Sleep Apnea Will Ruin Your Life!/ FDA has approved weight-loss drug Zepbound to treat obstructive sleep apnea

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
I have very severe sleep apnea. I stop breathing 80 times an hour, and I've been on CPAP since 2005.

I'd probably be dead by now without it.
Thank God you use your machine .



Rising Star
Anybody with a cpap machine use one of those so clean system.
I have one. Its kinda high pricey but it keeps your masks clean bruh. And it saves you mad time. Just throw your masks and tube in it. Hit the button and do what you have too around the house or go to work. When you get ready to go to bed just take your mask out and use it. It feels brand new.
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jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Some questions for everyone ...

- Do you adhere to a pretty good sleep schedule during the week?

- Is your sleep schedule really inconsistent due to a busy lifestyle, alternating work schedule (shift work or overnight hours), etc?

- Ever experience sleep issues like insomnia?

- Do you try and "catch up" or recover sleep time on your days off, or on weekends?
I do work about 70-90 hrs a week. Corrections hours can be crazy. I work the overnight. I do get caught up on sleep on my days off. The machine helps me out so much. Even when I'm working 16hrs. a good 5hrs with the machine and I'm fresh ready to go back at it.


jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
I have one. Its kinda high pricey but it keeps your masks clean bruh. And it saves you mad time. Just through your masks and tube in it. Hit the button and do what you have too around the house or go to work. When you get ready to go to bed just take your mask out and use it. It feels brand new.
Doesn't leave a funny smell in your mask and tubing?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man I'm glad to see brothers getting their health right. I have it too and everything yall mentioning from the nightmares to being tired/headaches the next day is accurate. I finally got a CPAP in July and it has changed my life. Before I got my CPAP i kept 3 BCs (crushed aspirin) on me daily. I would fall asleep anywhere. Yeah man....take care yourself!!
What is suppose to be up with the crushed asprin?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Allegedly gets into the system faster. Btw the mouth piece will help your snoring not sleep apnea
The mouth piece was designed for sleep apnea. It is not a regular mouth piece was the only reason why I bought it.
Are you saying that aspirin helps to fight against sleep apnea? I might start carrying some around with me all the time


Rising Star
OG Investor
Anybody with a cpap machine use one of those so clean system.
I've heard mixed reviews on that. Some say it works good but too many says it leaves a funny burnt smell on your mask that is unbearable. I'm not fuckin with it. Shits expensive as hell too.


I tried it briefly, I had to send it back. The smell gave me a headache. Thankfully I was able to use a mouth guard type appliance instead of the CPAP.

I'd say just make sure to buy it from Amazon, that way you can easily return it if you don't like it.


Rising Star
The mouth piece was designed for sleep apnea. It is not a regular mouth piece was the only reason why I bought it.
Are you saying that aspirin helps to fight against sleep apnea? I might start carrying some around with me all the time
If I can remember what I read without going back he said one side affect of the apnea was headaches when he woke up so I assume the powdered pills were for that

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
I tried it briefly, I had to send it back. The smell gave me a headache. Thankfully I was able to use a mouth guard type appliance instead of the CPAP.

I'd say just make sure to buy it from Amazon, that way you can easily return it if you don't like it.
Yeah I heard that smell really fucks with some people. That's why I'm passing on it.



FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
if you have sleep apnea, would it be obvious, or could you have it and not know about it ta all?
Yes! If you're not familiar with the symptoms you might just think it's any or everything else, like I did. Also, for most of the years that I was dealing with it, I was living in Quarters and my wife was back home.
When I'd come home on a Pass or Leave, she thought at first the I was sleeping off a bender or something from all of my snoring. She did her own study of me through the nights and noted that I'd stop breathing until I "came up for air" but still didn't think anything about sleep apnea.

If you're sleeping alone and having fits trying to get a full night's sleep being constantly interrupted, you may not realize it. If your woman is laying beside you, she's gonna be pissed because SHE can't get a good night of sleep so she's gonna look to see what the hell you're doing over there and take notice.


Rising Star
I've had my AutoPAP since 2015 I think. I got it through the American Sleep Apnea Association after contacting Tracy Nasca that works there. I got it for $100, it was the Resmed S9. I still have it.

I also have a newer Resmed AirSense S10 through my Obamacare insurance company. I've traveled with both, it packs up easy.

My only problem is making myself put on my mask when I lay down, keeping it clean (I got a few respiratory infections last year and i figured out it was the AutoPAP), and it giving me an audacious amount of gas in the morning.
I literally fart and burp for an hour laying there after waking up. It's fun sometimes, but sometimes its uncomfortable and I be having shit to do


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
I've had my AutoPAP since 2015 I think. I got it through the American Sleep Apnea Association after contacting Tracy Nasca that works there. I got it for $100, it was the Resmed S9. I still have it.

I also have a newer Resmed AirSense S10 through my Obamacare insurance company. I've traveled with both, it packs up easy.

My only problem is making myself put on my mask when I lay down, keeping it clean (I got a few respiratory infections last year and i figured out it was the AutoPAP), and it giving me an audacious amount of gas in the morning.
I literally fart and burp for an hour laying there after waking up. It's fun sometimes, but sometimes its uncomfortable and I be having shit to do

That's interesting re: the side effects in the AM. Do you still use both machines, or primarily one over the other now?

