Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter Accused in a Civil Suit of Raping a Minor with Diddy (Accuser Seemingly Lied On His Name!/Cleared of All Charges! Files Lawsuit)


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

NBC News traveled to Houston to interview the woman, who declined to be identified, at her attorney’s office earlier this week.

“You should always fight for what happened to you,” she said about why she is going public with her accusations now. “You should always advocate for yourself and be a voice for yourself. You should never let what somebody else did ruin or run your life. I just hope I can give others the strength to come forward like I came forward.”

The woman, who is now 38, told NBC News she was living in Rochester, New York, in 2000 and that attending the VMAs was “on my bucket list at 13. It was like, ‘Oh, my gosh,’ one of those things I’ve got to do.” She said she snuck out a window to evade her parents.

A friend drove her to Radio City Music Hall in New York City, she said in the lawsuit. People thronged into viewing areas outside the venue, which was decked out for the awards. Crowds roared when J.Lo arrived. Eminem performed on the street.

She didn’t have a ticket, and said in the suit she watched some of the show on a jumbotron outside. She also started chatting up limo drivers. “I’m trying to get in to try to stay back and get to an after-party and get invited in and meet some celebrities,” she told NBC News.

One limo driver said he worked for Combs and that she “fit what Diddy was looking for,” the suit said, and he told her to return later and he’d take her to an after-party. After about 20 minutes in the limo, she said in the suit, she arrived at a “large white residence with a gated U-shaped driveway.” She said in the suit she signed a document that she didn’t read.

Inside, she told NBC News, “I’m talking to, like, Fred Durst, Benji Madden, about his tattoo, because, you know, about his tattoo that’s ‘The Last Supper,’ because I have a religious background, so it was just something to talk about.”

After accepting a drink from a waitress, she told NBC News: “I started feeling funny. Tried to start looking for a place to lay down.”

She found an empty room with a bed in it, she said in the suit, and soon after, Combs, Carter and a woman entered the room. “You are ready to party!” Combs said, according to the suit.

Both Combs and Carter raped her, she said. “Jay-Z comes over, holds me down. I start trying to push away. He puts his hand over my mouth, tells me to stop it, to cut the sh!t, and then he rapes me like he had me overpowered,” she said.

Afterward, she said in the suit, she managed to flee the house and ran to a gas station.

“I was upset, and the person at the gas station could tell that I was obviously upset, and she let me use the phone. I called my dad because he was the only person I trust at that time. I told him I messed up and I needed a ride home,” she told NBC News. “We rode home in silence. He didn’t ask me what happened. He didn’t ask me what I did or where I was.”

She told NBC News she never told anyone about the alleged assault or wrote it down in a diary. “Even if somebody found out, who was gonna believe me? I mean, it was to the word of two celebrities against mine,” she said.

The years after were hard, she said. “I got severely depressed. I withdrew completely. My grades started slipping,” and she dropped out of school. She experienced homelessness, she said, and at one point suffered a head injury. She and her father also said she was raped later in life.

She now has two children, a son and a daughter. She served less than a year in the Army National Guard and left with the rank of private. She got her high school diploma and “got my Christian counseling certification so that I can help people who have gone through what I’ve gone through,” she said.

She also said she has her applied behavior analysis certification so she can help people with autism, which she says she has. “There are so little resources to moms that don’t have the proper amount of income,” she said.

Reaction was swift in the days since the woman went public with her allegations against Carter. The rapper released a statement calling the claims “idiotic” and “heinous in nature” and sharply criticizing her attorney.

There are some inconsistencies in her story about that night.

Her father told NBC News that he does not recall picking her up after the alleged attack, casting doubt on a key detail in her lawsuit.

According to their address at the time, her father would have driven more than five hours from their home to pick her up.

“I feel like I would remember that, and I don’t,” he said in an interview Thursday. “I have a lot going on, but I mean, that’s something that would definitely stick in my mind.”

The woman’s father, who said he learned of the alleged assault this week, added that he did remember once picking her up in the middle of the night. But, he said, it “was a local drive.”

Asked about her father’s account in a follow-up interview on Friday, the woman said she stood by her claim that he had picked her up and that it’s possible he had misremembered.

“There are a lot of things, and this is stuff that we argue about constantly, something he said or did back in New York around that time period he just doesn’t remember,” she said. “It actually causes a lot of fights sometimes in the household.”

Regarding her father’s recollections, Buzbee told NBC News, “We agree he states he doesn’t remember. ... His daughter explains that he was in no state to remember during that point in time due to personal issues he was having then. We are talking about a time frame more than twenty years ago.”

The woman also told NBC News she spoke with musician Benji Madden at the after-party.

But a representative for Madden confirmed that neither Benji nor his brother Joel attended the 2000 VMAs and that they were on tour in the Midwest at that time. (The woman did not accuse the brothers of any wrongdoing.)

“Honestly, what is the clearest is what happened to me and [the] route that I took to what happened to me. Not all of the faces there are as clear,” the woman said in the Friday follow-up interview. “So I have made some mistakes. I may have made a mistake in identifying.”

The woman also could not provide further information about the after-party she said she attended.

Professional images reviewed by NBC News show Combs and Carter were among the celebrities who attended a VMAs after-party at the Lotus nightclub in New York City. It is not clear what time those images were taken, or if Combs and Carter attended any other after-parties.

The building that housed Lotus, now closed, does not match the description of the house the woman described in the lawsuit and interview.

“I didn’t know exactly where we were going or even how long it took,” the woman said when asked Tuesday where she thought she was taken that night. She added that she had guessed about the length of time the trip had taken in the lawsuit.

Buzbee said, “We have attempted to confirm the correct location. We have never suggested the location was the Lotus club. Our client has been very specific and detailed about the description of the venue she says she was taken to, and she has never stated it was the Lotus Club.”

