Shit is Wiiidddeee Open...
Read the Complaint...
Dude had a Pyramid scheme wrapping around a Sex Cult.
Like some kind of Sex-CACural Truduckin
I'm done
this nigga here just killed me.
Shit is Wiiidddeee Open...
Read the Complaint...
Dude had a Pyramid scheme wrapping around a Sex Cult.
Like some kind of Sex-CACural Truduckin
yea but did this kristen chick get branded tho.. she talkin like she was watchin shit from afar...
I'd go raw inside her.
Yeap yeap... that’s why I’ve been telling kats for over a year know that I know for a fact that there are Kristen Kreuk fappening pics out there.
And now I firmly believe the truth of Allison Mack. Those that follow the fappening know that I posted rumors of Allison Mack pics back in Fap 1 but at that time I always thought there was no way.
Shiiiiitttttttttt I bet Alison Mack’s shit is like the grand puba of all fappening pics. Like she is probably doing everything
And Kristen Kreuk was the one that introduced Allison Mack to the cult.
I think Kristen might have left before it went crazy... but she was in it up until 2013. I just don’t see how a dude randomly decides to turn this thing into a sex slave cult from a well intentioned program. You don’t slip into having chicks call you “The Vanguard”...
I don’t can’t what Kristen says.. she knew about this shit.
OK Chole crazy...
Allison Mack claimed she won EMMY but no record found of award
December 30, 2017
Comparisons are often odious but is Allison Mack to be compared to her mentor in the art of conflation or not?
Allison, before she rose to sudden, startling international fame for being second in command of a sex cult that brands women on their groins with her and her mentor’s (Keith Raniere) initials, claimed a nearly as impressive feat: She won her first Emmy.
It is on her website and Facebook: Allison crowed she won an Emmy award on May 23, 2017.
Perhaps readers could help me out. I could not find any record of her winning an Emmy.
I had the same problem finding Keith Raniere’s record of being an East Coast Judo Champion at the age of 11 or his tying the New York State record in the 100 yard dash.
But those happened some years ago. This was 2017 when Allison claimed she won her first Emmy.
I did find a “Daytime Emmy” awarded to some people involved in an episode of an animated show called Lost In Oz: Extended Adventure.
While Allison had a small voice role as the character Evelyn Gale, she herself did not win an Emmy.
The episode won three Emmys.
WINNER: Lost in Oz: Extended Adventure | Amazon
Executive Producers Kallan Kagan, Abram Makowka, Darin Mark, Jared Mark, Mark Warshaw; Executive Producers Flaunt Productions Jack Liang, Andrew Pearce, Richard Scott, Shuzo John Shiota; Supervising Producer Ken Duer; Senior Producer Dan Mokriy; Producers Sean McAlear, Amy Paterson, Therese Trujillo; Line Producer Sarah Cortina
Outstanding Sound Editing – Animation
Pat Rodman (sound supervisor)
Eric P. Sherman (sound supervisor)
James Scullion (dialogue editor)
Ricky Watson (adr editor)
Justin Kohler (sound effects editor)
Eric Paulsen (sound effects editor)
Tony Solis (foley mixer)
Dicken Berglund (foley mixer)
GAWD DAMN... This criminal indictment on Dude is fucking wild.
From the warrant
"Based on information obtained during the course of this investigation, since ESP's founding, RANIERE has maintained a rotating group of fifteen to twenty women with whom he maintains sexual relationships. These women are not permitted to have sexual relationships with anyone but RANIERE or to discuss with others their relationships with RANIERE. Some of the Nxivm curriculum included teachings about the need for men to have multiple sexual partners and the need for women to be monogamous."
Gawd damn..Look at this shit... from the Warrant
"In or about 2015, a secret society was developed within Nxivm called "DOS" or the "Vow" ( collectively "DOS"). DOS is an organized criminal group that operates in the Eastern District of New York and other parts of the United States, Canada and Mexico.
DOS operates as a pyramid with levels of "slaves" headed by "masters."
Slaves are expected to recruit slaves of their own (thus becoming masters themselves), who in tum owe service not only to their own masters but also to masters above them in the DOS pyramid.
