Shooting just happened at a Trump rally


No he wasn't hit - this is whats so crazy

When it first ocvured the newscasters were like it looks like he got hit by shrapnel or glass
Its now become he got shot even though to look at the injury its IMO way too small to be the result of a graze from a rifle bullet

1) because of the location on where it supposedly hit the side if the head the bullet would have to damn near curve ...bullets don't do that especially rifle bullets

2) even graze bullets leave other damage - not just the laceration but also bruising and swelling ( the bullet becuase of its speed and energy causes ruptures in the surrounding tissue - just like if you skim a rock on a lake the bullet causes ripples as it makes contact - Trump.has that cut to his ear and no other signs of injury -

There's a whole bunch of other stuff dealing with how the secret service agents shielded him andEven the fact that the kid was able to climb up on a roof that was so close to where Trump was and the counter sniper team didn't even see him... It looks like they weren't even looking at this place where he was Which of course you would think they would seeing as how they too are on a roof.

100% this was just a setup to Garner sympathy and make it seem like the left was sending people to shoot at him - I really do seriously think that some other country Russia or China or maybe even Iran made contact with this kid years maybe ago and used him by convincing him that he was doing something to benefit Trump and get him better coverage And bring people in line to vote for him

No I don't think they trained this kid to be a sniper per se - but his being into guns and a social outcast made him a tool

I think they've just been grooming him through his social media As they've probably been able to do to a lot of different people to get them in a mental sdate to where they would be devoted to doing something illegal.or questionable if it meant it would ultimately help Trump

I know a lot of people here aren't old enough to remember but when Hinkley shot Reagan he was all over the news for weeks and people were diving into his life ...

This kid they supposedly still haven't figured out what a motive is for him and can't find anything That gives a hint as to why it is that he shot Trump as supporter of the President- He has no social media or anything because whoever it is who groomed him Has the ability to get rid of all his online identity

That indicates to me that a country like Russia or China or Iran washed this kids ID from the internet
And you probably also believe the earth is flat


Biden is going to loose massively in the election if they don't replace him with Michelle Obama or Kamala.
Once he looses, I want to see what everyone in the thread will post the next day. Will there be tears? Will there be acceptance that you were fooled and
delusional for years? Its going to be so comical.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Shout out Al Bundy lmaooo

One of the REALEST ever...

Al Bundy Has To Make Love To Peggy on Make a GIF


Transnational Member

I called this the sleeper hold assassination, where they call you for jobs that would require a eight or nine hour drive in your car to get to the interview abruptly. They steer you towards a manual labor job that just seems to get busy the day of your interview. They try this retarded scheme many of times for over decades. The end result is you ended up in the ditch on the side of the road, bleeding out after falling asleep, pushing your body out of desperation to get to some interview.

The United States has done this tactic where they will set up a group of people that they enrich versus just taking the resources such as oil because of the blowback. These people realizing they benefit tremendously from the scheme, become agents of the United States. Venezuela is a good example.

Here it is off shoring production to overseas instead of oil, then enriching a few people in the United States that uses various methods to suppress disssent with sponsorship deals and other garbage. It is sad, these people are retarded and their schemes are weak such as doing crap with universities, giving out scholarships. these fools are always building schools to look like they are charitable, but they are misleading fools into nonsense.

I think Trump underestimated these people and their desperation to keep their high ranking position in this hierarchy of stupidity. I find not responding immediately and playing with them you can uncover more details.

There is not a lot of black support because you can die almost like he did.
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Rising Star
BGOL Legend
