RoadRage Has A Passion For Wombmen


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

:lol:That is the look niggas be having when they find out the "it" they thought was fine is a dude:lol:

In Atlanta you better do your do diligence because it aint like the old days were fags looked like drag queens. This niggas looking like real females now and they like trying to fool niggas.

If you downtown Atlanta you got to keep an eye for these fags man:smh:


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Whats funny is the same reaction I am getting here is the same reaction I got when I tell some christians Negros that Jesus is a myth or Egyptians were black and Egypt was called Kemet.
Folks find it hard to believe that whitey is capable of pulling the wool over their eyes..


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Truth be told, the white mans nature is homosexual and they have always been against the female principle often attacking the sacred womb and the feminine aspect of god.. This is why any sexually active woman or female who uses their womb has been vilified in the white mans bible..
Why do you think they had to invent mother nature (isn't nature really god?), why they took the womb out of the cross (Ankh) and why they changed the sacred mother father and child trinity to the father son and the holy spirit...
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo africa_egypt_cross_zps8efcd40b.gif"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Egyptian-Trinity_zps5a061832.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo female-sign_zpsd5946094.jpg"/></a>
Translated, wombman, the circle or spare is the representation of the female principle or the womb and the plus represents man...


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Damn this thread got quiet quick, some of yall thought it was going to be one way...
While the OP got the fuck out of dodge!!!!:lol:


Rising Star
now see

you fuckin round with serious shit right now

white people treating and seeing us as less as a means to justify global atrocities that resulted in the violent murder and rape of millions upon millions of people based on a FALSE IDEA that we were less


as people calling you what you, by definition and by biology, PHYSICALLY ARE, and you not liking that because you wanna be called something that you BIOLOGICALLY ARE NOT.

one is based in falsehood to justify genocide, the other is some true shit that some people would rather you not observe because of how it makes them feel. which, objectively speaking, i am neither speaking to the moral rightness or wrongness of the nomenclature chosen.

usually i'd cuss the fuck out of anyone who would make such a blasphemously incorrect intimation, but i'm not trying to go there with you today

but all that black power shit you talk is out the window if you are cool with that level of ancestral disrespect.

this muhfucka here

fucking witcha homie, the world needs thinkers.

I disagree.

And Depends on the ancestors. Go back far enough you'll find people who probably didn't give a shit what you called yourself or paraded yourself around as.


Rising Star
Is anyone here ok with a tranny or a transgender calling themselves a wombman? Because thats shits is like a dyke calling herself a man with testicales that produce sperm..

I'm ok with them calling themselves whatever the hell they want. They have the right and freedom to call themselves whatever they like.

You have the right to exist as you choose. So do others.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
RoadRage accepts this woman and will stop calling trannies faggots...

CBS News: Man goes to hospital with stomach ache, gets uterus removed

There you go looking for fruity loop holes so you and your type can be a woman...
Did I really have to specify hermaphrodites for you? Freaks of nature are the exception not the norm so just leave it at that..:smh:
IN that case it was born defectively with both sex organs so yes its a woman as well as a man, but sorry I only fuck with wombmen not part wombman part man..
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Art Vandelay

There you go looking for fruity loop holes so you and your type can be a woman...
Did I really have to specify hermaphrodites for you? Freaks of nature are the exception not the norm so just leave it at that..:smh:
IN that case it was born defectively with both sex organs so yes its a woman as well as a man, but sorry I only fuck with wombmen not part wombman part man..

I thought you defined woman as man + womb?

It's not my fault you don't know what a woman is...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Truth be told, the white mans nature is homosexual and they have always been against the female principle often attacking the sacred womb and the feminine aspect of god.. This is why any sexually active woman or female who uses their womb has been vilified in the white mans bible..
Why do you think they had to invent mother nature (isn't nature really god?), why they took the womb out of the cross (Ankh) and why they changed the sacred mother father and child trinity to the father son and the holy spirit...
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo africa_egypt_cross_zps8efcd40b.gif"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Egyptian-Trinity_zps5a061832.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo female-sign_zpsd5946094.jpg"/></a>
Translated, wombman, the circle or spare is the representation of the female principle or the womb and the plus represents man...