Based on information gathered over the course of this investigation, including RANIERE's own admissions and emails between RANIERE and other members of DOS, RANIERE alone forms the top of the pyramid as the highest master.
Other than RANIERE, all participants in DOS are women.
While avoiding the words "master" and "slave" in the initial recruiting pitch, a master would tell her prospective slave that the prospective slave had an opportunity to join an organization that would change her life.
The master then told the prospective slave that, in order to learn more, she had to provide "collateral," which was meant to ensure that the prospective slave would keep what she was about to learn a secret.
Collateral consisted of material or information that the prospective slave would not want revealed because it would be ruinous to the prospective slave herself and/or someone close to her.
Collateral provided by prospective slaves included sexually explicit photographs; videos made to look candid in which the prospective slaves told damning stories (true or untrue) about themselves, close friends and/or family members; and letters making damaging accusations (true or untrue) against friends and family members. In many cases, the masters helped the prospective slaves develop ideas for what would be appropriate collateral or instructed the prospective slaves on lies to tell in order to make the collateral even more damaging.
Prospective slaves who agreed to join DOS were told that in order to join they had to provide additional collateral, similar in type to the collateral they had already provided. Some slaves were told that they had to collateralize all aspects of their lives, including signing over any assets, disclaiming their faith, and doing things that would ruin their careers and relationships if the collateral were released. DOS slaves understood that if they left DOS, spoke publicly about DOS, or repeatedly failed DOS obligations or assignments, their collateral could be released.
DOS slaves were also regularly given assignments to complete by their masters. Some of the masters gave their slaves assignments that either directly or implicitly required them to have sex with RANIERE, which they then did. Other assignments appeared designed to groom slaves sexually for RANIERE. For example, RANIERE is lmown to sexually prefer women who are exceptionally thin, and a number of the slaves' assignments required them to adhere to extremely low-calorie diets and to document every food they ate. Other women were assigned to periods of celibacy, during which they were not allowed to have sex with anyone or masturbate.
The DOS masters, including Co-Conspirator 1 ("CC-I," described below ALLISON MACK), who directed their slaves to have sex with RANIERE profited from the resulting sex acts. Those DOS masters received a financial benefit in the form of continued status and participation in DOS, i.e. the masters continued to receive acts of care and the work of the equivalent of a full time employee. In addition, by requiring DOS slaves to have sex with RANIERE, DOS masters also received benefits from RANIERE in the form of increased status and financial opportunities within Nxivm more broadly. RANIERE also often discussed or promised career opportunities to the DOS slaves who had sex with him and the DOS slaves with whom he expressed an interest in having sex. As one example, discussed further below, once Jane Doe 1 began having sex with RANIERE, he provided her with money and offered her a job, but as soon as she defected from DOS and stopped having sex with him, RANIERE told her she had to pay the money back.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT.... ALLISON MACK IS CRAZY!!! from the Warrant.... remember Chloe is CC-1.
Within the material provided by Yahoo! were numerous emails, only a few of which are described here, which support the conclusion that RANIERE created DOS. On August 10, 2015, CC-1 sent an email to the account. CC-1 's email was titled "vow 3" and included an attached letter. The letter pledged CC-1 's " full and complete life" to RANIERE. In the letter, CC-1 used the terms "slave" and "master" to refer to herself and RANIERE. Moreover, the letter identified "collateral" to "cement" the vow made by CC-1. This collateral was described as: ( 1) a letter regarding CC-1 's mother and father that would "destroy their character"; (2) a contract that transferred custody of any children birthed by CC-I to RANIERE if CC-I broke her commitment to RANIERE; (3) a contract that transferred ownership of CC-1 's home if the commitment to RANIERE was broken; and (4) a letter addressed to social services alleging abuse to CC-1 's nephews.
