Shows that got too f@ggy to watch


Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
I watch this show called the rookie and and like season 2 they brought in this black guy to be a faggot! I stopped watching it... my cousin said man they got rid of that shit in season 3 so i started back watching it..


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yeah, "The Boys" has this gay storyline that is making it hard to watch. Just have to skip past the Brokeback scenes.

I was so glad the truth behind the tragedy was revealed so dude would be too pissed to continue the bromance drag on the series.

Too many episodes dedicated to that quota-fling OUT OF NOWHERE.
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" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
They didn't ruin him.
The character "Hooded Justice" was hinted as being secretly gay in the original graphic novel. What the HBO series did was to create a back story for him.

But this is what Hollyweird is really big about promoting these days. Their way of showing "representation" and "diversity" means putting a Black lesbian/bisexual/transsexual or pronoun neutral person into a story that no one thought of nor asked for. Or by now making a previously established character gay or lesbian.

Then, if/when a movie/series fails or gets push back or backlash from fans because of a shift from good story telling to a focus on LGBTQ shit, the studios can then blame/accuse the audience of being "homophobic" for not wanting to watch or supporting that kind of content. :smh:
So was hooded Justice originally black in the graphic novel?


Rising Star
American horror story where they were in ny.jesus..couldnt even make it past the first episode.that shit was dipped in ,sprinkled with and packaged in gayness.

They had a good run till then.


Rising Star
Platinum Member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Majority of Americans and even cats on this forum are around LGBT people every day and don’t even know it.

Majority of folks who are against LGBT have LGBT co-workers and have good friendly relationships with them and one day are shocked to find out the person is LGBT after knowing them for years.

Myself, I don’t focus on LGBT portrayals in TV/Film. It doesn’t phase me cuz I don’t give them any thought and could care less, just like watching media with predominantly White cast.

It’s interesting how cats routinely make anti-LGBT threads on the issue. From my perspective and opinion, if it bothers you….you too focus on it.
I have a cousin who is openly gay. I love him to death. He's an awesome dude. I have no issues with gay people. I just, personally, don't like seeing men kissing or having implied sex on TV shows or movies. I don't think it adds anything or any value at all. I'm seeing more and more commercials with men kissing. Ugh!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
9-1-1, Angela's husband went the other way. Now since they went to ABC they change one dude to go the other way. 9-1-1: Lonestar two dudes on their ruining the show.

The Law and Orders and Chicago PD seem to be the only ones not going that route with main characters. There was a lawyer on Law and Order trying a lesbian case and she was fired then asking why cause I'm a lesbian.


International Member
You do realize all the points you made were said back in the 1950s/1960s when it came to depicting Black folks in mainstream Hollywood entertainment.

Majority of Whites were loudly against seeing Blacks in roles in film/TV.

They wanted Blacks to be seen but not heard in roles like maids, railroad porters and janitors.l

They felt seeing Black folks being shown was being forced onto them.
I did not realise, I was born in 1970!

But what I would say regarding your statement is black people probably did not stand a chance in Hollywood because few of the Hollywood elite, those controlling the studios and those who decide who got an opportunity had very little interaction with black people in the daily life other than encountering them as
maids, railroad porters and janitors

So unfortunately the stereotype was an easy concept to adopt.
Prejudice and racism ideally stems from lack of knowledge of other peoples cultures, lifestyles and with lack of integration it is an easy protocol to adhere to and feel that it is a correct portrayal of life. And for them it probably was, they were not taking their cars to a black mechanic, whether a black owned business or with a black mechanic working at the garage, because they probably had their black driver take their car to the main dealership to have the air in their tires changed.
the only black people that they may of had ANY interaction with would have been other black entertainer which would probably have been limited to singers and musicians and possibly sports people and athletes who were not subjected to the southern coloured leagues.
Unfortunately the entertainment industry was not founded and started by black people and it took them a while to break the doors down, the people who did start that industry would have been working with people like themselves, the same sort of (aspiring) lifestyle, same sort of financial resources and a similar standard of education which then brings in the old boy network. Only a very small minute amount of black people may have been eligible to qualify to those criteria.
I mean the film industry (the silver screen) started when? And if the movie "Dolomite" with Eddy Murphy is accurate that was a breakthrough opportunity for black entertainers, how many years had the industry been established for by that time. Tyler Perry opening the studios in Atlanta was a massive move forward, but how many years after the first "moving picture" was made was that?

How long before they ask for any reference to Sodom and Gomorrah to be edited out of the bible?

Bottom line, we are being forced to accept sexually deviant people and not label them as such because if they make enough noise now that they have managed to integrate high and influential positions within leading industries and can influence enough people whilst making decision makers uncomfortable by affecting financial outcomes they are happy to manipulate everyday peoples view of them, to accept them as (a different type of) normal.

I suppose your going to come back at me now with "Do I view black people as deviant?"

No I don't. But reading your comment/statement again I am wondering if you are condoning the current gay movement simply because "it was black people in the 50/60s"?

Eminem said it best " I'm not homophobic, your just heterophobic"

Mate when your under 11 year olds are being TAUGHT that it is OK to be gay and are given the option as to what pronouns they wish to be referred to, something is not right. Especially as that line of education was introduced on the back of Sex Education which when I was at school we did around the age of 13 to 14. The concept of sex education in the early 80s was to give you an understanding of exactly what was involved to make a girl pregnant, how to prevent pregnancies and how to protect yourself from STDs which was usually to use a condom because in that era HIV was going to kill the human race in 3 generations!

But what iYou can do a whole movie starring gay people without a sex scene. But can you make a whole movie with black people in it without showing the color of their skin? Black people can't hide being black but gay people can maneuver without showing their full blown gay.. never compare the two.. Kevin spacey is gay and how many characters has he played without being full on man on man scene.
I was surprised when I learnt that John Travolta was gay so with him as an example I believe that validates your statement.
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Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Man.....I thought the title read read "too foggy"

I see now what you
Lol.....same thing I was thinking, I thought this was a thread about shows that switched up the storyline so the show no longer made sense

Majority of Americans and even cats on this forum are around LGBT people every day and don’t even know it.

Majority of folks who are against LGBT have LGBT co-workers and have good friendly relationships with them and one day are shocked to find out the person is LGBT after knowing them for years.

Myself, I don’t focus on LGBT portrayals in TV/Film. It doesn’t phase me cuz I don’t give them any thought and could care less, just like watching media with predominantly White cast.

It’s interesting how cats routinely make anti-LGBT threads on the issue. From my perspective and opinion, if it bothers you….you too focus on it.
I got a buddy at work that I didn't know was gay until a woman at work told me, she acted like she was shocked when I said that it was his business and that he's never came at me wrong so I didn't have a problem with it. I'm still not 100% sure the guy is gay because I never asked him but I always thought he might have been because he always talked/talks about him and his “roommate“, but I've played basketball with guys I knew were gay and worked with another who was gay and I was said as long as they aren't the over the top ones I can deal with them
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International Member
Lol.....same thing I was thinking, I thought this was a thread about shows that switched up the storyline so the show no longer made sense

I got a buddy at work that I didn't know was gay until a woman at work told me, she acted like she was shocked when I said that it was his business and that he's never came at me wrong so I didn't have a problem with it. I'm still not 100% sure the guy is gay because I never asked him but I always thought he might have been because he always talked/talks about him and his “roommate“, but I've played basketball with guys I knew was gay and worked with another who was gay and I was said as long as they aren't the over the top ones I can deal with them
See, now this is a mature attitude.

I may not have portrayed it in my responses but as long as they understand that is not how i'm living but what they do is there business I'm cool.
What I don't like is the loud fairies who seem they need to let everybody know that hey are gay.
My fathers second wife has a gay son. My father said it disgusted him when they went out to dinner with him and his boyfriend and they would be kissing at the restaurant table. But my father never said anything because he didn't want tot rock the boat, but I know full well that if I had of been at that table with a girlfriend and had of been carrying on like that he would have jabbed me in the elbow with his fork and said "not the time or place son"
It's like they were flaunting there sexuality and trying to provoke you into addressing it. The objection would not have been that hey were gay but that it was not the appropriate place to be conduction ones self in such a way!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So was hooded Justice originally black in the graphic novel?
He's Black in the graphic novel as well. And it's "eluded" to by The Comedian that he gets off on violence. Just as they did in the '09 film where The Comedian attempts to rape Silk Spectre and Hooded Justice intervenes.

So, technically HBO didn't just ruin another Black male character. They just fleshed out his back story and circumstance. (Although they DID choose to make him a DL type with a wife & kid). And then they focused on his granddaughter: Regina King. :dunno:

And don't get me started on that bullshit, Lovecraft Country series that dudes here praise so much for its "Afro-Futurism". And yet all the brothers are either: gay, trannies, weak, victims, abusers or just... "off".

