Snoop Dog & Nelly performing at Trump inaugural events.... wtf?

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Expecting all black people to be on the same page, vote the same, think the same, etc is an unrealistic expectation anyway....

And we only come together as a community when it's some crackers on our asses. Thats it.
This is true. There are black people and there are coons. And coons should be murdered. Siding with the guy who said he'll get rid of black history and DEI is not it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here goes this dumb ass talking point

While true, is one of the reasons cacs play with us

We will always find reason to not stand on shit…I’m doing me mentality

Not speaking to you directly thundercat

You are speaking directly to me, and that's fine.

Listen, at this point, I just expect people to put their families first over the culture(as they should) and hope that puts us on the same page. If it doesn't, I'm not losing any sleep over it. Those same people you accused of "always finding reason to not stand on shit....I'm doing me mentality" may indeed be standing on THEIR principles. Those principles just don't allign with yours. Again, we are not a monolith. Some of you have a hard time coming to terms with that fact, but I get it, because we come from a culture that wants understanding and respect for our perspective, but at the same time reducing someone else's to a "dumb ass talking point".

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
S.A.'s ANC were on the right track with necklacing...shame they didn't follow through/that it didn't catch on here..


I wouldn't have the stomach to do that to anybody who didn't do great personal harm to me. That shit is brutal.


Rising Star
Platinum Member


World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Terribly brutal but...not that long ago yur folk's oppressors/linage of the nazi's he's cheerleading would do worse..while their families then had a picnic.




caption: A group of people gawk at the dead body of 37-year-old Rubin Stacy hanging from a pine tree in Fort Lauderdale on July 19, 1935. The photo, archived in the Library of Congress, has been published previously by the NAACP, Life magazine and National Geographic.

more info:

The lynching of Reuben Stacey in Fort Lauderdale in 1935 was an urban lynching. The police were reportedly involved. Like so many other lynchings, this murder was propelled by sexual outrage. Reuben Stacey, who was 37, worked in Broward County as a field hand. Marion Jones, a white Sunday school teacher, reported to police on July 16, 1935, that a black man asked for a drink of water, and then attacked her with a knife. He was reportedly scared off when Jones’s mother, who lived nearby, heard the commotion and walked outside. On Friday July 19, 1935, Stacey was accused of attacking the woman after a passer-by reportedly saw him creeping around some bushes near the Jones’s home. He received no trial. There was no physical evidence linking him to the scene. Stacey denied the charges brought against him by Chief Deputy Sheriff Bob Clark, but Clark did not believe him. He took Stacey to Marion Jones’s house where the woman identified him as her attacker.

A white eyewitness to the lynching, who emerged years later and did not want to be identified, remembered that day very clearly. She noticed several cars streaming past her home on West Las Olas Boulevard, all heading in the same direction. She recognized Chief Deputy Sheriff Bob Clark in one car. With him were several other white men and one black man. Police officer Bob McDonald was heard yelling, “They’ve got him,” as whites started following Deputy Clark’s car to Old Davie Road, now known as Davie Boulevard.

The witness reported that Deputy Clark led the handcuffed Stacey from the car, and stood him under a tall pine tree. Clark walked over to the Jones house, ripped a wire from the woman’s clothesline, and took it back to the tree. He threw one end of the wire over the tree and tightened the other end around the black man’s neck. Stacey’s body was raised slowly until his neck broke. According to the witness, Deputy Clark then told all the onlookers that if they wanted to witness a lynching, they would have to participate in it. He had the mob of about thirty people take turns shooting at the already dead body, offering his pistol to those who were not armed. Some shots missed, but seventeen shots were on target, further mutilating Stacey’s body.

People who later went to the scene of the lynching stated that pieces of Stacey’s pants had been cut off, branches from the tree ripped off, and pieces of the hanging wire cut up as souvenirs of the lynching. George Benton, the only black undertaker in the community, was called to remove the body. According to him, Deputy Clark had made sure that the wires were cut so that the body would fall to the ground, not be taken down gently. The cause of death, as determined by the coroner, was death by hanging or by bullets.