CC-1 is an actress and is currently understood to be one of the women with whom RANIERE maintained a sexual relationship prior to the development of DOS. Statements on Nxivm-related websites, including video interviews of RANIERE and CC-1, refer to RANIERE's mentorship of CC-1, and to RANIERE's and CC-1 's co-development of ''The Source," a Nxivm-affiliated entity focused on improving actors' performance skills. Based on information obtained over the course of the investigation, including admissions by RANIERE and emails between RANIERE and CC-I, CC-1 is RANIERE's direct slave.
Allison Mack directly mentions her development of "The Source" on her fucking Website..
"The more “unconventional” approach came when Allison came across the work of Keith Raniere. Over the course of several years, Mr. Raniere mentored Allison in her study of acting and music. As such, she has developed a deep connection to the nature of humanity as it relates to acting as an art form, and a tool for personal evolution.
In 2013, Mr. Raniere worked with Allison and a small group of equally skilled and dedicated professionals to develop a curriculum that is currently taught through a private arts academy, The Source. There Allison serves as president and is one of its top trainers. The Source provides a unique toolset and innovative exercises to increase one’s mastery of the art of compassion, utilizing the disciplines of acting and expression."
Man Allison Mack is going down...
would REALLY be surprised if Killer Frost, Felicity, Zara were straight freaks in private?
Finally something to knock Tr#mp out of the news for a day or two.
I wonder if Chloe knelt before ZOD?
How and why Allison Mack gave collateral to Keith
September 10, 2017
After Mark Hildreth and Kristin Kreuk broke up, Kristin left NXIVM. Mark stayed.![]()
Allison Mack also stayed.
For a time, it seemed like Mark and Allison had some romantic chemistry. They would stare at each other in admiration and spend time alone.
But Allison wanted to learn more from Keith Raniere, who prefers to be called by his self-given title, Vanguard.
One day, Allison left her computer open. There was an email on the screen. One of her friends saw it and was shocked: It was an email from Keith to Allison.
It said in effect:
‘If you and I want to have sex, you have to make a vow to have sex only with me. You have to give me collateral that you are only having sex with me.’
Friends of the actress say she pledged significant financial assets as collateral to ensure her chastity.
Allison Mack chose to be sexually healed by Keith Raniere rather than have a monogamous relationship with another man.
Keith teaches that, combined with little sleep and a low calorie diet, a woman who has sex with him will be transformed. If he ejaculates with her, on her, or inside her, she becomes his forever.
Keith Raniere is truly one of the world’s greatest liars.
As he healed her disintegrations though sex, he told her, as he had told many others, that he could die if she had sex with another man. He was ready to die, but his mission was not complete. She had to give more collateral.
When there were no more financial assets to pledge, he allowed her to give nude pictures and videos. She had done cute pictures in her bra and panties. Maybe topless.
Girls give pictures like that to their boyfriends all the time.
No. Cute pictures are not collateral. Neither are sexy pictures.
It had to be completely naked. More: It had to go beyond moderate pornographic.
She had to have her legs up and her vagina spread open and it had to show her face. A shot of her inner labia with her face in the picture.
Done. Keith needed something more. After all, he was risking his life to heal her.
Over time, he kept healing her by ejaculating on her. For her part, she had to continue to give collateral.
More nudes?
No. How many graphic shots of Allison Mack were needed? If you have 10 or 20, having 100 isn’t going to do any more.
Everybody has done something they are ashamed of [except Vanguard]. Confess that on video. Something damning, something shocking. Something that could destroy her life. Collateral that would make people hate Allison Mack if Keith ever released it.
Suppose there is nothing so wicked? Then make something up. Lie about a crime. Falsely say you did something: Molest a child. Embezzlement. Fraud. Put it on video.
There were so many who depended on his teaching. Allison Mack wanted to be healed through his sperm. She gave him collateral.
Then, like all women, she lived her life waiting for him to call and come when he commanded.
All of the women wait to be healed by Vanguard’s sperm.
Keith was pleased with Allison. He sent her out to find more women. They must be young, slender and attractive.
He liked the idea of collateral for it could work on a much larger scale.
Allison persuaded other women to be branded.
Allison went out and found women. They added collars, a hierarchy, where slaves recruit other slaves, and human pubic branding. They called it DOS.