Man, I just couldn't stomach that series for too long. :hmm:


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Well you jumped into this thread with both feet, didn't you?

There are ton of anti-LGBT threads on this forum.

Good luck trying to find any posts from me in them. Lots of cats on this forum make it their priority to post in them., including this one.

And very slim chance you will see me post in future ones that will definitely be made.

I will put money on it that at least two anti-LGBT threads will be made within the next 30 days.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Never seen the series true blood cause every time I tried to watch it was full on faggotry.. never failed anytime I would turn to it , it was always some man on man shit. No way you turn to watch a vampire show and don't see violence, blood sucking, etc .. all there was some gay shit. Never watched off that alone
In the earlier BGOL days folks used to drop links the weekly episodes. I hooked until the same reasons. The ugly girl that was the star did a scene where her body was BANGIN, so I said “Let’s continue!” then is for extra moist going forward and I never finished it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You can do a whole movie starring gay people without a sex scene. But can you make a whole movie with black people in it without showing the color of their skin? Black people can't hide being black but gay people can maneuver without showing their full blown gay.. never compare the two.. Kevin spacey is gay and how many characters has he played without being full on man on man scene.
Yeah, he did the gay shit on House of Cards and I was upset. I stopped for a bit then decided to finish it. Shit was extra unnecessary.


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
There are ton of anti-LGBT threads on this forum.

Good luck trying to find any posts from me in them. Lots of cats on this forum make it their priority to post in them., including this one.

And very slim chance you will see me post in future ones that will definitely be made.

I will put money on it that at least two anti-LGBT threads will be made within the next 30 days.
...but yet here you are.


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
Never seen the series true blood cause every time I tried to watch it was full on faggotry.. never failed anytime I would turn to it , it was always some man on man shit. No way you turn to watch a vampire show and don't see violence, blood sucking, etc .. all there was some gay shit. Never watched off that alone
If thats the case we shouldve been complaining since Oz because thet was full on prison faggotry and that show was made in. The 90s


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yeah, he did the gay shit on House of Cards and I was upset. I stopped for a bit then decided to finish it. Shit was extra unnecessary.
Never seen house of cards… seven, usual suspects, etc.. even in American beauty when they threw in the gay kiss at least it made sense to the plot of the movie cause at the end that was the motherfucker that killed him and we know his reason


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
If thats the case we shouldve been complaining since Oz because thet was full on prison faggotry and that show was made in. The 90s
Oz actually had fucking scenes with women in it.. hell that’s actually how I started watching the show.. the wheelchair nig was fucking his bitch than he killed the cop and they toss him off the balcony.. same episode a black chick flashed a prisoner.. I had randomly turned to hbo and said wait a sec a prison show got bitches getting fucked in it let me watch the rest of the episode, than I saw the next show liked it, than eventually saw the previous episodes I missed and liked it.. also a female prison guard was fucking in it, etc.. a prison show ud expect some kind of gay shit cause it’s prison ( shawnshank redemption perfect example).. I don’t expect gay shit with vampires.. lost boys motherfuckers had powers, lots of violence and killing, the main character got some pussy.. dusk till dawn lots of violence and killing, bunch of half naked chicks, people with special powers.. even boring ass fright night lots of violence and killing, females were getting fucked than killed, special powers.. these are vampire movies… true blood male on male kissing, male on male faggotry, more male on male faggotry, how I turn to the show more than 10 times and not once see violence, special powers, or females.. that right there said nope I’m not watching that bullshit


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
There are ton of anti-LGBT threads on this forum.

Good luck trying to find any posts from me in them. Lots of cats on this forum make it their priority to post in them., including this one.

And very slim chance you will see me post in future ones that will definitely be made.

I will put money on it that at least two anti-LGBT threads will be made within the next 30 days.
Hey last of us was a great show first few episodes and than they went full blown gay that one episode.. every person I know that played that game said that whole episode made no sense cause that had nothing to do with the vidgame as the full blown faggotry.. the only sex scene in the whole fucking series was with 2 men.. just think nobody else had time to fuck but they just so happened to make an episode of two guys going at it.. they could’ve made them gay without the extra long dragged out sex scene between them 2 they could’ve implied it and everyone knew what it was without seeing it.. but nope they gave you the unnecessary extended version.. this what people get mad about.. they won’t give you a 15 min extension of 2 hot lesbians going at it, but they’ll do it with guys smh