Sickle Cell Awareness Thread: Sickle Cell Awareness Month 2024! UPDATE: NBA2K5 SICKLE CELL BALL!!


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Tallahassee, Fla. – Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is the most common genetic disease worldwide and is estimated to affect 8,000 people in Florida and some 100,000 people nationwide. The Florida Department of Health in Leon County (DOH Leon) recognizes June 19 as World Sickle Cell Day and encourages citizens to consider blood donation to support those living with SCD.

Every baby born in a hospital in the United States is tested for SCD. SCD is most common among African Americans. It can cause severe episodes of pain, anemia requiring blood transfusions, and frequent hospitalizations due to effects on other organs. Though there is no cure, treatments and support services are available for those in Leon County living with SCD.


Went for my first blood donation this afternoon. Signed up in Sept' and one of the local schools was doing it today. Very smooth process. Staff were all great - polite. Mentioned to you previously that when my mom had broken her hip two years ago, she developed a blood clot in her lungs & required a 2-pint transfusion. Said she felt terrible in hospital while pre- & post-surgery and fortunately has made a full recovery with the hip replacement. Have seen her a handful of times in recent years. Even got in some long walks & a bike ride with her (her decision with both). She has been donating blood for years, and her boyfriend's been a regular donor as well (for 40+ years). They're both in their early-70s. When I was talking to her this year prior to her birthday, she said a great gesture us kids could do for her would be to sign up to become blood donors ourselves.

Glad I did ... and will be donating a few times annually moving forward.

Recommend doing so for anyone who is willing & able to do so safely.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

This is going to be a very difficult winter.

Be super safe

A lot of upper respiratory infections going around. ER flooded with RSV, cold, flu, cough, asthma etc....

Covid still active

Stay WARM, Stay HYDRATED and take your medication

Mask up.

I ain't just talking...

I'm going through it now myself.

Prayers go out to you all.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

This is going to be a very difficult winter.

Be super safe

A lot of upper respiratory infections going around. ER flooded with RSV, cold, flu, cough, asthma etc....

Covid still active

Stay WARM, Stay HYDRATED and take your medication

Mask up.

I ain't just talking...

I'm going through it now myself.

Prayers go out to you all.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
To my bgol family...

This pandemic is ongoing.

If you have not personally been effected

God bless

But to the immunocompromised?

It's still real.

I don't want to say it's your responsibility as a people

As citizens

As human beings

As a black community

As a parent

Even though ALL THAT IS TRUE

but we live in a society that is so sensitive about the wrong things. Are offended and passionate about the wrong things.

It's difficult to have conversations about humanity and dignity and responsibility without someone of some group deliberately being difficult.

So I say to my right thinking and feeling brothers and sisters

Personally do the best you can.

Help those who need it.

Cause the baby and I caught covid while she was already seriously ill in the hospital.

It was a scary life altering experience I would not wish on my worst enemy.

But my real bgol family held me down and lifted me up

I will NEVER EVER forget that.

I see it every time my baby takes a breath every smile...

Please try your best and on bgol we truly have some of the best

I got PROOF.

try your best to help those in need and especially in the sickle cell community

They need and appreciate it.


Rising Star
OG Investor
To my bgol family...

This pandemic is ongoing.

If you have not personally been effected

God bless

But to the immunocompromised?

It's still real.

I don't want to say it's your responsibility as a people

As citizens

As human beings

As a black community

As a parent

Even though ALL THAT IS TRUE

but we live in a society that is so sensitive about the wrong things. Are offended and passionate about the wrong things.

It's difficult to have conversations about humanity and dignity and responsibility without someone of some group deliberately being difficult.

So I say to my right thinking and feeling brothers and sisters

Personally do the best you can.

Help those who need it.

Cause the baby and I caught covid while she was already seriously ill in the hospital.

It was a scary life altering experience I would not wish on my worst enemy.

But my real bgol family held me down and lifted me up

I will NEVER EVER forget that.

I see it every time my baby takes a breath every smile...

Please try your best and on bgol we truly have some of the best

I got PROOF.

try your best to help those in need and especially in the sickle cell community

They need and appreciate it.

I highlighted the portion above, because it took someone, I knew personally to die from complications of sickle cell to do additional research. I wish you nothing but the best for you and yours my brother. Keep up the good fight.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I highlighted the portion above, because it took someone, I knew personally to die from complications of sickle cell to do additional research. I wish you nothing but the best for you and yours my brother. Keep up the good fight.

I appreciate that truly

It has been a hellish time to be honest

But we making it through.

I really hope my story inspires folk to help out those who need it the most.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

I hope our black athletes see this

you don't HAVE to be on Lamar level..

so many kids would GLOW for this opportunity

Please try your best to make a kids dream come true during a very difficult time


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't think they are...

I mean if it happens I ain't complaining
Hope so as well.... past 10 years alone there has been a lot more treatment options out there.

There are a lot more informed med personnel out there and from a financial standpoint it costs more for ER to help with sickle cell crisis patients as opposed to finding a permanent treatment.

Last figure I heard something like the 1.7 million worth of treatment over the lifespan of a sickle cell patient


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Hope so as well.... past 10 years alone there has been a lot more treatment options out there.

There are a lot more informed med personnel out there and from a financial standpoint it costs more for ER to help with sickle cell crisis patients as opposed to finding a permanent treatment.

Last figure I heard something like the 1.7 million worth of treatment over the lifespan of a sickle cell patient

Bro I just got hit with an 1800 bill outta no where


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
See here is another sickle cell joke...

And note the audience reaction

“This dude is so obsessed with Black people, I’m gonna start calling him sickle cell,” Hughley joked (for those unaware, according to the CDC, Black people are at a significantly higher risk of having sickle cell disease).
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