RIP to the G.O.A.T. Muhammad Ali


Rising Star
Peace FAM,

A memorable MUHAMMAD ALI story I heard was from a friend.
My friend grew up in LA, CA in an area east of USC.
My Friend told me when they were kid. He and a group of kids from his neighborhood would ride their bikes over to the HANCOCK PARK area.
But the portion:
  • over near FREEMONT PLACE.
  • its now a gated community
  • access is very difficult.
The homes in this area are gargantuan and super, super nice and exclusive.

My Buddy said they were riding their bikes in the area one day and saw MUHAMMAD ALI. They stopped and started talking to ALI. My Buddy said ALI stopped and:
  • Really kicked it with them
  • Asked everybody their names
  • Asked what they wanted to be in life
  • Talked to them about life in general on a level 10-12 year olds could understand
  • Play fought with a couple of them
  • Invited them to come back next time in the area
Sometime later my Buddy and friends were in the area bike riding again. They wanted to stop at ALI'S house but everybody was scared. His friends dared him to go up and ring the door bell. So he did.

My Buddy told me he was so scared it all seemed like a dream. I can't remember if he stated ALI or another person came to the door. But ALI came out:
  • he remembered my Buddy and his friends
  • kicked it with my Buddy and his friends just as before.
  • Showed the same concern and love
  • talked to them about school,
  • staying out of trouble
  • helping your community
My Buddy told me when they were kicking it with ALI someone inquired about who they were. My Buddy told me ALI told the person/persons:


My Buddy said that moment was special but he didn't know how. He told me when he got older he understood it as true BROTHERHOOD and LOVE!

The few times I heard my Buddy tell this story. My thoughts were always...



Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member

You know you’re the greatest when millions admire you, including music icon Prince.

Muhammad Ali’s death on Friday came just over a month after the legendary singer died.

Ali lived a life of purpose and passion. His influence extended well beyond the boxing ring and he left a lasting impact on his many admirers. Prince was one of them.

The musician met Ali for the first time at a 1997 press conference intended to promote The World Healing Honors, a benefit concert raising money for charities that confronted and worked to eliminate bigotry and prejudice around the globe,according to The Los Angeles Times.

The pair had much in common: both were incredibly talented, shared passionate religious beliefs and used their platforms to speak out about issues most important to them.

On the day they met, the two stars sat onstage together as Prince shared powerful words about his admiration for Ali.

“My friend called me a couple of days ago and asked me. He said, Muhammad wants you to — and I said ‘Yes,’” the singer told a crowd of reporters. “I didn’t even let him finish. He could have said, ‘Mow the lawn,’ and I would have been down with it. Muhammad’s my hero. He has been since I was a child. As you can see, he’s such an inspiration to many people.”

It's crazy,how Prince and Ali died within two months of each other :smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster



One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Peace FAM,

A memorable MUHAMMAD ALI story I heard was from a friend.
My friend grew up in LA, CA in an area east of USC.
My Friend told me when they were kid. He and a group of kids from his neighborhood would ride their bikes over to the HANCOCK PARK area.
But the portion:
  • over near FREEMONT PLACE.
  • its now a gated community
  • access is very difficult.
The homes in this area are gargantuan and super, super nice and exclusive.

My Buddy said they were riding their bikes in the area one day and saw MUHAMMAD ALI. They stopped and started talking to ALI. My Buddy said ALI stopped and:
  • Really kicked it with them
  • Asked everybody their names
  • Asked what they wanted to be in life
  • Talked to them about life in general on a level 10-12 year olds could understand
  • Play fought with a couple of them
  • Invited them to come back next time in the area
Sometime later my Buddy and friends were in the area bike riding again. They wanted to stop at ALI'S house but everybody was scared. His friends dared him to go up and ring the door bell. So he did.

My Buddy told me he was so scared it all seemed like a dream. I can't remember if he stated ALI or another person came to the door. But ALI came out:
  • he remembered my Buddy and his friends
  • kicked it with my Buddy and his friends just as before.
  • Showed the same concern and love
  • talked to them about school,
  • staying out of trouble
  • helping your community
My Buddy told me when they were kicking it with ALI someone inquired about who they were. My Buddy told me ALI told the person/persons:


My Buddy said that moment was special but he didn't know how. He told me when he got older he understood it as true BROTHERHOOD and LOVE!

The few times I heard my Buddy tell this story. My thoughts were always...


Sounds right bro. One of my best friends growing ups father was an ex sparring partner for Ali, and a bodyguard for the Jackson 5. His sister called Ali (She lived in the area you described) for us once back in the day and we spoke to him on the phone. One of the highlights of my life man.

