why do most out racists, white nationalists vote conservative/republican today? When the basic ideology of the parties flipped (and they did flip) thats when blacks migrated to the democrats.

So unless he's making the case that all those lynchings and acts of domestic terrorism and violence were committed by LIBERALS AND PROGRESSIVES...not only is he promoting a ridiculous narrative but he's a damn fool as well.
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Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Remember yall the ADOS / FBA coons always come around to one takeaway. They don't want you to vote. They'll scream every Tariq bullshit idea and corny insult (tethers) which is just a slight shuffle of anchor baby which white people loved saying, and end it with some excuse to not vote while yelling tangibles.

Byron Donalds, imagine believing a Black American would believe that is the name of a Black American. You guys stick out like a sore thumb in real life. :lol:

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor

Sounds like someone we know.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah he didn't say the words outright, but he was saying the "right" words to let his voters (and daddy trump) know that jim crow was actually not all bad and that those reforms, etc pushed by those civil rights rabble rousers and those dem politicians that his voter's parents and grandparents hated are no good. Only a stupid mufucka like that Lt. Governor of NC would actually say the words (not saying he did... but he's probably licking his chops waiting for his chance to actually say it at the convention later this year).

Hillary Clinton never said the words "black kids are super predators" but she gets shit for saying just that. ...and she was saying that without saying that... just listen to what she didn't say in her apology. She did apologize at least.

Byron knows that we know what he was saying, but his political calculus says don't you dare try to back off of those statements, cause Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon will tell daddy not to bring you into the administration.


He's a sellout piece of shit and I disagree with him regardless but I don't think "life was better for black people under Jim Crow" is a fair representation of his statements.

I think he was arguing that the character (especially the political character) of black people was better during that time, that in the latter half of the 20th century the character of black people was degraded by big government.

Which is utter horseshit. I'm not defending him. But it's not healthy or productive to argue against strawmen, which I what I think everyone is doing here.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1. Racial Cannibalism
2. Mass Incarceration

I would to like to know the impact of Jim Crow, it seems that Mass Incarceration would be harder if shit was segregated. Did white police patrol in black segregated areas?

As soon as integration came into play around 1960-1970, mass incarceration exploded.


Racial Cannibalism which is a favorite tool of Biden has exploded. Where they target athletes, entertainers, and other with highly lucrative opportunities, who turn on their own people. This is rampant and problematic now dealing with these people versus somebody that is just fearful during Jim Crow.

I am now more fearful of being around other blacks that want to barter me off than a white supremacist. We have this caste system of racial cannibalism controlled by whites.
I'm going to answer one of your points and ask you a question on another.

On the question of why incarceration rates go up with integration, it's called white backlash. Anytime there is a gain by minorities in our society, there is a backlash that comes from the other side. Once black people were freed from slavery, the backlash was Jim Crow. Then, Jim Crow is defeated and here we go with harsher sentencing and charging of crimes. All the way down to America having a "black" president and then immediately being subjected to the living breathing example of white privilege. On and on.

Now, this racial cannibalism that you speak of, please provide an example.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
I'm glad someone brought this up. Neither Donalds nor Reid's family's were here to have experienced Jim Crow. So neither one should comment on it and Joy Reid looks like a fucking idiot with that blonde wig on.
Hold up Joy did her research is very easy to do. She understood the assignment. You sir are out of pocket with the Joy Reed comment.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Byron Donalds, imagine believing a Black American would believe that is the name of a Black American. You guys stick out like a sore thumb in real life. :lol:

Can we just cut to the part where you start yelling tethers and tangibles? So we can laugh at how you getting played by a grifter like Tariq.

Hurry we don't have all day.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I'm glad someone brought this up. Neither Donalds nor Reid's family's were here to have experienced Jim Crow. So neither one should comment on it and Joy Reid looks like a fucking idiot with that blonde wig on.

Think of how stupid you have to be to say you had to have experienced Jim Crow to be able to discuss it. As if there isn't huge amounts of info at your fingertips.

