Maybe he was just a bitch though.
Or maybe you are. Who knows.
What we do know is a man took his life and should be given the proper respect regardless of your personal opinion on what he choose to do. If nothing else, have respect for the family who is dealing with the loss especially if the thought is he failed or didn't consider his kids.
I didn't personally know him, but i know two people who did and they spoke highly of him and his character. I only mention this to say you don't know who is on the board and how they may be feeling even if you don't believe you're doing any harm.
It's easy for someone to say what they wouldn't do. Primarily because you aren't suffering from a mental disorder. Instead of trying to belittle someone for their decisions, your time would be better spent checking on your family and friends to ensure they get the help if needed. We're all guilty of waving people off and downplaying their state or outright saying man up.
I had a friend who came out and said they considered taking their life and my words help them through that time. When I thought back on it, the person would say things that should have caught all of our attention sooner. For some, a reminder that they are valued is enough and others need medication/ongoing counseling.It's not as simple as I loss my girl so let me go swallow these pills because she won't take me back.
I recently had an ex who's brother took his life. He was in the military, so I'm assuming that experience may have potentially caused him to take his life considering he suffered from PTSD for over a decade. I would like to believe he held on as long as he did because of his kids, family and friends.
Not making this a man vs women thing, but women can get the help they need because they aren't made to feel ashamed or less than by society. What man is going to be honest with his friends/family if he's going to be clowned or looked at as weak?even if someone did try to get the man to open up, we've been trained since we were kids/babies that men don't complain or give the appearance of weakness.
We've had people on the board come out and say they were dealing with depression, so it's somewhat surprising to read people down play this to someone being soft or being selfish.