It had begun with Keith saying he needed assurance that Allison would not have sex with another man. Why couldn’t Allison simply have put on a chastity belt and given Keith the key?
Inscrutable are the ways of Vanguard.
Allison Mack sees only Vanguard. She lives only for him. She has no father to protect her. No brother to confirm this is all true.
Allison Mack chose to be sexually healed by Keith Raniere rather than have a monogamous relationship with another man. Is she a victim of Vanguard or a cruel and selfish woman who brought dozens of other women into his perverse world?
I have NO WORDS.
wonder whatever happened to Pete?
Man he wanted Chole BAD!
I have no idea who these hoes are, I just know dude was pimpin the shit out of them...
the crazy shit is you KNOW this aint the only cult like this....
the pimp game as been transformed.....
did I mention I have zero idea who any of these hoes are tho...
interesting shit tho...
I have NO WORDS.
wonder whatever happened to Pete?
Man he wanted Chole BAD!
This shit is fucking CRAZY!!!
Why I Joined a Secret Society That Branded Me
BySarah Edmondsonas told toSarah Berman
Nov 2 2017, 7:00am
A former member of a Nxivm women's group responds to those who called her blind and stupid for submitting to mutilation.
Last month, a New York Times article exposed abuses of a secret society of women within a "philosophical movement" called Nxivm. The Times spoke to former society members who described coercive master/slave relationships and an initiation ceremony that branded the initials of Nxivm's leader on their bodies. Since the story came out, former member Sarah Edmondson has been called stupid and blind for believing in Nxivm's personal development programs and submitting to mutilation. New York authorities declined to pursue charges against Nxivm or leader Keith Raniere because the brandings were deemed consensual, and Raniere filed a mischief complaint against Edmondson in Vancouver, where she lives and works as an actress. In response, Edmondson recounts over ten years of manipulation tactics she claims to have endured that made it nearly impossible for her to leave or question abuses. VICE reached out to Nxivm—they released a statement after the Times report—but did not hear back.
I met a director named Mark Vicente who made a film called What the Bleep Do We Know. It came out at a great time in my life when I was seeking a certain path of bettering myself. And when I met him at a film festival I said I loved your film—just gushing. He said if you like the film you might like this program I just took. He had just taken a 16-day program with Nxivm a few months prior. I actually remember standing with him and talking about this really smart guy named Keith [Raniere] who was a humanitarian and really changing the world. And that appealed to me. That whole concept appealed to me. I ended up taking my first five-day training just a few weeks later.
I'd say for my first couple days I was very closed. Like, my parent's are therapists, what are you going to teach me? On day one I came home and googled the company, which I hadn't done before I signed up. And I called Mark Vicente and I said, "What did you get me into?" He was like, "Yeah, well, anyone can write anything about anyone online. Of course there are smear campaigns and haters and stuff like that." I said "OK" and I trusted Mark more than anything. [Editor's note: Vicente left Nxivm after allegations of the secret society within the organization came out.]
The company brilliantly preempts this whole concept of being triggered and being uncomfortable by saying if you're uncomfortable—and you will be—that means you're doing it right, and that means we can bring issues up that you can look at in the class. And if you can't talk about it here, where are you going to talk about it? We had these "issues"—the thing that is your pattern. Your problem in life. Whether you're an accommodator or you're a control freak or a victim—we all have certain patterns. If I went up and I tried to express concern for something it was thrown back in my face.
So on day one, we bow to a leader named "Vanguard." [Editor's note: this was Keith Raniere.] You know, that's a red flag. Easily explainable. Everyone has titles, doctors have titles, sensei has a title. We refer to people based on what they've earned. Vanguard's earned this title and it means leader of a philosophical movement. Nothing weird about that. We wear sashes. But sashes are just like in martial arts. Nothing weird about that. So everything that I had an issue with was easily explained away.
