RIP Phife Dawg from Tribe Called Quest

I heard about his passing right after I got to work this morning.

In middle and high school, Tribe was hands-down my favorite group in music period.

They're the reason why I started listening to jazz.

I always wished that I could've seen them perform live after they "broke up."

RIP Phife

Don't be sad ya'll Phife lives on though his music. :bravo::cheers:I remember listening to Low End Theory, Midnight Marauders and Beats, Rhyme and Life on my old black JVC boom box during my college years.:yes::D Got me through some tough times, I liked the gangsta rap but Tribe brought a quirky side to hip hop that was great counter-programming to the gangsta stuff. They let you know it was okay to dance and smile irregardless of your troubles. Rest in Power to my man Phife we'll miss you on this side but you still live on in eternity.:cool:
I heard about his passing right after I got to work this morning.

In middle and high school, Tribe was hands-down my favorite group in music period.

They're the reason why I started listening to jazz.

I always wished that I could've seen them perform live after they "broke up."

RIP Phife

Saw them perform in the Woodlands (right outside of Houston) back in the 90's. First Real hip hop concert I'd every went to. I actually met Phife, and the crew when they came off stage and he autographed a dollar I had.
That track is so underrated IMO.

One of my favorite Tribe song's off all time. A girl who I went to HS with whose older sister worked at Home Depot swore up and down that she contacted Steven Home Depot in NYC and talked to Steven lol smh. I went to HS in Seattle but she would alway's swear by the story. Good Times man RIP Phife :sad: