Shooting just happened at a Trump rally


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He didn't account for his heartbeat. Whenever doing something like that, diazepam is necessary because your heart is beating a million times a minute which WILL throw off the shop for someone inexperienced.

His heart was beating so fast he missed the shot. He could have made America great again

In the novel I'm writing, the protagonist is cheating on her husband and on her way to the spot where she's meeting the guy her heart is pounding so fast she thinks her husband is following her (He's not), she thinks she sees his vehicle, (it's not even close to the make and model of the vehicle).

When she finally gets to the location she wonders how criminals do bad things because she's just breaking a little moral code and she can't hardly focus, she can't even think if she was really breaking a law
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Rising Star
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Rising Star
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Rising Star
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This! democrats are in for a rude awakening if they think Trump is gonna tone down the rhetoric. He will use this to go in even harder.

Saying shit like never give up! WE will keep fighting to the end! They don't want me in office! Because they know I will clean things up! All the while insinuating democrats are somehow involved in planning all of this. He will continue to hit low and muddy the waters.

Trump knows the dems will be reluctant to hit back. At least not call him things like a dictator or anything that would appear to demonize him. Because they are afraid to play into the extreme right hands and give them more ammunition to blame them for feeding into radical leftist hate for Trump.
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