Shooting just happened at a Trump rally

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Nope, misinformation. The thing about major events like this is everyone is in a rush to publish what happened.
Most of the information will be wrong.
Waiting for real journalist to confirm the facts, it will take time.
Excellent point



Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
You say that now til one of them Proud Boys looks at you and shoots you or your peoples under the premise of "you being a Biden supporter so it's only fair we take you out like your ppl tried to take out my president". Them radicals only need something to justify their actions and this just gave them a huge reason
Them pussies ain't gonna do shit. There's a lot of crazy people out here, but most people are too scared to do this shit.


Rising Star
that project awareness document is going to put him on red alert, no one will take a chance of him winning the election and implementing those policies. 60 percent of it was already enacted during the reagan era and black folks really suffered under him


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We taking wages on the shooter's stats yet? I got
Between 21- 30 (young just voting)
Hispanic..I don't think I need to explain
LGBTQ..this is a stretch
Non military...can't blame it on that base
Anti Trump on IG...specifically IG. Can't make daddy Elon mad

They gotta use this moment to put down every group that their base doesn't like
You forgot antifa


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
no sniper worth a GRAIN of salt is missing a head shot.....especially a big head with a bright RED cap on!


that shit was a set up by trump himself to make him a half a martyr going into the election.

Dems made Trump's legend even bigger today. Complete dumbasses. Now we seeing Kamala and Barry showing concern for Trump publicly. It's over. :lol: