RoadRage Has A Passion For Wombmen

Art Vandelay

Why do faggots like to call trannies and transgenders women? A woman is short for womb man or a man with a womb, those homos no matter what they cut off or implant are nothing but wombless men....


BTW I urge real men to start referring to women as wombmen just to let these trannies know that we aren't referring to them!!!!

For those who don't know here is what a womb (uturus ) is, something these trannies are lying and claiming to have!!!

Show me one tranny post op or what ever that has one of those and I will stop calling them faggots....

Roadrage: I've seen a lot of wombmen in my day. But I think you're the wombman I've been looking for my entire life.

Woman: Why are you calling me a wombman?

Roadrage, whispering in the woman's ear: Where some may refer to you as women, I refer to you as wombmen, just to make sure these trannies know that I'm not referring to them.

Woman, stepping backward with her hand on the wall for support: I see... Um, I'm going to go now... (*Runs away quickly*)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
they dont give a fuck bout that..

they just want 2 know if your credit is good,

and if you paying for dinner

before you even open your mouth

they already decided if they would fuck

you or not...

you can call em bitch if your lifestyle is right!!


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
This thread reeks from the smell of pure unadulterated homonism, because unless a woman had a hysterectomy procedure, something I can exclude because technically she was born a woman, any real woman with brains would get my point real easily...
In short I am praising women or wombmen not blowing it by suggesting an imitation or facsimile is the equivalent of what god has blessed the world with, the same way I defend my masculinity the same way I suggest it can not be replicated by some dike with a dildo strapped between her legs..
Basically a tranny can, according to the way the laws are written up, legally lie to you and say its a woman, but unless they have a womb they can never claim to be a wombman...
I am just hipping folks to fight against the the homo fuckery, WTF are you fighting for?


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
A wombman is a human born with a womb, lord knows what a woman is... All I know is that white devil looking like the one in your sig, altered the word to make it more inclusive, to include all even the ones with out a uterus...
Sorry I am not down with that definition, to me women have to be born with a uterus or womb, not that other funny business your trying to push!!!!!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 11678785-womb-man-poetry-by-kai-heru-rama_zpsc7ec88b1.jpg"/></a>


Rising Star


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor

Here are some conscious sisters who refer to themselves as wombmen... :yes: Yeah I have a passion for them..


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor

I think we all get what YOU are saying.

But why the need for an attempted BEEF thread is the confusion.

You assume they get it, because you get it but to some the concept is new and foreign and they don't understand how/why the sacred womb is taken out of the term woman and replaced with a more inclusive wo that can legally include trannies men..
In terms of legality if you were to list women only transgenders who have been legally deemed women in certain states could respond.... But if you list the term wombmen only, legally no man can respond.
Look I didn't make this beef thread, nor am I even responding to the silly beef, I am here educating folks while exposing they gay propaganda and hidden loophole that is embodied in the word woman..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So the term wombman or females born with a womb sounds funny to you, yet a person who may or maynot be born with womb being labeled a woman is ok...:rolleyes:
Gotcha, and I am also getting why they used to call fags funny...

Go outside and get you some fresh air...and watch out for that Ebola going around.........


Rising Star
But that's not what woman means.

At all.


And recently i've come to the realization that people can be whatever the hell they want to be. And it's disrespectful to call them otherwise. It's arrogant.

It's insensitive.

If a transgender person wants to be called a man or a woman. It's not my place to try to dictate to them what they are. But woman doesn't mean wombman. That's an etymological fallacy.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
roadrage's vibe often bends toward inmate who was recently allowed internet access
But that's not what woman means.

At all.


And recently i've come to the realization that people can be whatever the hell they want to be. And it's disrespectful to call them otherwise. It's arrogant.

It's insensitive.

If a transgender person wants to be called a man or a woman. It's not my place to try to dictate to them what they are. But woman doesn't mean wombman. That's an etymological fallacy.
see this is that dumb shit

it's fallacy to call you something other than what your biology makes you simply because it's what you want.

i can understand wanting to be called something, but just because a cat feels better about acting like a dog because he got you to call it a dog, doesn't make it a fucking dog and it doesn't make everyone else wrong for calling it a cat.

because it's a fucking cat.

now if it wants to be called a dog and everyone agrees that it's feelings are important enough that we all suspend our understanding of biological scientific reality so that we don't hurt them by calling it exactly what the fuck it is...then so be it.

but that's fucking stupid.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
But that's not what woman means.

At all.


And recently i've come to the realization that people can be whatever the hell they want to be. And it's disrespectful to call them otherwise. It's arrogant.