You FBA dudes get more stupid every day.

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

There are a few problems with Byron Donald’s idiotic statement, notion of Black “conservatives,” and even how WE THINK of Jim Crow

A thread

Byron Donald’s statement isn’t that uncommon. Every Black person has heard a version of this, whether it is “integration was the worst thing that happened to us,” or what Donalds said.

Those people are dumb
First of all, I will always contend that “integration” never happened. To be fair, my opinion is based on a book many people may disagree with:

It’s called a dictionary.

When did any of this happen? Image
The fact is, Black people were begrudgingly incorporated into WHITE schools and allowed to live in WHITE facilities, but they were never united or incorporated as equals.

That ain’t integration

But thats not even the biggest flaw in this argument
The problem is, that it presupposes that Black people were ASKING to go to white schools and live in white neighborhoods when, in fact, we wanted EQUAL schools and to live WHEREVER WE WANTED

To this day, that STILL hasn’t happened.

Ask @WendellPierce or @ravenscimaven
There’s even a problem with @RepJeffries description of Jim Crow. When talking about Jim Crow, we always revert to murder, rape and the worst-case scenarios. While bad, that isn’t what Jim Crow was about

It was about white supremacy.
Jim Crow was the result of the Compromise of 1877, when 15 white men decided to allow Rutherford B Hayes to become president in exchange for the federal government agreeing to stay out of white racists’ business.

The “business” became known as Jim Crow.
It was STILL illegal to rape, murder and assault Black people under Jim Crow.

Jim Crow laws did something else:

First, it disenfranchised Black voters.

During the period after the Civil War, the Black voter participation rate was 90% in SC and Miss, the two Blackest states
Jim Crow voting laws were about restoring WHITE POWER.

How can anyone know what Black voters wanted under Jim Crow if they couldn’t vote?


If Byron Donalds believes that white people know what better for Black people, he’s an ACTUAL white supremacist
Jim Crow laws didn’t just segregate neighborhoods, it made white property more valuable.

In the 20s Sears Founder Julius Rosenwald announced a plan to donate 50% of funds needed to build Black schools if the Black communities raised the rest
It’s estimated that a third of Black Southerners - where MOST Black people lived during Jim Crow - were educated at Rosenwald schools.

Now this might not seem important but it is. It’s not just that Black people EDUCATED THEMSELVES. Or that segregation was unequal… Image
Jim Crow laws allowed EVERY WHITE PERSON IN AMERICA to STEAL BLACK Taxpayers money and build generational wealth and opportunity.

Black people paid taxes but Black veterans who fought for their country couldn’t get the GI bill.

They paid for colleges they couldn’t attend
They didn’t just paid for libraries they couldn’t enter and parks they couldn’t use, WHITE PEOPLE USED THEM

Forget the heinous crimes, Byron Donalds is saying black people were better when their opportunity and generational wealth was being stolen and given to white people
The worst thing about this idea is the notion that the WHITE PEOPLE were “conservative.”


It’s not fiscally conservative to spend money you didn’t have. A TRUE fiscal conservative would repay this debt

A TRUE fiscal conservative would support reparations
It’s not conservative to disenfranchise Black people. A TRUE CONSERVATIVE would want the actual input of their local community members

A CHRISTIAN conservative wouldn’t support inequality. A SOCIAL conservative wouldn’t want govt involved in religious, sexual & gender beliefs
If you believe in “family values,” wouldn’t you let families decide on their children’s education or sexuality or gender?

Small government, right? But these people don’t believe in a conservative agenda, they believe in a WHITE agenda.
They believe that theft, violence, government interference and racial apartheid is GOOD.

They believe that democracy is bad

Because here’s the thing about Black voters and Jim Crow:
Jim Crow ended about 60 years ago

About 17% of Black voters are over 65, meaning they lived part of their lives under Jim Crow.

