Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter Accused in a Civil Suit of Raping a Minor with Diddy (Accuser Seemingly Lied On His Name!/Cleared of All Charges! Files Lawsuit)


Rising Star


And it is the most conspiracy theory believing, all these hoe's lying, the black man is always a target - dudes that were readying pitchforks and torches.

the exact same dudes who tried to sh*t on Jay public statement. And tried to make his statement somehow a negative.

And somehow tried to make the fact Jay said file criminal charges a NEGATIVE???

WTF? they listen to random youtube mouths like they know the law.

the same dudes who defended Puff AFTER the hotel video and he lied and Cudi confirming the car bomb.

They had the gall to pray and pray on his downfall.

Sad as f**k
It's still fuck Hov though. Nigga is a tool of the oppressor.


Rising Star
Now he’s coatailing on the words of his fellow bottom dwellers, Jaguar in particular.


The amount of pity and mercy Hov shows these clowns bothers me to no end.

Beyoncé must give one hell of a pep talk.
“Im in the air I don’t hear niggas corny raps”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You make a good point. I still believe most of those women who met him where willing participants. They went through with the stuff because he was famous and had money. Thinking it would pay off for them later down the line. Well..guess it did payoff, but not how they were expecting. The claimed victim once they saw the law suit against him.

That case with Watson was bogus but Buzbee knew how to spin it. What got him caught up is because he had a freaky fetish that made it look bad in the eyes of the public.

Watson was basically tricking for pussy under the guise he was paying for massage services. He had correspondence with many of the women after the "services" where they asked about him returning. He was just a thirsy trick. Once Buzbbe got a couple women on board, it was going to snowball into something big and it did.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The only reason BGOL promotes the Bron is a cheater narrative is because he's married to a brown skin Black woman. They are racist and believe all Black men secretly want white pussy. Keep in mind Dr. Truth and TallCAC logins are Michael Jordan dickriders, and he got caught cheating on his Dominican wife numerous times with white bitches. Implying Bron wants white pussy too and isn't faithful to his wife is their way of deflecting from MJ being a piece of shit that ruined his brand for mid white bitches. :yes: They never say he's cheating with Black women for a reason. Only white bitches. :lol:

If Bron married a white woman and produced white passing kids like known cheaters MJ and Kobe, none of these dickriders would be tryna convince you there's no way he really loves his wife.

In Spanish culture and in California, Blancquimento is everything.

I'm all for marriage. Not sure it's the best thing for young athletes with money to jump into it. Too many manipulative women trying to drain a nigga pockets. I would wait until my career has cooled off or go the Derrick Jetter route.

Can't fault LBJ for marrying his HS sweetheart. They had kids at an early age and kept it together all these years, so that's something to marvel at. BUT with all that being said. I would be disappointed if this nigga hasn't gotten any side pussy.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
I'm all for marriage. Not sure it's the best thing for young athletes with money to jump into it. Too many manipulative women trying to drain a nigga pockets. I would wait until my career has cooled off or go the Derrick Jetter route.

Can't fault LBJ for marrying his HS sweetheart. They had kids at an early age and kept it together all these years, so that's something to marvel at. BUT with all that being said. I would be disappointed if this nigga hasn't gotten any side pussy.

Even though they been together since high school, they didn't get officially married til like 2013. I'm sure Bron had fun in his 20's before it was real. But once he committed to the family man thing, that's what it's been about. People who've never been great at anything don't understand a big part of why he's lasted so long is cuz he's not out late chasing tail like the Shaq's, MJ's, and Kobe's, all he does is play basketball and it shows.


Rising Star
Even though they been together since high school, they didn't get officially married til like 2013. I'm sure Bron had fun in his 20's before it was real. But once he committed to the family man thing, that's what it's been about. People who've never been great at anything don't understand a big part of why he's lasted so long is cuz he's not out late chasing tail like the Shaq's, MJ's, and Kobe's, all he does is play basketball and it shows.
I don't know if he cheated or not though that's way outside anyone on BGOL's purview


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wonder what kind of attorneys Deshawn Watson hired. Id guess most of those victims were fabricated by this crooked lawyer. It was weird how every masseuse in the houston area knew the nigga and came out as a victim. It just seem improbable and yet this niggas team let it slide.

Jigga is going to bury this crooked lawyer and in doing so he'll give Watson some justice too. Too bad Watsons legal team wasnt shit.
This should be a blessing in disguise for him. But being an athlete puts at a disadvantage with things like this…

Bad Andy

No time for a 304
BGOL Investor
I'm tired of all of them. Celebrities have been bragging about Puffy parties for more than 20 years.

They all bragged saying that he threw the best parties, now nobody's ever been to one! :lol:

And if they did go, now they all say that they left before the bad shit started.
Them people should be standing behind their friend, Meek Mill looked real suspect talking about No Diddy. “I wasn’t there, I left before the freak offs.”


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I, for one....didn't believe this when it came out.
I do believe there are some whores out there on a paperchase.....just making up shit to get a bag.

And it's okay to say that.

I'm torn on "always believe the victim"

Because this country was built on innocent until proven guilty.

And it'd very difficult to hear a black women say it.

Because i know for a fact black women historically are not believed concerning sexual assault

But from Emmit Till to the Exonerated Five we also know what happens to Black men in this country historically being falsely accused.

the one constant is that law enforcement and the judicial system was created to punishment black people.

I don't dismiss victims.

But we have to have some type if common sense. Especially when sex crimes are difficult to cases period.

20 years is outrageous

BUT we can't say that because we know institutions like churches, schools, hospitals, foster care etc have done despicable things for decades to children and young people male and female unchecked.

So what the f**k do we do?

We believe victims. And give the accused the benefit of the doubt.

We cannot allow an ACCUSATION to destroy a life.

The solution in my opinion is that PROVEN FALSE CLAIMS get the sane penalty as the minimum guilty verdict.

And the false accuser can be brought to civil court.

And maybe the lawyer may be liable to.

The problem with THAT is you don't want to make a victim have to go through hell to report a crime.

Or scared that an incompetent lawyer could have THEM in jail.

It's a mess.

I think the solutions lie in We need for victims to feel safe reporting crimes immediately.

And for real offenders lives to be completely and utterly destroyed if proven guilty not just accused.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


This shouldn't be national news.

This is mamas baby daddy's maybe domestic sh*t

If it's true so white?

Ain't no real crime here.

And that's a grown ass man.

Jay ain't claim him why would you want that as a father if true. And every rapper has been through this including 50 to Will Smith.

They gonna mess around and get a lot of male celebrities to unite and try to change paternity laws.

You would think the board would support the black man I'm this case considering how much they hate paternity suits, alimony, child support, etc.

Imagine if women who LIE about paternity can now be civilly charged?

And men who thought they were fathers get not only ALL their money back but triple the damages?



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
it was only a matter of time for the inconsistencies to start piing up. anyway. this lady needs to go ahead and name the woman she said was there with her puffy and jay so these accusations can either move along or get dismissed.
Alibis ain't matchin' up, bullshit catchin' up. Hit with the RICO, they repo your vehicle · Everything was all good just a week ago


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Them people should be standing behind their friend, Meek Mill looked real suspect talking about No Diddy. “I wasn’t there, I left before the freak offs.”
Nah once Puff said all the allegations were false and that he would be proven innocent his friends gave him a chance.

But once the vid of him punching bag and filed goal kicking Cassie came out, all that support was done.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I want all the dudes up in here who were hating Jay Z public statement...

To come out right now.
I didn't comment because I didn't hear all of the facts.

And I hate rapists and want to side with the victim, but I need to know the facts plus I'm tired of this decades later shit.

One issue I had is people wanting the NFL to cut ties with him, over an ACCUSATION!

We don't and didn't know if it was real yet and people wanted him casted away to a remote island and killed! :lol:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I didn't comment because I didn't hear all of the facts.

And I hate rapists and want to side with the victim, but I need to know the facts plus I'm tired of this decades later shit.

One issue I had is people wanting the NFL to cut ties with him, over an ACCUSATION!

We don't and didn't know if it was real.



nothing more needs to be said.

I addressed my conflict with the decade later stuff in a previous post today.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
It’s really crazy after filing a lawsuit and going public Buzbee said we’re still in the process of vetting her story, it was brought to us?

WTF? NBC was able to vet it in a couple of days.

And had the nerve to say well she volunteered to take a lie detector test? Well if she’s lying and crazy? It’s not like you actually had her do it.

If black people didn’t trust the legal system and victims were t believed before. :smh:


Electric Relaxation
BGOL Investor
I’m glad Jay cleared this up.

Like I said, i grew up on his words so him being this monster would’ve been a bitter pill.

But in today’s world, nothing surprises me.

And unfortunately, there may be an asterisk when he does business moving forward.

Also Hard Knock Life is better than Blueprint…..yup.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Ok, let me be man enough to speak my peace on this.

I did say that if Jay-Z is innocent that he should be a free man and all this shit should go away.

Yes, I will admit that I said something about him being dropped like a bad habit from the NFL if he was found guilty.

Yes, I've mentioned that it could be true that he did it but never did I say he was guilty of anything.

See, I'm not scared to admit when I'm wrong or right.

Drops Mic!
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Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor

Van is full of shit. He talked about it as if Jay was guilty and never considered the victim could be lying.

What I have an issue with is that nobody ever talked about the actual story she told, it's like they didn't even want to know the accusation, because they had already determined guilt by association because Jay-Z has pics with Puff. Even though that's every damn black person in rap. Nobody is running to Busta, French Montana and Nas asking them about it or accusing them.

He said that Jay-Z and the powers that be would try to discredit Buzbee, not taking into account the lawyer could be crooked.

This shit is disingenuous as hell, because Van has hated Jay-Z since the Kaep and NFL shit.


Transnational Member

I have a white female friend, and we decided to test out these law firms. I told him the white police in Smallville broke my neck with excessive force that included video evidence, and I wanted to sue them for injury, the white law firm told me they didn't have the manpower to take on my case. I even told them I had a clean background. I was speaking to a paralegal the whole time.

My white female friend called the firm up and said she was mentally ill and autistic, said she was a white female that was sexually assaulted by Will Smith and Jada was present 30 years ago. She was immediately transferred to the managing partner who set her up with three other partners in the firm to take on her case devoting significant billable hours to her without payment. No video evidence or corroborating witness of anything. She said the managing partner said they're gonna get this black animal to pay for what he had done. Will Smith and Jada were not even together 30 years ago.

These law firms are racist as fuck.