I feel what you sayin, Im was just sayin chicks dont care if you say,

woman I love you or wombman I love you..

but hell yea historically the european have woman issues, look at the catholic church,

they be like,

the father, the son and the holy spirit,

da fuck??

holy fuckin spirit...

so you got the father right.. male, the son right.. male, then when you get to the main part the Mother you come up with some gotdam holy spirit...

not to mention the underground pedophile ring they run with the rest of the global parasites, . but thats another thread...

there is a reason why the feminist movement is 99 percent european women..

a big fuckin reason!!


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor

I thought you defined woman as man + womb?

It's not my fault you don't know what a woman is...

A woman is human with a womb, and when the term man is used (as in mankind it refers to both male and female, like wise when they say a woman is a man with a womb it is spoken in general terms as mankind or human..
Do you think prehistoric man were all males?:smh: Or does that have to be explained to you also..
So women are the portion of mankind that bares the womb a man are the portion of mankind that are born with testicles and a dick...
If you were born with both then you are a freak of nature on the same level as a guy born with two heads.. Yet most would consider humans to have only one head...
Like I said, stop,for fruit loop holes, not a good look caping for homos!


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I feel what you sayin, Im was just sayin chicks dont care if you say,

woman I love you or wombman I love you..

but hell yea historically the european have woman issues, look at the catholic church,

they be like,

the father, the son and the holy spirit,

da fuck??

holy fuckin spirit...

so you got the father right.. male, the son right.. male, then when you get to the main part the Mother you come up with some gotdam holy spirit...

not to mention the underground pedophile ring they run with the rest of the global parasites, . but thats another thread...

there is a reason why the feminist movement is 99 percent european women..

a big fuckin reason!!
Many of our people are lost and teaching them can be abrasive at times especially with all the bullshit brainwashing most people especially woman have to go through.. Remember women have always been the bearer of civilization, in other words their job is to pass civilization, rules, mores, religion to the next generation... Our job is to question and create civilization that is best suited for our people..
The problem is the gay agenda attacks the mind of the black man, causing us to be more emotional and think more like women, following instead of being the natural leaders we were meant to be...


Rising Star

Basically a tranny can, according to the way the laws are written up, legally lie to you and say its a woman, but unless they have a womb they can never claim to be a wombman...
I am just hipping folks to fight against the the homo fuckery, WTF are you fighting for?

In regards to this. There's a way to handle this. If you want to fight people on what they want to be called, and make it difficult for them - there's a potential of a lot of them doing this out of spite.

However, if we're more accepting and understanding, while also voicing OUR RIGHTS, i think we can have respect all around.

For instance. You tell a trans woman, you can call yourself woman, fuck it, do you. But all straight people ask is that you give them the opportunity to choose as well, that they HAVE the RIGHT to choose to be only with women who are born women.

Now if that's what they want, and you (the trans woman) deny them that for your own selfish needs (ironically what we do to them right now - which is why i say this can create a dangerous possibility as science improves) then you can be charged with RAPE.

Remember, rape is about consent. You can probably have the laws changed. So Rape can now cover a man who was told he was having sex with a woman when it turned out to be a trans woman.

If a regular woman wants to have sex with a twin, and his twin brother fucks her first and she doesn't know, but finds out later...she can cry rape. Similar concept.

While verbal consent is not an absolute requirement for consensual sexual activity, verbal communication prior to engaging in sex helps to clarify consent. Communicating verbally before engaging in sexual activity is imperative.

However potentially awkward it may seem, talking about your own and your partner's sexual desires, needs, and limitations provide a basis for a positive experience.

Consent must be clear and unambiguous for each participant at every stage of a sexual encounter. The absence of "no" should not be understood to mean there is consent.

So basically a man can say, I consent to sex with a woman who was born with female genitalia/female sexual organs.



So if they lie, you scream rape. This kind of case will be a doozy when ever it happens. And it will happen.