Da Blacksmith

Forging my way thru it all
BGOL Patreon Investor
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea 7 years ago and I will tell that CPAP has done wonders with me to the point where I don't even snore anymore when I don't use it. When I took my sleep study before I was diagnosed, my doctor told me that I didn't breathe 72 times an hour within a 6 hour sleep period. Man that shit had me shook.
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God's Gift

The best of the majority of you niggas.
BGOL Investor
I have it and have had it for over 10 years as I lay in bed typing with my mask on.

Symptoms for me were falling asleep anywhere / anytime I wasn't active or bored and loud snoring per my ex-wife.

I was told by a Dr., that individuals with a 17"+ neck were most susceptible to having it.

I eventually got nagged and had a sleep study at a sleep lab. The results were that I stopped breathing about 100/ time per night and reached over 75 decibels.

I got the machine, fought using it and then stopped using it.

Time flew, got divorced met a new chick who said I snored and I was then inspired to change.

I saw a good ENT Dr., who got me in for an exam and prescribed having surgery for a deviated septum and enlarged turbinates. That shit feels like you met the fat part of a baseball bat with your face, but the results of surgery were great.

I started using a newer C-pap as prescribed and no longer fall asleep everywhere.

At night, the hose can wake you up when you roll over but you'll awake, clear the hose and soon be back to sleep.

I don't have a regular sleeping schedule but I add 3 MG. of melatonin and wake up largely at daylight everyday and never feel tired.

For all, I'd recommend going to an ENT first as a sleep dr. will put you on c-pap as fast as a Dr in Appalachia will put you on oxycodone.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Damn this post is right on time. Does anyone have sleep apnea due to large tonsils? I’ve had issues with chronic sinus infections so I finally went to an ear, nose, and throat doctor and he had a look at my tonsils and said they are a grade 4. (The scale goes from 0-4). Then he started asking all these questions about how I sleep at night and if I every get a full nights sleep but still wake up tired. I told him thats like my norm and he said it’s probably because I have sleep apnea due to large tonsils and I’m not getting enough air with Ike I’m breathing at night. I have a surgery scheduled next month to remove my tonsils and adenoids. Also I’m not overweight at all so sleep apnea can effect anyone.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Quiet as kept sleep apnea saved my bro life... He was in the military and they was about to send him to Iraq for the third time... His ex-wife recognized he had some heavy snoring habits and told him to go get it checked out... He ended going to the hospital and finding out he had it... Cause of him being diagnosed with it the military pretty much said he couldn't go back to iraq... He said the squad he would've went with came under heavy fire and various dudes he know died.. As he said he would've more likely been 1 of them.. Thanks to sleep apnea he still here
Hopefully your bro is getting disability, it's an automatic 50%


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
I have it and have had it for over 10 years as I lay in bed typing with my mask on.

Symptoms for me were falling asleep anywhere / anytime I wasn't active or bored and loud snoring per my ex-wife.

I was told by a Dr., that individuals with a 17"+ neck were most susceptible to having it.

I eventually got nagged and had a sleep study at a sleep lab. The results were that I stopped breathing about 100/ time per night and reached over 75 decibels.

I got the machine, fought using it and then stopped using it.

Time flew, got divorced met a new chick who said I snored and I was then inspired to change.

I saw a good ENT Dr., who got me in for an exam and prescribed having surgery for a deviated septum and enlarged turbinates. That shit feels like you met the fat part of a baseball bat with your face, but the results of surgery were great.

I started using a newer C-pap as prescribed and no longer fall asleep everywhere.

At night, the hose can wake you up when you roll over but you'll awake, clear the hose and soon be back to sleep.

I don't have a regular sleeping schedule but I add 3 MG. of melatonin and wake up largely at daylight everyday and never feel tired.

For all, I'd recommend going to an ENT first as a sleep dr. will put you on c-pap as fast as a Dr in Appalachia will put you on oxycodone.
Your story reminds me of my partner Otis. He was the first person I'd ever known to have sleep apnea back in the late nineties. The Brother was an O lineman all the way up through DIII college for a couple of years.

He used to fall asleep on his feet mid sentence sometimes. We'd be fucking with him when he'd doze off and because I knew his wife, I'd throw shit like the oddest grocery list of shit for him to pick up on the way home. :lol: This was the military, so I wouldn't let muhfuckas use any twisted ass humor on him. After a minute or so, he'd come back around..."Y'all was fuckin' wit me wasn't y'all?:yawn::D"
(My wife would later admit in frustration to one of her sisters over the phone:eek2::hmm: to having always tried to get info out of me while I was sleeping but all I would ever talk about is work related shit.:roflmao:)

Fast forward several years, it only got worse so he sought treatment and had to undergo surgery. That's about the only dude not related to me that I went to the hospital with and stayed there until he was in recovery.

After that, he changed his diet, cut back on his Cigar habit...he actually used to inhale them stogies:eek2:, and shed a lot of the weight that he had always carried outside of playing football. I don't know that he's ever used a CPAP in all that time either.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've had my AutoPAP since 2015 I think. I got it through the American Sleep Apnea Association after contacting Tracy Nasca that works there. I got it for $100, it was the Resmed S9. I still have it.

I also have a newer Resmed AirSense S10 through my Obamacare insurance company. I've traveled with both, it packs up easy.

My only problem is making myself put on my mask when I lay down, keeping it clean (I got a few respiratory infections last year and i figured out it was the AutoPAP), and it giving me an audacious amount of gas in the morning.
I literally fart and burp for an hour laying there after waking up. It's fun sometimes, but sometimes its uncomfortable and I be having shit to do

Your CPAP pressure might be up too high. If so, you might notice your belly getting bigger and have lots of burping, and gas.