RIP - Stephen 'tWitch' Boss, the famed DJ on Ellen Degeneres' talk show, is dead ... and TMZ has learned it appears to be a suicide.


Transnational Member
I was in a relationship with a transracial black women, I almost committed suicide due to the daily racist abuse from her as she was transitioning. The low point or when I reached rock bottom is when she ran off with her white lover that she always wanted.


I was able to overcome the psychological damage with extensive therapy.


Rising Star
I was in a relationship with a transracial black women, I almost committed suicide due to the daily racist abuse from her as she was transitioning. The low point or when I reached rock bottom is when she ran off with her white lover that she always wanted.


I was able to overcome the psychological damage with extensive therapy.
I know Atlanta made fun of this but many in the black community exisit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why hasn’t anyone in here figured out that put simply, this man was a human sacrifice to the profane hollywood junta/cabal of zionist Khazars that rule western media and in fact the world’s globalist social, political and economic systems that control EVERYTHING. You copper colored, pro white negroids must open your eyes to the ways of these neanderthals, NOW!!!

Him not being able to dunk probably had more to do with his death than it being "A human sacrifice to the profane hollywood junta/cabal of zionist Khazars that rule western media and the world’s globalist social, political and economic systems".

Just saying.


Rising Star
Why hasn’t anyone in here figured out that put simply, this man was a human sacrifice to the profane hollywood junta/cabal of zionist Khazars that rule western media and in fact the world’s globalist social, political and economic systems that control EVERYTHING. You copper colored, pro white negroids must open your eyes to the ways of these neanderthals, NOW!!!
This is obviously a joke, but it does sound a lot like one person that frequents these parts. I wonder who?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I mean you have to because the minute you tell them you’re hurting, they trivialize it. They question your manhood. They dare you to do it. If these are the behaviors of your loved ones…
yea you right man ..i been on this site foe ever and i seen guys reach out trying to get help and these negros on here trashed them and talked about them like you said about being soft etc...there was some that talked to them but most of these hardcore no feeling,rich bgoler ,with the best looking wifes,money grabbing ,fancy car driving people trashed them ..nothing but bullys on this board.i never beefed with anyone but i just sit and watch but the bullies on here are ridiculous......
if i see or hear anyone in need i am always there i have talked a few people off there death street i didnt look at them bad i was just happy i was a hear and able to talk to them like people.thats al most of them want ,they want to know its ok to hurt or be wrong or to have feelings..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yea you right man ..i been on this site foe ever and i seen guys reach out trying to get help and these negros on here trashed them and talked about them like you said about being soft etc...there was some that talked to them but most of these hardcore no feeling,rich bgoler ,with the best looking wifes,money grabbing ,fancy car driving people trashed them ..nothing but bullys on this board.i never beefed with anyone but i just sit and watch but the bullies on here are ridiculous......
if i see or hear anyone in need i am always there i have talked a few people off there death street i didnt look at them bad i was just happy i was a hear and able to talk to them like people.thats al most of them want ,they want to know its ok to hurt or be wrong or to have feelings..
Misery loves company. And a lot of mf are sho nuff miserable.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don’t know what was his circumstances but there’s been a massive increase of Black suicides. There’s something that needs to be done.

It's becoming an epidemic :smh:

Side note: Since there are mostly dudes here(obviously)..Fathers, be there for your kids and not just financially but emotionally even after they turn 18, just be there and be open to talk about whatever..if they need help and they don't want to talk to you about it, do what you have to do to get them the help they need...especially for our young men out here, talking out your problems and therapy is seen as a weakness and men (especially black men) are not allowed to show weakness in this society today.. just be there


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yup. Wrong Anatomy. Nigga ruined the maids life, wife and kids life, all the parents, his friends and so on. The Cac who went to Disneyland and jumped off a ride. Bro, you ruined thousands of kids who saw that shit and their parents.

In that moment, they are not thinking about that..they are thinking about their pain..furthermore,i'm seeing insurance companies not paying if the person dies by suicide


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
You'd be surprised at how many times a man sits in his car, on his bed, in the bathroom, in the living room and holds in his tears because he’s so stressed or lost or confused or hurt or ready to give up...But when he shows his face again he looks perfectly fine, unbothered and he still manages to smile and go about his business like nothing happened... Men are some of the most resilient, overlooked, and in the mind underappreciated to go through so much…Can I speak to your spirit for a second? You are the glue that holds everything and everyone together, your very presence is power, when you speak it resonates and yet your silence is deafening... in all that you go thru as you fight for not only who you are but who you are striving to be, just know I See You!! If you're a man and you're reading this I just wanna say I Love you and I appreciate you!!
When you can't win the day, just keep winning the moment and know that I see you!! It starts from the inside out!!!
Stay strong Men!!!
R.I.P Twitch


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Grown man with young kids, money, wife, healthy and bright future ahead. Let's wife was doing wrong, he had no balls to live for his kids. He knew what he was doing, it selfish cowardly act.

