Security Guard ain’t taking No Shit off CAC


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
thats what Im talkin about.. you see its pussys like Dwight bouy, that think

because they may have a lil money and connections, it makes them more

of a man than you, them boys aint even men, and they want to test THE GODS..

since democrats took the presidency, house and senate, they got these overly compensated

beta male faggots running around here like they alphas...

da fuck made that lil beta male faggot THINK he could step up to a fellow god like that,

talkin MAD GREASY like WTF??


Let shit like this be the begining of the downfall of these beta male

faggots... they got everything all fucked up, just so they could come outside...

Im not crazy about senseless violence and I dont like seeing people get hurt..

But these beta males ESPECIALLY the ones currently in power.

Need to be regulated they gettin out of hand!!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yes sir your right! But dude should not have put his hands on the security guy..then he would not have dem hands on him... :giggle:

It's hard to see, but I don't think the white guy touched security. It looked like security smacked his hand away and followed up.

It seemed like the guy was trying to tell security to go away, mind his business or something to that effect. I don't know that hitting him was called for from a safety of the client standpoint, but the white guy should have known better. Right or wrong walk away from security otherwise you end up like him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
thats what Im talkin about.. you see its pussys like Dwight bouy, that think

because they may have a lil money and connections, it makes them more

of a man than you, them boys aint even men, and they want to test THE GODS..

since democrats took the presidency, house and senate, they got these overly compensated

beta male faggots running around here like they alphas...

da fuck made that lil beta male faggot THINK he could step up to a fellow god like that,

talkin MAD GREASY like WTF??


Let shit like this be the begining of the downfall of these beta male

faggots... they got everything all fucked up, just so they could come outside...

Im not crazy about senseless violence and I dont like seeing people get hurt..

But these beta males ESPECIALLY the ones currently in power.

Need to be regulated they gettin out of hand!!
You think the new republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (sounds like a damn porn name) is an alpha male?

His aura and persona just screams, "I kick ass and take names later?"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You think the new republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (sounds like a damn porn name) is an alpha male?

His aura and persona just screams, "I kick ass and take names later?"

lol why you fuckin wit me bruh? I havent been following politricks at all these last few weeks, last I heard, had a chance of becoming speaker..

Then I read your post and was like Mike Johnson, damn they HIRED a bruh....

with a name like Mike Johnson, I thinkin some mega alpha male.. bruh

I just google him.. and just lookin at his pic.... I was like what faggot farm did

they pluck this fool from??

but chea republikkklans aint no worse, they just have a venue for a NON lawyer,

to squeak in .. demoncrats dont even let you in to play if you are NOT a lawyer...

and therein lies the problem I have with the demoncrats.. oh and their support of those unlawful

chinese communist china vaccine mandates is UNFORGIVABLE!!!


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Either this video is fake or its the worst lawsuit that guard is gonna have to deal with.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I give dwight buoy some credit tho, he rose from the dead after that jap

to the face... of course with a little help tho..LOL

again.. I dont like seeing violence..

but nowadays too many cacs be waaaaaaay too

comfortable and talkin out the side of their necks

around real kniggas...

they be around too many fake fraud kniggas, then when

they get around a real one, their whole world is gonna collapse if

they dont respect da god.

Oh and didnt dwight buoy who hired that body guard hired him because some

bruh.. Smacked the SHIT out of him a few weeks back.

its some bruh, that hangs out with the jewish kid named adin ross who

charleston white clashed with. the same bruh who almost went at it with charleston

white and charleston white was going to mace...

the fact I know this, is not good and means pretty soon Ill be takin a few

weeks off from the internets... it will be my new years resolution,

I got time, New Year starts in March!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How it began...

oh some dwight boise were there to press the streaming dwight bouy, but they really didnt

press him because he had security..

Security PEEPED they was tryin to PRESS the dude who signs his checks.... so he stepped to them,

on some, and NOW WHAT shit....

thats when the lil gamer who pays his checks got all brave when he saw his security step in,

and was like, yea whats next. suckin my dick... or some silly shit like that...

but security was feeling some type of way, because he KNOWS them two betas, tryin

to go full gangsta with the pull up pressure on the other dwight bouy gamer..

He felt some kind of way.... he KNOWS they were low key BULLYING the dude who hired

him, so he went to earn his money, and possibly a lil extra bonus.....

could it be fake...I mean of course, its the internet.. but I doubt it.... if it was,

thats some pretty good acting bruh..


Emeritus Opinion Provider (Lurker)
Shit not cool. All the way wrong. Shit wack. Don’t know when we started to accept sucker punches. Give that man the option to stand down. Big man would of told him, “Say one more word and I am gonna fuck you up.” Homeboy would of shut up.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Shit not cool. All the way wrong. Shit wack. Don’t know when we started to accept sucker punches. Give that man the option to stand down. Big man would of told him, “Say one more word and I am gonna fuck you up.” Homeboy would of shut up.
I believe Kane gave that dumb ass cracka more then enough time to chill before he punched him.

That cracka had more than enough time to walk away but didn't and got what he deserved.


Emeritus Opinion Provider (Lurker)
Respectfully disagree my G. Homeboy didn’t threaten him, call him out his name, or nothing. Dude man twice his size. Could of easily told him to square up and if accepted it would of been the same outcome. Dude man too big for shit like that. Also, he was frustrated. It had nothing to do with him. He came in and asked so what’s next. Let them two white cats speak that shit out.

Also wack how white bou tried to flex once he say his big body guard come in. Surprised most ain’t calling out him saving white boy.

But again, I respectfully disagree.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Respectfully disagree my G. Homeboy didn’t threaten him, call him out his name, or nothing. Dude man twice his size. Could of easily told him to square up and if accepted it would of been the same outcome. Dude man too big for shit like that. Also, he was frustrated. It had nothing to do with him. He came in and asked so what’s next. Let them two white cats speak that shit out.

Also wack how white bou tried to flex once he say his big body guard come in. Surprised most ain’t calling out him saving white boy.

But again, I respectfully disagree.
That's the bodyguards job to protect their client, they are supposed to protect when shit gets heated verbally or fight breaks out.

Like I said he did his job, the women was just as disrespectful putting their hands on him and in his face.

When the dababy was performing at a concert and this chicks was putting her phone in his face and touching him when he didn't want to be touched, Kane knocked her out.

He's just doing his job to protect his clients from harm and danger basically putting his life on the line.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Shit not cool. All the way wrong. Shit wack. Don’t know when we started to accept sucker punches. Give that man the option to stand down. Big man would of told him, “Say one more word and I am gonna fuck you up.” Homeboy would of shut up.

Not sure if you saw the second video, but he was definitely verbally giving the opportunity to walk away. Even when he is saying to walk away, its in a manner like he is going to do something to security. Worse he and his friend was trying to fake bully dude until they realized it was more than just a camera man. If you are trying to start shit and the people are directly in front of you, you can't say you were sucker punched. When you are having a verbal dispute to that point, you need to be ready or make it clear you don't want no problems. The white dudes ego got him hit. He half eat though because he got right up.

He was literally playing bullying and ran into a bigger bullying in real time. He may have been trying to lookout for the girl, but he was definitely showing off and trying to bitch someone he thought was weak. Even if you still think he got sucker punched, he's no one to feel sorry for.

The client was a bitch too potentially for multiple reasons, but I'll only judge what we can see.