Mark Cuban called it 2 years ago.
Blame the NFL’s declining ratings on whatever you want: A captivating presidential election, players protesting the nation anthem, too many penalties, etc. There’s no denying this: The NFL’s primetime games have been hard to watch.
This is what happens when you have
three primetime slots to fill every week with a finite number of good teams and the desire to showcase different teams throughout the season.
We’ve been oversaturated with football — bad football — and we’ve started to tune out. Which is exactly what Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said would happen back in 2014.
“I think the NFL is 10 years away from an implosion,” Cuban said two years after the NFL announced an expanded TV package. “I’m just telling you: Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. And they’re getting hoggy.”
“Just watch. Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. When you try to take it too far, people turn the other way. I’m just telling you, when you’ve got a good thing and you get greedy, it always, always, always, always, always turns on you. That’s rule No. 1 of business.”
“They’re trying to take over every night of TV,” Cuban said. “Initially, it’ll be, ‘Yeah, they’re the biggest-rating thing that there is.’ OK, Thursday, that’s great, regardless of whether it impacts [the NBA] during that period when we cross over. Then if it gets Saturday, now you’re impacting colleges. Now it’s on four days a week.
“It’s all football. At some point, the people get sick of it.”
Based on this year’s ratings, people have gotten sick of it. Of course, people will still watch their favorite team play every week, no matter how bad those games are, but the primetime games — which draw the big advertisers — rely on a national audience that won’t tune in to a bad game between teams they don’t care about.