Ali was the greatest.


BGOL Investor
They say The Champ died of Septic Shock. What is that, exactly?

long story short, when one of your organs fail or rupture, then your body tries to fight off what liquid (which is very TOXIC to everything else in your body) that failed organ gets released in your body, yet it simply cannot, your body tries to fight the toxic liquid as attack, yet its not, nothing your body can do can fight it, its a futile fight, your body just simply fail organ by organ, until heart & brain activity stops,

picture your tummy gets ruptured, and those stomach acids (which can dissolve the worst foods you can eat) simply gets released inside your body, that toxic acid begins to eat against your lungs, your heart, and every other organ in your body, slowly dissolving everything in its path.
its like liquid draino going all around your body eating everything..


its one of the most painful events that can occur. usualy taking several hours to take effect.
they usualy put you on very high dose of morphine and let you die.
but there is nothing they else they can do for the pain to stop..

this is why i believe in assisted suicide.
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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
long story short, when one of your organs fail or rupture, then your body tries to fight off what toxic liquid that failed organ released in your body, yet it simply cannot, your body just simply fail organ by organ, its one of the most painfull events that can occur. usualy taking several hours to take effect.
Thanks, I thought it was something like that.


Rising Star
Sounds right bro. One of my best friends growing ups father was an ex sparring partner for Ali, and a bodyguard for the Jackson 5. His sister called Ali (She lived in the area you described) for us once back in the day and we spoke to him on the phone. One of the highlights of my life man.

Ali was the greatest.

Peace LS,

Yeah, my Buddy and few old school kats have also told me that ALI always tried to make time for the children.

Can you imagine how any of the current superstars would handlea group of kids from the ghetto riding their bikes into his/her exclusive neighborhood. Knocking on their door and saying:

"_________ (celebrity name) told us to stop by and kick it, when we are the area. Can _______ (celebrity name) have some company?"

Do you think the following would come out and kick it with he youth:

  • Lebron
  • Kobe
  • Jay-z
  • Drake
  • Kevin Hart
  • Oprah
  • Beyoncé
  • Denzel
  • Will Smith
  • Obama
It was a very different time, BLACK MAN, BLACK PEOPLE and understanding of our duty to "OUR PEOPLE."

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BGOL Investor
"Eulogies from former President Bill Clinton, journalist Bryant Gumbel and comedian Billy Crystal"

Can someone explain this bs please????

Also....someone made a good point to me. Todays Black athletes can barely hold their own during press trying to "speak" on the behalf of Black America could prove disastrous. One way they can do their best "Ali impersonation" is by helping Black folks economically.
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Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor

Got damn. :itsawrap:

"Eulogies from former President Bill Clinton, journalist Bryant Gumbel and comedian Billy Crystal"

Can someone explain this bs please????

Also....someone made a good point to me. Todays Black athletes can barely hold their own during press trying to "speak" on the behalf of Black America could prove disastrous. One way they can do their best "Ali impersonation" is by helping Black folks economically.
explain what? You think their names were pulled out of thin air without the blessing of the family and/or Ali?

Clinton and crystal are obvious, but do some research on gumble and you'll find that he had an incredible reverence for Ali


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I just knew when the news reported respiratory infection that it was probably more severe. R.I.P. Champ.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He is us and we should be like him, proud to be black and strong. There will be no other man ever!!!! to walk in his foot steps for what he has done for all mankind regardless of race. Peace be upon him that is greatest of all humanity, you may rest in arms of the creator, We ALL LOVE YOU CHAMP!


Rising Star
Platinum Member

I agree the media definitely wanted to show you a fallen CHAMPION. But his accomplishments were so great inside the ring and gargantuan outside the ring. Try as they may they could never tarnish what the BROTHER accomplished.

The pride I saw he instilled in the MEN of my FATHER'S era was a thing a pride that resonated into me and my generation.

No, BROTHER they can not destroy that!

When he lit the Olympic Cauldron, I didn't see Ali as a fallen champion at all.

I looked at it as someone who was ill, but was determined to light the Olympic cauldron without dropping the torch...and he did it! And he raised the torch afterwards! And he did all of this even though his hand and arm was shaking visibly!

I read a story where he talked about being approached to light the Olympic flame. He said he wasn't sure if he wanted to do it, but when he did, he was afraid that he was going to drop the torch, or burn himself, someone else, or something...but he was determined to do it right.

I remember watching the Opening Ceremony that night, and screaming, "ALI! ALI! ALI!" when I saw him light the Cauldron. I was (and continue to be) proud of him, but I was especially proud of him on that night.