He added, “We won’t speculate on whether there was an after-after party, because again, she doesn’t know that.”

Also among the woman’s allegations that could not be corroborated is how she made it to New York City that night.

One of her attorneys provided NBC News with the name and birth date of the friend she said drove her, who would have been 20 at the time. That person appears to have since died. NBC News’ attempts to reach the person’s relatives were unsuccessful.

I want all the dudes up in here who were hating Jay Z public statement...

To come out right now.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What the fuck is this shit :confused:

Tony Buzbee is supposed to be a legit lawyer?

Time to dismiss this bullshit. I remained neutral until more shit came out. I know it was 24 years ago and they may have altered the sound of her voice. But nothing about her says she was the type to drive 5hrs to MTV award show after party and somehow one of Diddy yes men thought she was his type? Plus her pops never asked her what happened. And his ass doesn't even remember the incident.

Time to move along folks. Nothing to see here.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Time to dismiss this bullshit. I remained neutral until more shit came out. I know it was 24 years ago and they may have altered the sound of her voice. But nothing about her says she was the type to drive 5hrs to MTV award show after party and somehow one of Diddy yes men thought she was his type? Plus her pops never asked her what happened. And his ass doesn't even remember the incident.

Time to move along folks. Nothing to see here.

Jay Z should make sure this dude get disbarred


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
it was only a matter of time for the inconsistencies to start piing up. anyway. this lady needs to go ahead and name the woman she said was there with her puffy and jay so these accusations can either move along or get dismissed.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Buzbee will definitely take a hit on this. The woman sound like she could have some serious mental issues. She might actually believe that shit happened. But the lawyer has to go through the proper steps to vet this shit. Dude reached on this one and was looking for a quick pay day.




Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
I wonder what kind of attorneys Deshawn Watson hired. Id guess most of those victims were fabricated by this crooked lawyer. It was weird how every masseuse in the houston area knew the nigga and came out as a victim. It just seem improbable and yet this niggas team let it slide.

Jigga is going to bury this crooked lawyer and in doing so he'll give Watson some justice too. Too bad Watsons legal team wasnt shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wonder what kind of attorneys Deshawn Watson hired. Id guess most of those victims were fabricated by this crooked lawyer. It was weird how every masseuse in the houston area knew the nigga and came out as a victim. It just seem improbable and yet this niggas team let it slide.

Jigga is going to bury this crooked lawyer and in doing so he'll give Watson some justice too. Too bad Watsons legal team wasnt shit.
You make a good point. I still believe most of those women who met him where willing participants. They went through with the stuff because he was famous and had money. Thinking it would pay off for them later down the line. Well..guess it did payoff, but not how they were expecting. The claimed victim once they saw the law suit against him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Hov got these celebrities talking tough

I'm tired of all of them. Celebrities have been bragging about Puffy parties for more than 20 years.

They all bragged saying that he threw the best parties, now nobody's ever been to one! :lol:

And if they did go, now they all say that they left before the bad shit started.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
In this analogy, Lebron is "trillions of galaxies and planets"? As an neutral observer I just want to make sure I'm reading that with the right context .

The only reason BGOL promotes the Bron is a cheater narrative is because he's married to a brown skin Black woman. They are racist and believe all Black men secretly want white pussy. Keep in mind Dr. Truth and TallCAC logins are Michael Jordan dickriders, and he got caught cheating on his Dominican wife numerous times with white bitches. Implying Bron wants white pussy too and isn't faithful to his wife is their way of deflecting from MJ being a piece of shit that ruined his brand for mid white bitches. :yes: They never say he's cheating with Black women for a reason. Only white bitches. :lol:

If Bron married a white woman and produced white passing kids like known cheaters MJ and Kobe, none of these dickriders would be tryna convince you there's no way he really loves his wife.

In Spanish culture and in California, Blancquimento is everything.


Transnational Member
I talked to a couple of high profile attorneys and they told me about this tactic where they would have the accuser do an interview for a high profile client making up shit. They would say things about meeting people that weren't at this award ceremony or have a witness such as her father recant his story.

This allows him to keep his public image while she gets paid at this point she wouldn't even need a NDA, he can just cut checks her. The prosecutors can't use any testimony for a criminal case due to her inconsistencies. P Diddy should have did this with Cassandra along with an NDA. Where she does a public interview that other people can say is not true. She could say that Will Smith was at the party and she met him.

An NDA is worthless with a criminal trial.


Rising Star
I talked to a couple of high profile attorneys and they told me about this tactic where they would have the accuser do an interview for a high profile client making up shit. They would say things about meeting people that weren't at this award ceremony or have a witness such as her father recant his story.

This allows him to keep his public image while she gets paid at this point she wouldn't even need a NDA, he can just cut checks her. The prosecutors can't use any testimony for a criminal case due to her inconsistencies. P Diddy should have did this with Cassandra along with an NDA. Where she does a public interview that other people can say is not true. She could say that Will Smith was at the party and she met him.

An NDA is worthless with a criminal trial.
You a clown ass nigga.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yea their all upset that their prayers went unanswered.

Don't worry, they will find something else to hate him for.



And it is the most conspiracy theory believing, all these hoe's lying, the black man is always a target - dudes that were readying pitchforks and torches.

the exact same dudes who tried to sh*t on Jay public statement. And tried to make his statement somehow a negative.

And somehow tried to make the fact Jay said file criminal charges a NEGATIVE???

WTF? they listen to random youtube mouths like they know the law.

the same dudes who defended Puff AFTER the hotel video and he lied and Cudi confirming the car bomb.

They had the gall to pray and pray on his downfall.

Sad as f**k
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