Shameless Is About The Craziest Shit I have seen


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Happy for Debs having her kid at home and not on the looney farm. Guess it took Frank a couple of birds to clear his head and put his daughter first which is kudos on his part.

I'm also glad she told Fiona to fuck off once the baby was delivered. She's gonna be an alright single mom.

Carl a cop though... Lol

There isn't much at this point Lip hasn't experienced from highs of the highs to the lows of the lows. I get the feeling his next venture is gonna land him in a sweet position once he gets himself back on track. It's always the dudes that march to the beat of their own drum that get shit done.

Feel good episode for everybody in the family. Rare for this series


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Aww Skeet Skeet!

The antithesis of nonsense.
BGOL Investor
Debbie was really pissing me off this episode. And the coup de grace, bitch drops the baby.

Frank got them hands, man. It may have been closer after further review, but I think Fionas dh took an L on that one.

Lip. Dude needs to get a clue. Just play your fucking role. Get the piece of paper after 4 years and try to make bank. You've been done wrong your whole life: frank, that gf that had you by the balls, something else that I can't think of (the professora) , etc. Just let it go man. It won't be the last time. Instead you act like a spoiled bitch and fuck up your future. Leave the alcohol alone frank Jr.

V and Svetlana. Kev, you lucky muthafucka! Dude broke out the fuck syllabus. Fuck a V&S night, imma be in that bitch every night. Maybe set aside some one on one with Svetlana to make V jealous. Then get that angry fuck threesome going.

Ian...well, shit. Hope he doesn't try to run off with the kid once he stops taking meds.
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BGOL Legend
Kev just falls into the best situations to ever exist lol. I can't even hate. Just Kev is kev.

I'm done with Lip. It was my fault though. I was thinking he'd make it out but of course right when he doesn't have to fuck it all up he does. He didn't have to do any of the shit he threw his life away over some bullshit and in a few moments when he's sitting in a cell he'll know it. He'll be back in the hood and mad at himself cause everybody is going to give him shit rightfully so for not finishing college and getting out. He's going to get the you're too smart to be a garbage man spiel and they're going to be exactly right. Nobody fault but his own. He is Frank. I think i said that way earlier in this thread but he is frank.

Debbie is just a typical dumb ass teenager making decisions that will affect her the rest of her life when she's isn't mentally physically or emotionally ready to handle them. Her bad. Life keeps on living.

Frank. Every time you think he can't get any lower he does. The orphanage shit with Liam was fucked up now he gonna hire a hit man? Frank threw down though I'll give him some credit he's a 60 year old drunk drug addict on his 2nd kidney and went toe to toe with the 40 something ex con murderer in shape. had to get choked out by his son to get him off of him.

Fucking Kev man.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fiona's fiance just got his ass beat by Frank the Plank!?!?

She should cancel the wedding off of that alone.

And Lip..........:smh:

I wouldn't be surprised if he committed suicide but I doubt they off him, the fans wouldn't have it. I just don't see where you can go with that character at this point.

Deb's, in the last season and a half, has become the most annoying character on the show for me.

Kev making that calendar was hilarious but I don't know if I consider him lucky. He could easily lose is girl in that situation.

I can't believe they'd really have her fiance die at Frank's hands but then I remember he us only a guest star on the show so its possible. But where do you go after that?

This us going to be an interesting season finale.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
Yall forgetting Frank wasnt drunk. Frank could prolly fight well sober.

Lip is Frank JR, so you know he gone be a fuck up his whole life. Remember Frank is damn near a genius too.

Fuck Debbie. Always hated her.

Ian I thought had a well deserved win, but it was taken away.

Fionna in the church actually made me feel emotions, because she deserved a win, but it looks like I might be too soon to judge on that Front.

Maybe we get lucky and Bruno Kills Debbie. l lmao


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Frank was wasted when he hired that guy. What hit man wears a damn name tag? Plus he gave him $1,000 without giving him a description, address or anything. Once he sobers up he'll try to call it off.

Kevin just lost his woman. He just hasn't realized it yet. His girl's a freak. If you can't satisfy her you gotta let her go. Instead he's trying to act like he still runs the house. He never did and he never will.

Lip did the right thing standing up to his thieving, incompetent professor. He just shouldn't have been such a bitch about it. Sabotage works WAY better than smashing car windows. Less risk too.

Frank was right to extort that money from Debbie's baby father's father. The guy was a straight mark. You can't commit statutory rape at 17, but he paid up anyway. Take him for everything he's got.

The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor
Kev a lucky man. Besides that, this was a dark episode that may lead to an even darker season finale.

I'm expecting a lot of shit to go down next week. I was telling my wife that the so called hitman would fail to do the job, and that Sean would end up beating the shit out of him and or killing him, sending himself back to prison.