It's insensitive.

If a transgender person wants to be called a man or a woman. It's not my place to try to dictate to them what they are. But woman doesn't mean wombman. That's an etymological fallacy.

If a transgender wants to be called a woman so be it, the word has no etymology meaning, but they can not refer to themselves as wombmen, because as the prefix of the word specifically implies, a womb must be present or one time present in the body...
Thats why I say I only fucks with wombmen (no tranny loopholes) as opposed to the Mr Cee's in the world and on bgol, who fucks with females with and with out a womb...


Rising Star
roadrage's vibe often bends toward inmate who was recently allowed internet accesssee this is that dumb shit

it's fallacy to call you something other than what your biology makes you simply because it's what you want.

i can understand wanting to be called something, but just because a cat feels better about acting like a dog because he got you to call it a dog, doesn't make it a fucking dog and it doesn't make everyone else wrong for calling it a cat.

because it's a fucking cat.

now if it wants to be called a dog and everyone agrees that it's feelings are important enough that we all suspend our understanding of biological scientific reality so that we don't hurt them by calling it exactly what the fuck it is...then so be it.

but that's fucking stupid.

I see your viewpoint. And i once thought the same.

I don't want to be a part of denying another human being the right to be anything other, than what they say.

In my view. White thinking has seeped so firmly into the people that we think these thoughts are our own.

Whites said for centuries my own kind weren't fit to be human and denied us our right to call ourselves what we wanted. And they're STILL doing it.

I don't want to do that to anyone else anymore.

Just how i see it now.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Is anyone here ok with a tranny or a transgender calling themselves a wombman? Because thats shits is like a dyke calling herself a man with testicales that produce sperm..


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor

If you don't see the humor in a dude proposing "real men" should redefine woman because of transvestites, that's you.

The real problem is that there are states that are pushing to redefine what a woman is, in many of their definition a women refers to one gender identity or how they identify themselves as not anything to do with their physical anatomy... You may roll your eyes and call it semantics but semantics is how 90% of the law is govern, to see how that shit can be totally fucked up, just imagine going to Vegas, or where ever and seeing a sign saying all women strip club, only to find out the chick giving you a lap dance is really a dude, and you flip out after finding out punching it in the face.... Well if you were to tell the story exactly the way I typed it, your ass will be sent to jail, based on semantics...
However if the sign were to read 100% wombmen then you could not only get away with the assault charges, but also you could sue...
So wombman is a leagal way of saying no homos and depending on the state woman may not...
If you going to challenge me challenge me on that claim (my true argument, not some other dumb shit you made up in your mind!


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
this nigga said "man with a womb" I don't even wanna start laughing cuz I'm hit a fit and break something nearby


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
roadrage's vibe often bends toward inmate who was recently allowed internet access
Actually 90% of the shit I type comes off the top of my dome, I only use sources like youtube and google as references material, only because it quicker and more convenient than typing, shit I type enough as it is..
This is why when folks challenge me on something, I can quickly respond back as opposed to the internet fakes who have to spend all day looking for bullshit to support their claims...


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
this nigga said "man with a womb" I don't even wanna start laughing cuz I'm hit a fit and break something nearby

You think I invented the term..:rolleyes: I guess I must have made these also..

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo maxresdefault_zpsd0e71dec.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo wombman-final-flyer_zps983f074e.jpg"/></a>

Yall coons and homo sympathisers can keep your white man definition what a female is (someone who identifies themselves as a female) I will stick to the definition of my people, a human that is born with a womb!!!!!


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Ok I don't have a dog in this fight, but I get what Roadrage is saying.

those homos no matter what they cut off or implant are nothing but wombless men....

Yall have heard me say for years I have a gay nephew, he's openly gay, never been with a woman...absolutely love men, but I have to tell him and some of his friends sometimes, no matter what you think or how you act, you are a MAN.

It's not to discredit their sexuality...

Oh well RR I get it.

We fight over the craziest things in life sometimes.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
I see your viewpoint. And i once thought the same.

I don't want to be a part of denying another human being the right to be anything other, than what they say.

In my view. White thinking has seeped so firmly into the people that we think these thoughts are our own.

Whites said for centuries my own kind weren't fit to be human and denied us our right to call ourselves what we wanted. And they're STILL doing it.

I don't want to do that to anyone else anymore.