Too much excuse of mental struggle, he just did not know how good his life was compare to rest of the world.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Grown man with young kids, money, wife, healthy and bright future ahead. Let's wife was doing wrong, he had no balls to live for his kids. He knew what he was doing, it selfish cowardly act.

Too much excuse of mental struggle, he just did not know how good his life was compare to rest of the world.


You're right, only poor, sick, single, childless people should suffer from mental illness.

More money more problems is a real thing.

Maybe he was worried about not being able to keep up his front of having it all together. Maybe he couldn't outrun his past demons as it seems his suicide note alluded to.

Having it all doesn't automatically equate to happiness.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I mean you have to because the minute you tell them you’re hurting, they trivialize it. They question your manhood. They dare you to do it. If these are the behaviors of your loved ones…

A lot of black folks don't take things seriously. It always have to be a laugh....everything always have to be made into a joke. Then everything else is sitting idly by and letting God handle it. I'm all for including God, but I'm not with thinking there's no action or accountability to be had on a personal level.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Grown man with young kids, money, wife, healthy and bright future ahead. Let's wife was doing wrong, he had no balls to live for his kids. He knew what he was doing, it selfish cowardly act.

Too much excuse of mental struggle, he just did not know how good his life was compare to rest of the world.
It's all relative. Things being good, doesn't necessarily mean things are good. As someone that has personally dealt with suicidal thoughts and two attempts, I have a decent life, but suicide sometimes feels like the only way to stop the negative thoughts. Sometimes they just keep talking to you. Even as a sit in a warm house, with a PS5, refrigerator full of food, a hard drive full of good movies...they keep telling me I'm not good enough. I'm very empathetic to people that hear the voices, because I've heard them, listened to them, and desperately tried to fight them. They got to Twitch on a bad day when he wasn't fit to fight them off.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Grown man with young kids, money, wife, healthy and bright future ahead. Let's wife was doing wrong, he had no balls to live for his kids. He knew what he was doing, it selfish cowardly act.

Too much excuse of mental struggle, he just did not know how good his life was compare to rest of the world.

Agreed. That shit was selfish and cowardly. Everyone dies. It's a part of life. No one gets out alive.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor

You're right, only poor, sick, single, childless people should suffer from mental illness.

More money more problems is a real thing.

Maybe he was worried about not being able to keep up his front of having it all together. Maybe he couldn't outrun his past demons as it seems his suicide note alluded to.

Having it all doesn't automatically equate to happiness.
Naw, mental ilness is first world problems. Right now people in Somalia are being starved to death, where are the mass suicides?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It's all relative. Things being good, doesn't necessarily mean things are good. As someone that has personally dealt with suicidal thoughts and two attempts, I have a decent life, but suicide sometimes feels like the only way to stop the negative thoughts. Sometimes they just keep talking to you. Even as a sit in a warm house, with a PS5, refrigerator full of food, a hard drive full of good movies...they keep telling me I'm not good enough. I'm very empathetic to people that hear the voices, because I've heard them, listened to them, and desperately tried to fight them. They got to Twitch on a bad day when he wasn't fit to fight them off.
Glad you with us bro. Amen to that fucking post.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
By the way, people in entertainment can be very prone to depression. Comedian Bill Burr talks about this a lot on his podcast.

The pressure to always be "on". Always be smiling and's just not realistic. It's why Chris Rock said "Will Smith is the greatest actor ever. He's been playing "Will Smith" for 30 plus years".

Some of the greatest creative material comes out of depression and bad memories...your favorite rap music and movie performances. Look at DMX's life for example.

All the things that you have to live for are the things that make it hard to continue on sometimes.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
By the way, people in entertainment can be very prone to depression. Comedian Bill Burr talks about this a lot on his podcast.

The pressure to always be "on". Always be smiling and's just not realistic. It's why Chris Rock said "Will Smith is the greatest actor ever. He's been playing "Will Smith" for 30 plus years".

Some of the greatest creative material comes out of depression and bad memories...your favorite rap music and movie performances. Look at DMX's life for example.

All the things that you have to live for are the things that make it hard to continue on sometimes.
This is why I fuck with Marshawn Lynch. Dude is the same person 24-7. He's cursing on tv, drinking, doesn't try to sound professional. Just a dude from Oakland that made it to the league, and looks out for the community.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Glad you with us bro. Amen to that fucking post.
Thanks. I make an effort to speak to people having the thoughts, because I've been there before. It's a lot to keep up the image of being fine, and I tell people to stay the hell off social media aka the highlight reel. Those glamor accounts are the cause of a lot of depression, while ironically hiding the depression of the person in the photos.

55th View

Rising Star
This is why I fuck with Marshawn Lynch. Dude is the same person 24-7. He's cursing on tv, drinking, doesn't try to sound professional. Just a dude from Oakland that made it to the league, and looks out for the community.

Foolishness. There’s a time to be casual vs professional. That kind of thinking will limit your potential in so many ways. Pls don't pass this along to your kids.