Rising Star
Many of our people are lost and teaching them can be abrasive at times especially with all the bullshit brainwashing most people especially woman have to go through.. Remember women have always been the bearer of civilization, in other words their job is to pass civilization, rules, mores, religion to the next generation... Our job is to question and create civilization that is best suited for our people..
The problem is the gay agenda attacks the mind of the black man, causing us to be more emotional and think more like women, following instead of being the natural leaders we were meant to be...

Sorry. But imagine a white guy in 1963 saying this about black people. That conversation happened, I guarantee it.

I say live and let fucking live. Let's just safeguard those who don't want to be a part of that. The men who want only real women, the women who want only real men.

This world is gonna get real confusing soon. I can't call it.

Art Vandelay

So basically a man can say, I consent to sex with a woman who was born with female genitalia/female sexual organs.



So if they lie, you scream rape. This kind of case will be a doozy when ever it happens. And it will happen.

Sounds so romantic.

Like that Notorious BIG & R Kelly song:

"You must be used to me spending
And all that sweet wining and dining
Well, I'm consenting to sex with a woman who was born with female genitalia/female sexual organs tonight"


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
In regards to this. There's a way to handle this. If you want to fight people on what they want to be called, and make it difficult for them - there's a potential of a lot of them doing this out of spite.

However, if we're more accepting and understanding, while also voicing OUR RIGHTS, i think we can have respect all around.

For instance. You tell a trans woman, you can call yourself woman, fuck it, do you. But all straight people ask is that you give them the opportunity to choose as well, that they HAVE the RIGHT to choose to be only with women who are born women.

Now if that's what they want, and you (the trans woman) deny them that for your own selfish needs (ironically what we do to them right now - which is why i say this can create a dangerous possibility as science improves) then you can be charged with RAPE.

Remember, rape is about consent. You can probably have the laws changed. So Rape can now cover a man who was told he was having sex with a woman when it turned out to be a trans woman.

If a regular woman wants to have sex with a twin, and his twin brother fucks her first and she doesn't know, but finds out later...she can cry rape. Similar concept.

So basically a man can say, I consent to sex with a woman who was born with female genitalia/female sexual organs.



So if they lie, you scream rape. This kind of case will be a doozy when ever it happens. And it will happen.

I agree with you 100 the key is the wording, thats how they make leeway by creating words such as transgender and bicurious, in order to identify themselves and creating parameters based on their terms...
Thats why I say its important creating our parameters based on how we identify and want to identify women..
They are pushing that a woman should be identify by their gender preference, while I and our ancestors maintain that a woman is identified by their biological composition..
So yes its my choice to want to be with and party with real wombmen just as it is preferable for homos to party in gay clubs.. I respect them by not defining or challenging what the term Lesbian is, and would never try to go to a lesbian club, why cant we have a wombmen only club and command the same respect...


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Dawg . . . . you already know.

You're just putting knowledge and energy out there, where it doesn't need to be.

Brother, we got other conflicts that could you use your input.
You're right. That's twice today.


Idgaf what nobody calls themselves nor do I think their right to do so should be impeded.

But I'm not calling no man a woman to make him feel better about it. You arent a woman, b.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Sounds so romantic.

Like that Notorious BIG & R Kelly song:

"You must be used to me spending
And all that sweet wining and dining
Well, I'm consenting to sex with a woman who was born with female genitalia/female sexual organs tonight"

I rest my case with this shit right here.. No words, whatsoever!!!


Rising Star
So in other words there is no such thing as a liar just as long as you really believe in your lie...:rolleyes:

In other words.

They have the right. And freedom. To believe whatever they like. Just as you have the right. And freedom. To call yourself whatever you like.

You have the right to exist as you choose. So do they.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
So a dude who believes he is not hiv positive has the right to infect women, just because according to you he really isn't infected....


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Hey I want to see what's going on in the women's Y locker room, so all I have to do is convince myself my gender don't matter...


Rising Star

Actually I get your point RR but like alway's it not what your saying but how your saying it. There's nothing worse than an educated fool. That's right I ain't forgot you derailed my thread with your bullshit! And every time you go on one of your rants I'm going to remind you of that shit! :angry:
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