Just how i see it now.
now see

you fuckin round with serious shit right now

white people treating and seeing us as less as a means to justify global atrocities that resulted in the violent murder and rape of millions upon millions of people based on a FALSE IDEA that we were less


as people calling you what you, by definition and by biology, PHYSICALLY ARE, and you not liking that because you wanna be called something that you BIOLOGICALLY ARE NOT.

one is based in falsehood to justify genocide, the other is some true shit that some people would rather you not observe because of how it makes them feel. which, objectively speaking, i am neither speaking to the moral rightness or wrongness of the nomenclature chosen.

usually i'd cuss the fuck out of anyone who would make such a blasphemously incorrect intimation, but i'm not trying to go there with you today

but all that black power shit you talk is out the window if you are cool with that level of ancestral disrespect.

The scary thing is that there are some fine as trannies where you have to be extra careful now.
this muhfucka here

Actually 90% of the shit I type comes off the top of my dome, I only use sources like youtube and google as references material, only because it quicker and more convenient than typing, shit I type enough as it is..
This is why when folks challenge me on something, I can quickly respond back as opposed to the internet fakes who have to spend all day looking for bullshit to support their claims...
fucking witcha homie, the world needs thinkers.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Ok I don't have a dog in this fight, but I get what Roadrage is saying.

Yall have heard me say for years I have a gay nephew, he's openly gay, never been with a woman...absolutely love men, but I have to tell him and some of his friends sometimes, no matter what you think or how you act, you are a MAN.

It's not to discredit their sexuality...

Oh well RR I get it.

We fight over the craziest things in life sometimes.

Its a deeper subject than most are giving credit to or understand.. The way the laws are being written often defines terms like female and women to be gender id, however when you look up the term gender identification you get shit like this..

Note: in certain states a tranny can have female on their state issue id cards because they use it and the word woman as references to their gender identity.

Sexual orientation

"Sexual orientation" is the preferred term used when referring to an individual's physical and/or emotional attraction to the same and/or opposite gender. "Gay," "lesbian," "bisexual" and "straight" are all examples of sexual orientations. A person's sexual orientation is distinct from a person's gender identity and expression.

Gender identity

The term "gender identity," distinct from the term "sexual orientation," refers to a person's innate, deeply felt psychological identification as a man, woman or some other gender, which may or may not correspond to the sex assigned to them at birth (e.g., the sex listed on their birth certificate).

Gender expression

Gender expression refers to all of the external characteristics and behaviors that are socially defined as either masculine or feminine, such as dress, grooming, mannerisms, speech patterns and social interactions. Social or cultural norms can vary widely and some characteristics that may be accepted as masculine, feminine or neutral in one culture may not be assessed similarly in another.


Transgender – or trans – is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity or expression is different from those typically associated with the sex assigned to them at birth (e.g., the sex listed on their birth certificate). Not all people who consider themselves (or who may be considered by others as) transgender will undergo a gender transition. Find related transgender definitions and terminology by visiting our Transgender FAQ.

Gender transition

Transitioning is the process some transgender people go through to begin living as the gender with which they identify, rather than the sex assigned to them at birth. This may or may not include hormone therapy, sex reassignment surgery and other medical procedures. Read more.


So in other words if you hit a tranny you can be charged (depending on the state) as assaulting a female.. Shit they are pushing, and may have it on the books already that if your tricked into marrying a man or someone that is born a man, you have no legs to stand on once you find out its really a man, because due to the law, its really a female or woman..
Another case is that if your renting a room and you list women only and you get tricked by some tranny, you have no leg to stand on, I don't know if its legal to list wombman only but if they try to sue then you in theory should be able to sue places that rent only to men or women or rather men and women who only identify themselves as while discriminating against people who don't.
Anyway the term wombman negates all of that fuckery, and if your a strait man, you should understand and use it to your advantage or to combat the fuckery they are trying to shove down our throats...


Super Moderator
now see

you fuckin round with serious shit right now

white people treating and seeing us as less as a means to justify global atrocities that resulted in the violent murder and rape of millions upon millions of people based on a FALSE IDEA that we were less


as people calling you what you, by definition and by biology, PHYSICALLY ARE, and you not liking that because you wanna be called something that you BIOLOGICALLY ARE NOT.

one is based in falsehood to justify genocide, the other is some true shit that some people would rather you not observe because of how it makes them feel. which, objectively speaking, i am neither speaking to the moral rightness or wrongness of the nomenclature chosen.

usually i'd cuss the fuck out of anyone who would make such a blasphemously incorrect intimation, but i'm not trying to go there with you today

but all that black power shit you talk is out the window if you are cool with that level of ancestral disrespect.

Dawg . . . . you already know.

You're just putting knowledge and energy out there, where it doesn't need to be.

Brother, we got other conflicts that could you use your input.