Sleep Apnea Will Ruin Your Life!/ FDA has approved weight-loss drug Zepbound to treat obstructive sleep apnea

God's Gift

The best of the majority of you niggas.
BGOL Investor
Your story reminds me of my partner Otis. He was the first person I'd ever known to have sleep apnea back in the late nineties. The Brother was an O lineman all the way up through DIII college for a couple of years.

He used to fall asleep on his feet mid sentence sometimes. We'd be fucking with him when he'd doze off and because I knew his wife, I'd throw shit like the oddest grocery list of shit for him to pick up on the way home. :lol: This was the military, so I wouldn't let muhfuckas use any twisted ass humor on him. After a minute or so, he'd come back around..."Y'all was fuckin' wit me wasn't y'all?:yawn::D"
(My wife would later admit in frustration to one of her sisters over the phone:eek2::hmm: to having always tried to get info out of me while I was sleeping but all I would ever talk about is work related shit.:roflmao:)

Fast forward several years, it only got worse so he sought treatment and had to undergo surgery. That's about the only dude not related to me that I went to the hospital with and stayed there until he was in recovery.

After that, he changed his diet, cut back on his Cigar habit...he actually used to inhale them stogies:eek2:, and shed a lot of the weight that he had always carried outside of playing football. I don't know that he's ever used a CPAP in all that time either.

Yeah man... Although I can carry 260 on my frame, it ain't the healthiest. Keto got me down to 240 but being consistent with it at times is difficult.

Is so much better to be under the overweight and fooling oneself with the illusion of feeling "big".


Rising Star
Doesn't leave a funny smell in your mask and tubing?

Yeah there is a smell from the cleaning process. But I let it go through the entire process before I use the CPAP. The smell isn't that bad to me. It's that activated oxygen that makes the smell. I usually wait until the activated oxygen dissipates before I use it. I also make sure my humidifier is at 0. So everything works well for me.


Rising Star
Your CPAP pressure might be up too high. If so, you might notice your belly getting bigger and have lots of burping, and gas.
Yea, it's an AutoPAP so it automatically adjusts pressure. I notice in different positions it goes up slowly. I try to always see what the pressure is before turning it off.

I went to a Sound Bath relaxing meditation thing a few weeks ago that my homegirl was instructing and she said I was snoring loud and disturbing people. Afterwards a lady suggested I might have sleep apnea, I said "I do. I got 2 CPAP machines. I just ain't used them in a while." The lady and my homegirl looked at me like I was stupid, and start asking questions and said I had a lot of excuses.... made me promise to use it everyday.

So I been using it everyday lately.


I Haz Risen
Thank God you use your machine .


Every single day. And I look back and didn't realize what I had. I'd wake up in the morning exhausted and twisted up in my sheets, half hanging off the bed.

I also think of a friend of mine who passed away in 2013 at the gym. I was the last one to see him alive at breakfast that morning. He was in a good mood and happy because he just turned 60 and was looking forward to getting married and retiring the following year. He started exercising without seeing a doctor first and getting his blood pressure under control. He also knew he was a heavy snorer. I suggested he get tested for apena. I wish I pushed him harder to do it.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Every single day. And I look back and didn't realize what I had. I'd wake up in the morning exhausted and twisted up in my sheets, half hanging off the bed.

I also think of a friend of mine who passed away in 2013 at the gym. I was the last one to see him alive at breakfast that morning. He was in a good mood and happy because he just turned 60 and was looking forward to getting married and retiring the following year. He started exercising without seeing a doctor first and getting his blood pressure under control. He also knew he was a heavy snorer. I suggested he get tested for apena. I wish I pushed him harder to do it.
Jesus Christ man. Very sad to hear about your friend. :sad::crying: I know that shit hurts.



Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
my dad has a cpap machine. I remember after he started using it and lost about 20 pounds and got a whole lot less grouchy


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
I got this shit. Havent been checked out by doctor....but I know I got it. Waking up gasping for breath and snoring loudly. Mix this with a bad back and smoking/drinking, makes getting a good nights sleep damn near imposible. I did however lose 40lbs over last few years and noticed that it wasn't as bad anymore. If i lost more weight and quit the bad habits, that shit would most likely go away. Im working on it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I got this shit. Havent been checked out by doctor....but I know I got it. Waking up gasping for breath and snoring loudly. Mix this with a bad back and smoking/drinking, makes getting a good nights sleep damn near imposible. I did however lose 40lbs over last few years and noticed that it wasn't as bad anymore. If i lost more weight and quit the bad habits, that shit would most likely go away. Im working on it.
Get to a Doc to get this shyt checked out man. So many are being lost and suffering when you don't have to. Wearing the mask is weird at first. But once you get used to it, you barely know its there.
And every morning you wake up refreshed like never before.