I can't believe Lip fucked up a good thing like he did. The professor was gracious enough to let him stay on board, but to set some boundaries. Lip was looking for a father figure and he thought he found one, in a alcoholic, but accomplished individual. I was rooting for Lip the whole season. He fucked up because some woman got in his head :smh::smh::smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm expecting a lot of shit to go down next week. I was telling my wife that the so called hitman would fail to do the job, and that Sean would end up beating the shit out of him and or killing him, sending himself back to prison.

I can't believe Lip fucked up a good thing like he did. The professor was gracious enough to let him stay on board, but to set some boundaries. Lip was looking for a father figure and he thought he found one, in a alcoholic, but accomplished individual. I was rooting for Lip the whole season. He fucked up because some woman got in his head :smh::smh::smh:

Like I said I don't expect it but I wouldn't be surprised if a major character (like Ian) got killed instead.

I don't know if they would actually do something that bold but I could see it happening.


BGOL Legend
I'm expecting a lot of shit to go down next week. I was telling my wife that the so called hitman would fail to do the job, and that Sean would end up beating the shit out of him and or killing him, sending himself back to prison.

I can't believe Lip fucked up a good thing like he did. The professor was gracious enough to let him stay on board, but to set some boundaries. Lip was looking for a father figure and he thought he found one, in a alcoholic, but accomplished individual. I was rooting for Lip the whole season. He fucked up because some woman got in his head :smh::smh::smh:

I saw lip coming. He has been fighting it so hard. Fighting doing the right thing and making it out so hard and it finally caught up with him. I ain't rooting for lip anymore. I'm just waiting and seeing what happens with him from here on out. I feel bad for Ian though. Dude settled down and tried to make a life for himself and his family history fucked him again.


Rising Star
That scene in the hallway between Lip and the Professor was some intense shit. Might have been the best single scene of the season. Everything he ever wanted to say to Frank he unloaded on Youens.

The human psyche is a motherfucker.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wouldn't be surprised if he committed suicide but I doubt they off him, the fans wouldn't have it. I just don't see where you can go with that character at this point.

I just read this and should clarify I was referring to Ian not Lip here.

Ian has had such extremes on this show and yet they still have him losing I can't imagine where they go with this character at this point.


BGOL Investor
I feel like an asshole for just now watching this. I have to say though, this is the best shit I've seen in along time. I'm 5 episodes through the first season. I wish I had more time!


Out here somewhere
What yall think of that finale?

Felt bad for Fionna too

Fucking Frank :smh:

Lip sees that hes about to turn into Frank, glad to see his professor is willing to help him

Felt bad for Ian too. Hes ready to get his shit together and "man" up

Fuck Debbie

Kev, Vee, and Svetlana :yes: everyone's face when they saw how they interacted with each other was priceless

Carl trying hard for that lil shorty of his, pops aint having it.

And Ima go ahead and say fuck Sean too. Frank did him dirty but he was on that shit

Hope Jimmy comes back for the series finale next year


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
What yall think of that finale?

Felt bad for Fionna too

Fucking Frank :smh:

Lip sees that hes about to turn into Frank, glad to see his professor is willing to help him

Felt bad for Ian too. Hes ready to get his shit together and "man" up

Fuck Debbie

Kev, Vee, and Svetlana :yes: everyone's face when they saw how they interacted with each other was priceless

Carl trying hard for that lil shorty of his, pops aint having it.

And Ima go ahead and say fuck Sean too. Frank did him dirty but he was on that shit

Hope Jimmy comes back for the series finale next year

fuck Fiona - that bitch is selfish and a disaster magnet
Sean was wrong, I feel sorry for him though -- I'm pretty sure he started using because of crazy ass Fiona, I remember when they first met he said she triggered his worst instincts thought it was only his rage issues, but I'm now guessing that wasn't all

Jimmy part is still in the openning montage so I expect it
but dude is too good for that cunt

The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor
Despite it being an asshole move, Frank made a masterful play. I thought he was going to plant the gun in Sean's office and contact the police, but exposing his drug use was a much better move. Sean is such a fool. Everybody has their demons and behaviors they hide from family and friends. He could have told Fiona from the jump that the urge to use was there, and she probably would have dropped everything to start going to meeting with Sean. Instead, Sean not only wanted to hide his drug use, but then act all self righteous towards Frank

I'm just so disappointed in Lip. That bar scene was tense. You saw genuine disappointment on the faces of everyone around him. He was supposed to make it out of that fucked up situation and is/was throwing his opportunity away. Kevin telling him that he's sitting in the same place as Frank hit hard. Lip is lucky the professor is looking out for his delusional ass. I call him delusional because he thought he could just return to school after the mess he made.


Rising Star
Lip going to have to do a stint at community college...what year of college was he in before being expelled?