By the third day I got really cracked open, had some big "a-has" and big "integrations," is what they call it in Executive Success Programs (the personal development stream of Nxivm). And by the end of the five days I thought: This was amazing, all my friends need this, I want to bring this to Canada. (There was no school in Canada at the time.) I definitely felt like a veil of fog had been lifted: I had more clarity, I was making better decisions, I understood people better, I thought this was the key to success and happiness. But there was also this nugget that they left you with—that was this problem with you that you had to resolve, and of course, that required more trainings. So even though I felt empowered there was always this recognition that I had to evolve this thing within myself to be fully happy. It almost created a dependency.
There's a momentum to being committed to a group that you think is good, and there's a certain amount of cognitive dissonance to make your choice a good choice. Especially when people—this happens all the time—when they spend $3,000 on a five-day training, you want to make it good, you want to make it a good choice—yeah I got something out of it. Yeah, it was amazing, really good. Same thing, a psychological phenomenon, you stick to it, and I think there was part of me wanting to be right that it was good.
I took my first training in 2005, and I spent between 2005 and 2009 traveling between New York and Tacoma/Seattle where there was a centre at the time. And every quarter or so we put on a five-day training on and people would fly up from New York and teach the training. And I was the main producer of that, and loved it, and brought a lot of people in. I was really good at it. Not to pump my own tires but I was. And they nurtured that in me. They gave me training, and would fly me to Albany to get trained personally with Keith, and I got a lot of sales help from him directly. I was very gung ho about bringing this to Canada, especially all my actor friends who needed personal development more than anyone, I thought. And people loved it. I did that until 2009, and Mark Vicente and I became business partners and we opened the Vancouver chapter.
The concept of collateral actually came into Nxivm, the whole company, in a program they taught called Human Pain, which they started I believe in 2011 or 2012. That curriculum was an eight-day level two training—so after people had taken the basic training—and started with these concepts of collateral and penance. People were encouraged to put down collateral as weight to their word for their commitments. I personally didn't really do this, but it was part of the program—if you didn't complete your goals or something you said you were going to do, people were literally sleeping on the floor, or taking cold showers for a week.
My husband had committed to recruit a certain number of people for the men's group he was part of, and if he didn't he was going to give away his letter jacket from being a quarterback. For women, penance was largely about calories. I remember there was one woman I saw once on a 300-calorie diet, because of some breach she had done. She was eating mashed frozen zucchini and tomato stew. Just nothing. This was not what I signed up for. But I was a leader and being a leader you had to take all the new trainings. So when that was introduced I just took what I wanted from it.
The naked photos came much later when I was recruited into the secret society. Lauren Salzman is the daughter of the president of the company. She came to Vancouver this last January, stayed with me. Lauren was like my best friend. She was my maid of honour, she actually married us in our wedding party. She's our son's godmother and she was very much my confidante. She was my therapist. She basically said to me, "I want to invite you to something really amazing that will totally change your life. It's totally changed mine in ways that nothing's ever changed my life before in all the work I've done. Before I can even tell you about it I need to get something from you, to prove you'll never talk about it. And you don't have to do it. You don't have to say yes, but I'm going to hold whatever you give me for the rest of your life, to make sure you never speak about it, because it's top secret."
I asked, like what? And she was like, "Oh, I don't know, a nude photo or a family secret or something like that." I was like, "Well I'm not going to give you a nude photo, but OK, and I just felt super uncomfortable. So again, red flag. And I even talked to her about that, and she's like "That's good, it should be something you feel nauseated about because you want to feel really sick to your stomach so that you have weight to your word that you're never going to speak about it." What I wrote wasn't bad enough, not damaging enough. So I had to write more things that I did—in fact I lied. Because I didn't have a lot of indiscretions.
She told me what it was: an international women's group, nothing to do with Executive Success Programs or Nxivm or Keith, a worldwide group of women. "Badass bitch bootcamp"—I can't believe that made it into the New York Times, so embarrassing. Women that were going to be a secret society, sort of like the Freemasons, as a force for good. And we were going to be able to change the world.
Every step of the way I had huge concerns. And when Lauren explained to me what it was, the first step was a commitment to her, a lifetime commitment, which I already had with her being my best friend. The second thing within that was a vow of obedience to her, in terms of a master/slave relationship. I had those red flags with the history of Nxivm and what everyone in the world thinks of it, compared to what I felt with her, it was just always that kind of, Well I'm going to trust you here. You're saying this is good and it will help me. So I did.