ALL of their parents did My parents did

Now answer this:

In the entire history of America Image
Name ONE TIME since Jim Crow ended when a conservative candidate (Democrat or Republican) got at least 17% of the Black vote.

If it was so good, why don’t we want to go back?

Now name one time since the end of Jim Crow when a “conservative” didn’t get a majority of white votes
That’s why this argument is so infuriating.

It’s not about Jim Crow or Conservative values

What they’re saying is that MOST Black people are too dumb to know what’s good for them.

But the white prople do

Because they’re smarter, so they should be in control
And if Byron Donald believes this, he shouldn’t refer to it as “conservative values.”

There’s another term that describes it better Image


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah he didn't say the words outright, but he was saying the "right" words to let his voters (and daddy trump) know that jim crow was actually not all bad and that those reforms, etc pushed by those civil rights rabble rousers and those dem politicians that his voter's parents and grandparents hated are no good. Only a stupid mufucka like that Lt. Governor of NC would actually say the words (not saying he did... but he's probably licking his chops waiting for his chance to actually say it at the convention later this year).

Hillary Clinton never said the words "black kids are super predators" but she gets shit for saying just that. ...and she was saying that without saying that... just listen to what she didn't say in her apology. She did apologize at least.

Byron knows that we know what he was saying, but his political calculus says don't you dare try to back off of those statements, cause Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon will tell daddy not to bring you into the administration.

He's a skilled politician because he can always say I never said life was better for black Americans but black folks know damn well what he was trying to say without actually saying it. As you said he said it to appease Trump and the rest of MAGA. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

There are a few problems with Byron Donald’s idiotic statement, notion of Black “conservatives,” and even how WE THINK of Jim Crow

A thread

Byron Donald’s statement isn’t that uncommon. Every Black person has heard a version of this, whether it is “integration was the worst thing that happened to us,” or what Donalds said.

Those people are dumb
First of all, I will always contend that “integration” never happened. To be fair, my opinion is based on a book many people may disagree with:

It’s called a dictionary.

When did any of this happen? Image
The fact is, Black people were begrudgingly incorporated into WHITE schools and allowed to live in WHITE facilities, but they were never united or incorporated as equals.

That ain’t integration

But thats not even the biggest flaw in this argument
The problem is, that it presupposes that Black people were ASKING to go to white schools and live in white neighborhoods when, in fact, we wanted EQUAL schools and to live WHEREVER WE WANTED

To this day, that STILL hasn’t happened.

Ask @WendellPierce or @ravenscimaven
There’s even a problem with @RepJeffries description of Jim Crow. When talking about Jim Crow, we always revert to murder, rape and the worst-case scenarios. While bad, that isn’t what Jim Crow was about

It was about white supremacy.
Jim Crow was the result of the Compromise of 1877, when 15 white men decided to allow Rutherford B Hayes to become president in exchange for the federal government agreeing to stay out of white racists’ business.

The “business” became known as Jim Crow.
It was STILL illegal to rape, murder and assault Black people under Jim Crow.

Jim Crow laws did something else:

First, it disenfranchised Black voters.

During the period after the Civil War, the Black voter participation rate was 90% in SC and Miss, the two Blackest states
Jim Crow voting laws were about restoring WHITE POWER.

How can anyone know what Black voters wanted under Jim Crow if they couldn’t vote?


If Byron Donalds believes that white people know what better for Black people, he’s an ACTUAL white supremacist
Jim Crow laws didn’t just segregate neighborhoods, it made white property more valuable.

In the 20s Sears Founder Julius Rosenwald announced a plan to donate 50% of funds needed to build Black schools if the Black communities raised the rest
It’s estimated that a third of Black Southerners - where MOST Black people lived during Jim Crow - were educated at Rosenwald schools.

Now this might not seem important but it is. It’s not just that Black people EDUCATED THEMSELVES. Or that segregation was unequal… Image
Jim Crow laws allowed EVERY WHITE PERSON IN AMERICA to STEAL BLACK Taxpayers money and build generational wealth and opportunity.

