Damn, that sounds like the title of a spoken word piece..
I know I'd definitely be inspired to write that shit if it happened to me lol
*eyes closed....fingers snapping*
I Saaaaaaaaaw SaNAaaaaaaa in Soho This Morning!!
*opens eyes....looks at one side of the room....*
Yes I did y'all....
*looks at other side*
Yes I did..
I SAW her waaaalking by the basketball court to the RIGHT
It was "Love and baaaasketballlllll" at first sight!
Skin like "Brown sugaaaaar"
Teeth were so WHITE
I wanted to let her know..I may not be the "perfect guy"
But I could be her "best man"
I was lost in my thoughts
thinking of this rhyme
But she made a "disappearing act"
and I was "Out of Time"