Shows that got too f@ggy to watch


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If thats the case we shouldve been complaining since Oz because thet was full on prison faggotry and that show was made in. The 90s
Never completed it. Half or season one, if that. High school had a small role on it, still didn’t watch it. I saw his parts, but didn’t commit to the series.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have a cousin who is openly gay. I love him to death. He's an awesome dude. I have no issues with gay people. I just, personally, don't like seeing men kissing or having implied sex on TV shows or movies. I don't think it adds anything or any value at all. I'm seeing more and more commercials with men kissing. Ugh!
This. Adds zero value. I know and love many gays, I just don’t see the need for em to be all sexed up for no reason. If it’s a show about being gay, I get it. But don’t make Terminator 5 a gay dude! Next, one of the X-Men will have to be gay. Shawshank Redemption did Andy wrong but they didn’t show it! It was implied! No version of gay will ever be normal to me. That isn’t hate. Two ninjas kissing on series about drug dealing is dumb as fuck.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
not to defend them but that woman became a man in real life. So they had to change the story line. Smh


The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
I have been saying this shit for years now.

I don't give a fuck about a fag or what they do because it doesn't affect my personal life but when I can't even watch a commercial about dish washing liquid without some FLAMING FAGGOT NIGGA (yes its always a black MAN) then WTF man!!??

There are millions of physically disabled people in the world....why are they not represented in EVERY DAMN show, movie, tv show commercial? Can someone answer that question?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Chucky was friggin good and entertaining until the bombarded it with the gay love story. I used to just skip around it, then it became damn near every other scene and every single episode. I didn't even bother with the new season. It's series about a possessed doll killing shit, focus on that. I don't care for all the boy kissing and groping, wtf does that add to the story?