Black people paid taxes but Black veterans who fought for their country couldn’t get the GI bill.

They paid for colleges they couldn’t attend
They didn’t just paid for libraries they couldn’t enter and parks they couldn’t use, WHITE PEOPLE USED THEM

Forget the heinous crimes, Byron Donalds is saying black people were better when their opportunity and generational wealth was being stolen and given to white people
The worst thing about this idea is the notion that the WHITE PEOPLE were “conservative.”


It’s not fiscally conservative to spend money you didn’t have. A TRUE fiscal conservative would repay this debt

A TRUE fiscal conservative would support reparations
It’s not conservative to disenfranchise Black people. A TRUE CONSERVATIVE would want the actual input of their local community members

A CHRISTIAN conservative wouldn’t support inequality. A SOCIAL conservative wouldn’t want govt involved in religious, sexual & gender beliefs
If you believe in “family values,” wouldn’t you let families decide on their children’s education or sexuality or gender?

Small government, right? But these people don’t believe in a conservative agenda, they believe in a WHITE agenda.
They believe that theft, violence, government interference and racial apartheid is GOOD.

They believe that democracy is bad

Because here’s the thing about Black voters and Jim Crow:
Jim Crow ended about 60 years ago

About 17% of Black voters are over 65, meaning they lived part of their lives under Jim Crow.

ALL of their parents did My parents did

Now answer this:

In the entire history of America Image
Name ONE TIME since Jim Crow ended when a conservative candidate (Democrat or Republican) got at least 17% of the Black vote.

If it was so good, why don’t we want to go back?

Now name one time since the end of Jim Crow when a “conservative” didn’t get a majority of white votes
That’s why this argument is so infuriating.

It’s not about Jim Crow or Conservative values

What they’re saying is that MOST Black people are too dumb to know what’s good for them.

But the white prople do

Because they’re smarter, so they should be in control
And if Byron Donald believes this, he shouldn’t refer to it as “conservative values.”

There’s another term that describes it better Image
Fiyah posting bro :bravo:


He said "during Jim crow more black people voted conservatively". During jim crow Black People weren't allowed to vote. He then refuses to accept accountability that he was wrong saying that. I'm not saying that man is a Narcissist but that's what they do. Refuse to accept accountability when their wrong.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
he was saying that even under jim crow you had blacks as a family unit more so than when democrats policies broke up families such as lyndon john welfare law that made black poor women married to the state to get benefots and the dad couldnt be in the house so to speak.
outside of politics. our grandparents and to some of us here our parents generation had more of a family unit than the last 40 years.of course other factors but govt had a hand in it. im not republican just peep the game of how media tell half truths about what some politicians say and not play the whole clip. it happens on both sides of the aisle

Terrible point

You smarter than this bro... and you know this, low level garbage like this is foolish

We never ever had a chance to even get to that point historically. Family oriented, culture and a system... we NEVER had that because of slavery, can't compare us to ANY OTHER group period, damn sure not the Jews with a deep history going back centuries.

Gotta do better, stop click baiting for internet daps....

As much as a coon Bryon is, a lot of blacks feel the same way low key, they want structure and system that a education CANNOT get them, it's a reason why the black conservative stuff never truly goes away because a lot of people feel somewhat similar at times especially those of us not balling, living like that.
there was a million different ways he could have gotten his "conservative" point across without implying Jim crow was good for black folk.

If what he said, implied or meant was so dead on, he wouldn't be back-tracking as hard as he is, especially when bringing up how black men were treated when caught fucking white women during that time.

You can deflect all you want, but what he said was dumb shit, and ain't no justification for that. No matter how broke black folk are ain't none of them wishing to go back to the glory days of jim crow or slavery.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
This motherfucker is never invited to any family barbecue. If I was some kind to him and see him, I would be his ass.