In the last curriculum we'd taken that was a gender-based relationship, sex and identity program, Keith had actually taught us that one of the strongest imperfections of the female gender is among other things, we're weak and we have no character, we're indulgent emotionally and we're princesses—and I can see all this now is just fucking bullshit, excuse my language. One of the things he taught us was women are always looking for the back door. Even if we get married we can think oh, we can still get divorced. We're always looking at a better opportunity. Which now I see in my opinion is Keith's view on women.
The tricky way I believe he got that indoctrination in, is he wasn't saying these are his views, he was saying this is how women are perceived and this is why women aren't equal in the world, because they're perceived this way. This is how men see you. He was pretending, it seems to me, now that I'm out, to be an ambassador for women. An ambassador to help women get over these things so they can be strong. I did ten eight-day trainings. So 80 14-hour days on this particular topic. That's a lot of time. And there was a lot of information plugged in there that I'm just sorting out now, like what do I believe, what do I not believe.
I flew into Albany in March. I was getting my special initiation and what I was told was a tattoo. I had heard months prior, and that was actually my main sticking point. Master/slave was weird, but the main thing was that I didn't want to get a tattoo. I don't have any tattoos, I don't have any piercings other than my ears—I don't want to get a tattoo. And she's like, "We'll work with you on that, you just have some fears." She brings me up to her guest room, says take off your clothes and put on a blindfold. And I was like, "What?" She's like, "Just do it. You took a vow of obedience. It's just me, Sarah. C'mon, just take your clothes off." She's seen me naked before so I was like, OK, whatever.
I put the blindfold and I hear movement in the house. I know the other girls are coming. And then there I am sitting with four other women. All of them I knew from Nxivm. Not well, I hadn't seen them naked. And now we're just sitting there cross-legged, very much exposed, and very vulnerable, and we were just like oh, this is weird. She's like, "Guys, get over it, get over your body issues, no big deal. We're a sorority, we're a sisterhood—relax." Everything was just normalized. That's one of the things: if you were uncomfortable with it, it was just your issue. It was really hard to speak up and go hey guys, this isn't right, why are we doing this?
And then Dr. [Danielle] Roberts came in, who I also knew from Nxivm. We took turns holding each other down—three would be on them and the fourth would be filming. This is all on camera somewhere. The first woman lay on the table and then me and the other women were sitting on her holding her legs down. With the first cut of her flesh—they burned her flesh—we were crying, we were shaking, we were holding each other. It was horrific. It was like a bad horror movie. We even had these surgical masks on because the smell of flesh was so strong and burning. I felt petrified, I felt, every part of my body was like: get out of here. Run.
And I was thinking, I don't have a car, I'm naked, I'm in Knox Woods Clifton Park, what am I going to do, text my husband? Then I'm going to blow this thing up and I can't do that, because I made a vow of secrecy... How do I do this? And then I just said, fucking do it, just do it. So I watched two other people, then I went. I really believe that the only way I did it was I disassociated. I wasn't present, I went somewhere else. I thought about giving birth to my son, I thought about how much I loved him, and I thought about that I am strong, and I just focused on that. I just brought up a loving state, a really strong loving state. And the pain oh my god, imagine someone taking a lit match to your crotch and drawing a line with it.
I felt fear after I was in, after I committed, and when I gave more collateral to commit—that's when I gave a nude photo and video testimonials. Trash talking all the important relationships in my life. That's what I did to collateralize. Which by the way was nothing compared to what other women gave. I didn't find that out till later. Other women gave full frontal videos of themselves. Wonder where those went. I didn't want my collateral to be released. Which is how they kept us quiet. So many women are in there and they want out.
Now my mentality has completely changed. I had to do a whole bunch of therapy just to figure out the shame about it and the guilt for bringing so many people in. Missing the red flags. It's a lot. I'm definitely on the healing end of things to even be able to talk about this. There are women who are out who are branded who cannot do this. Literally cannot get out of bed they're in so much pain, not just physically, but like, they're lost. It's really destructive what they did.