That being those having trouble with the cpap, look into different types of masks. I used to have the full nose and mouth mask and hated it. The cushions wore out quickly and would mess up the bridge of my nose, it would leak...etc. I was able to transfer to the nose cushion mask and it's so much better and less restrictive.


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
y'all better get one of those machines and use it

i love mine like a fat kid loves cake


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So visit an ENT doc? Any vets got this at the VA hospital or clinic? I’ve been out for 15 yrs with a 90% rating with some other things...

I've gone through two sleep doctors and both were neurologist. I think some are also pulmonologist.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
I got this shit. Havent been checked out by doctor....but I know I got it. Waking up gasping for breath and snoring loudly. Mix this with a bad back and smoking/drinking, makes getting a good nights sleep damn near imposible. I did however lose 40lbs over last few years and noticed that it wasn't as bad anymore. If i lost more weight and quit the bad habits, that shit would most likely go away. Im working on it.
Trilla, you a good dude in here. Listen to ya boy Jackson and get a sleep study done and get a machine bro. This sleep apnea can cause heart disease which is deadly. People are having heart attacks in their sleep at young ages because of this. Please set up a sleep study with your primary right away. Don't want to see anything happen to good people man. Please.



X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
Trilla, you a good dude in here. Listen to ya boy Jackson and get a sleep study done and get a machine bro. This sleep apnea can cause heart disease which is deadly. People are having heart attacks in their sleep at young ages because of this. Please set up a sleep study with your primary right away. Don't want to see anything happen to good people man. Please.

I think it Contributes to dementia and alzheimers.. because you are literally starving your brain of oxygen while you are asleep


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
Trilla, you a good dude in here. Listen to ya boy Jackson and get a sleep study done and get a machine bro. This sleep apnea can cause heart disease which is deadly. People are having heart attacks in their sleep at young ages because of this. Please set up a sleep study with your primary right away. Don't want to see anything happen to good people man. Please.

I appreciate that man. I'm just one of those guys that never goes to the doctor. I know I need to stop doing that...seeing how I just turned 39 last month. Last doctor visit I had was exactly 2 years ago. I had so many issues with anxiety and back problems, I mentioned the possible sleep apnea and the doctor was focusing on the other stuff . It was like I told him so many things were wrong he just picked a couple things to work on and said fuck everything else :lol: Funny thing is, Ive got really good insurance from the company I work for over 13 years. Im stupid for not taking advantage. Ill look into it.


Rising Star
Got My new supplies in the mail today. New mask new tubing

On another note I think my homely ass pulmonology doc wants to give me some pussy she is ether extra friendly or flirting extra hard

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
I appreciate that man. I'm just one of those guys that never goes to the doctor. I know I need to stop doing that...seeing how I just turned 39 last month. Last doctor visit I had was exactly 2 years ago. I had so many issues with anxiety and back problems, I mentioned the possible sleep apnea and the doctor was focusing on the other stuff . It was like I told him so many things were wrong he just picked a couple things to work on and said fuck everything else :lol: Funny thing is, Ive got really good insurance from the company I work for over 13 years. Im stupid for not taking advantage. Ill look into it.
Yeah man please look into it. You'll feel so much better using the machine trust me. The 1st night I used it I had the greatest sleep ever. Felt so good. You need it man. Trust me. Will prevent a lot of health problems later on down the road. Triple bitch post for you taking my advice and looking into a sleep study. I want nothing but the best for you man. :thumbsup:




jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Definitely need to get tested again. Was on the machine for two years and had an insurance issue. Long story short they took the machine back. Same month Sean Price died from sleep apnea
Man that's some bullshit. Insurance companies are foul for that. I'd look into legal action with that one. They playing with your life man. :angry: :smh:



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Anyone have long-term breathing / nose issues due to deviated septum, and/or a history of breaking one's nose in either fights or sports injuries? On that note - any experience(s) with corrective surgeries for same?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Definitely need to get tested again. Was on the machine for two years and had an insurance issue. Long story short they took the machine back. Same month Sean Price died from sleep apnea

Man that's some bullshit. Insurance companies are foul for that. I'd look into legal action with that one. They playing with your life man. :angry: :smh:


Yeah my doc told me some shit like that. If I don't use it enough within the first 90 days I get it, they prolly won't pay for it.