Rising Star
OG Investor
So what's wrong with Black Families relying on the Federal government? Don't White people in AmeriKKKa rely on the Federal Government, doesn't Wall Street, Doesn't Corporate AmeriKKKa rely on the Government, isn't Isreal and the country of Ukraine relying on our Government so what the fuck is wrong with Black People relying on the Government? We Pay all types of taxes like everyone? Don't we send our kids and other family members to go fight Wars? So fuck any and everybody talking shit about Black People wanting as fair a deal in this Muthafucka as everybody else gets. If I saw that muthafucka walking down the street I'd beat that house niggas brains in with a hammer! And the last thing when was life in Amerikkka so great for Blacks that we want to Conserve it? There is no logical reason for a Black person with any sense or brain to be running around this country claiming to be a CONSERVATIVE, what is yo Black ass trying to CONSERVE?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So what's wrong with Black Families relying on the Federal government? Don't White people in AmeriKKKa rely on the Federal Government, doesn't Wall Street, Doesn't Corporate AmeriKKKa rely on the Government, isn't Isreal and the country of Ukraine relying on our Government so what the fuck is wrong with Black People relying on the Government? We Pay all types of taxes like everyone? Don't we send our kids and other family members to go fight Wars? So fuck any and everybody talking shit about Black People wanting as fair a deal in this Muthafucka as everybody else gets. If I saw that muthafucka walking down the street I'd beat that house niggas brains in with a hammer! And the last thing when was life in Amerikkka so great for Blacks that we want to Conserve it? There is no logical reason for a Black person with any sense or brain to be running around this country claiming to be a CONSERVATIVE, what is yo Black ass trying to CONSERVE?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The Whitewashing of Jim Crow”
Under the lash of sun and sweat,
Shadows stretch, eclipsing dreams
Of those whose names whisper
Beneath magnolia trees,
Blood-slick roots of history’s screams.

In towns where gospel’s hum clashes
With the clang of chains and
Church bells echo sorrow’s hymn,
Black bodies sway like strange fruit, Bitter sweet, the cost of sin.

Their breath a stolen prayer,
Pressed against the iron law,
Hushed by robes that ghost the night, Justice, a mirage seen from afar,
Liberty’s promise always slight.

“Remember when times were better,”
They say, tongues laced with lies, Whitewash thick as white robes,
And ink that stains the pages
Of truth’s ancient cries.

Tell me, better for who? For those who
hung from trees like leaves,
Whose lives were measured in the span
Of cotton bales and broken dreams,
Whose histories we now deceive.

See how they twist the story,
Like a lynch rope pulled tight,
Erase the scars with silver tongues, Conservative songs of might,
Falsehoods veiled in the purest white.

Even those with our own face
Dance to the master’s tune,
Tap shoes striking hollow notes, Shadows flicker ‘neath the moon,
Lost in mirrors, they are marooned.

But listen, beneath the white noise,
Hear the murmurs of the past,
The echoes of a thousand cries,
A history held fast,
Not forgotten, not erased, not cast.

For in each name etched in stone,
In every tale left untold,
Lives a testament of strength,
Souls unbroken, spirit bold,
Stories in the marrow of our bones.

So let them speak their falsehoods,
Try to bend the light,
History will not be silenced,
Even in the darkest night,
The truth, like dawn, always in sight.

We rise on the breath of ancestors,
March on their whispers, strong and fierce, No more masks to hide the pain,
No more lies to pierce,
The heart of truth, forever clear.

Under the lash of sun and sweat,
We carve our future from the past, Remembered, revered, resilient,
A legacy to last,
Against the tide, we hold fast.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Remember yall the ADOS / FBA coons always come around to one takeaway. They don't want you to vote. They'll scream every Tariq bullshit idea and corny insult (tethers) which is just a slight shuffle of anchor baby which white people loved saying, and end it with some excuse to not vote while yelling tangibles.
imagine saying a us congressman & a newscaster born & raised in america cant talk about Jimcrow bcos their parents didn't experience it ? . like saying even tho I studied Armenian genocide in college and am not Armenian somehow i cant speak about it ..