The best metaphor I can use to explain it is the frog and the pot of water. If Lauren had said to me hey, wanna join this group? You're going to have Keith's initials burned into your crotch. I mean of course I would have said you're crazy, get yourself to a psychologist. But it didn't happen that way. It happened in very incremental stages, with more and more commitment and more on the line, and more coercion and blackmail. A lot of people say you could just run out, you could leave. I didn't feel like that was an option at the time.
Story has been edited for length and clarity.
Follow Sarah Berman on Twitter.
the HBO movie and Netflix doc on this will be BANANAS...
I swear if BGOL Studios was off the ground?
this would be a PERFECT first project.
How and why Allison Mack gave collateral to Keith
September 10, 2017
After Mark Hildreth and Kristin Kreuk broke up, Kristin left NXIVM. Mark stayed.![]()
Allison Mack also stayed.
For a time, it seemed like Mark and Allison had some romantic chemistry. They would stare at each other in admiration and spend time alone.
But Allison wanted to learn more from Keith Raniere, who prefers to be called by his self-given title, Vanguard.
One day, Allison left her computer open. There was an email on the screen. One of her friends saw it and was shocked: It was an email from Keith to Allison.
It said in effect:
‘If you and I want to have sex, you have to make a vow to have sex only with me. You have to give me collateral that you are only having sex with me.’
Friends of the actress say she pledged significant financial assets as collateral to ensure her chastity.
Allison Mack chose to be sexually healed by Keith Raniere rather than have a monogamous relationship with another man.
Keith teaches that, combined with little sleep and a low calorie diet, a woman who has sex with him will be transformed. If he ejaculates with her, on her, or inside her, she becomes his forever.
Keith Raniere is truly one of the world’s greatest liars.
As he healed her disintegrations though sex, he told her, as he had told many others, that he could die if she had sex with another man. He was ready to die, but his mission was not complete. She had to give more collateral.
When there were no more financial assets to pledge, he allowed her to give nude pictures and videos. She had done cute pictures in her bra and panties. Maybe topless.
Girls give pictures like that to their boyfriends all the time.
No. Cute pictures are not collateral. Neither are sexy pictures.
It had to be completely naked. More: It had to go beyond moderate pornographic.
She had to have her legs up and her vagina spread open and it had to show her face. A shot of her inner labia with her face in the picture.
Done. Keith needed something more. After all, he was risking his life to heal her.
Over time, he kept healing her by ejaculating on her. For her part, she had to continue to give collateral.
More nudes?
No. How many graphic shots of Allison Mack were needed? If you have 10 or 20, having 100 isn’t going to do any more.
Everybody has done something they are ashamed of [except Vanguard]. Confess that on video. Something damning, something shocking. Something that could destroy her life. Collateral that would make people hate Allison Mack if Keith ever released it.
Suppose there is nothing so wicked? Then make something up. Lie about a crime. Falsely say you did something: Molest a child. Embezzlement. Fraud. Put it on video.
There were so many who depended on his teaching. Allison Mack wanted to be healed through his sperm. She gave him collateral.
Then, like all women, she lived her life waiting for him to call and come when he commanded.
All of the women wait to be healed by Vanguard’s sperm.
Keith was pleased with Allison. He sent her out to find more women. They must be young, slender and attractive.
He liked the idea of collateral for it could work on a much larger scale.
Allison persuaded other women to be branded.
Allison went out and found women. They added collars, a hierarchy, where slaves recruit other slaves, and human pubic branding. They called it DOS.
It had begun with Keith saying he needed assurance that Allison would not have sex with another man. Why couldn’t Allison simply have put on a chastity belt and given Keith the key?
Inscrutable are the ways of Vanguard.
Allison Mack sees only Vanguard. She lives only for him. She has no father to protect her. No brother to confirm this is all true.
Allison Mack chose to be sexually healed by Keith Raniere rather than have a monogamous relationship with another man. Is she a victim of Vanguard or a cruel and selfish woman who brought dozens of other women into his perverse world?