State Attorney Louis Marie was directed by Florida Governor Dave Sholtz to investigate the hanging. Mrs. W. P. Cronell of Jacksonville, the head of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching, had petitioned Sholtz to have an “honest investigation.” Chief Deputy Sheriff Bob Clark and his brother, Sheriff Walter Clark, appeared before a grand jury. They testified that they had been run off the road by 100 unknown armed men in about fifty cars who then took Stacey from them. The Clarks stated that they thought the men would take Stacey to a tree near the Jones’s home so they headed in that direction. They said they arrived at the scene near Old Davie Road to find Stacey hanging from a pine tree. The grand jury accepted their testimony and the case was closed.

Rueben Stacey was lynched in Fort Lauderdale in 1935. Police participated in the lynching.

Florida State Archives


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Rising Star
Platinum Member
If they are they haven’t showed me that , trump has expressed it for the world to see and Nelly still chooses to work for him.

If you’re comfortable working for known racist then I feel sorry for you.
These days I work for me, but I'm sure I've worked for racist in my life. I try not to lie to my self about the state of the country in order to feel good, I've taken jobs and classes back in college by people who probably thought my black ass shoudln't even be allowed to learn how to read.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These days I work for me, but I'm sure I've worked for racist in my life. I try not to lie to my self about the state of the country in order to feel good, I've taken jobs and classes back in college by people who probably thought my black ass shoudln't even be allowed to learn how to read.
I'm a Black man that has racial pride and self respect and wouldn't work for a known racist who has showed me that their racist.

And me being a Black man it saddens me and it's disrespectful for a fellow Black man to knowing work and support a racist white man for money. Especially it being trump having Nelly shuck and jive in front of him for some money.

I shouldn't have had to type or explain that because



Rising Star
Platinum Member
It definitely was not a good idea for Chrisette Michele to perform at the inauguration (she admitted that later on), but I don't think her career should've been destroyed because of it. If she thought she would change Trump's mind about a few things by performing, then she was incredibly naive. She should have said nothing, or she could've said she did it for the money (even though all money isn't good money). I think she would've been cut some slack if she had said that. It's a shame, because the woman can sing.

Nelly and Snoop should get some heat for this...but they won't. Snoop is now basically a caricature of himself that white people find acceptable. Nelly's just trying to stay relevant at this point in his career. They shouldn't perform; it makes them look bad.

Lastly, Trump and MAGA like "YMCA"? And the Village People - a group that initially had heavily gay undertones - is performing, despite how Trump feels about the LGBTQ community? I guess they're acceptable now, and it's about the money here as well.

As an aside, if there are going to do this, I hope they get their money for all of this. Y'all know that Trump has a history of not paying people for services rendered. It better be worth it to them.
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Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Terribly brutal but...not that long ago yur folk's oppressors/linage of the nazi's he's cheerleading would do worse..while their families then had a picnic.

Here's the thing though, necklacing was used against other Black South Africans who were regarded as "traitors" to the ANC. They weren't doing that to white South Africans.


Rising Star
I’m not about to go back and forth… it is what it is.

I’m sure if you research hard enough most of the established businesses y’all work for come from slave money.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here's the thing though, necklacing was used against other Black South Africans who were regarded as "traitors" to the ANC. They weren't doing that to white South Africans.
Are you white? Why are you even bringing this up? Are you hurt that illdog is exposing White Supremacy? Somehow that lead you to post this image from South Africa, that's some strange behavior, bruh...

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Are you white? Why are you even bringing this up? Are you hurt that illdog is exposing White Supremacy? Somehow that lead you to post this image from South Africa, that's some strange behavior, bru h.....
Bruh, what the fuck are you talking about. I said I wouldn't have the stomach to do that and he replied to me with a lynching picture so I posted this one. The rest of the shit you pulled out your ass has fuck all to do with anything.

If you have a problem with my posts that weren't directed towards you, block me.

Actually, don't bother. I'll block you. You never contributed shit I cared to read anyway.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruh, what the fuck are you talking about. I said I wouldn't have the stomach to do that and he replied to me with a lynching picture so I posted this one. The rest of the shit you pulled out your ass has fuck all to do with anything.

If you have a problem with my posts that weren't directed towards you, block me.

Actually, don't bother. I'll block you. You never contributed shit I cared to read anyway.
Cool, I don't even know you are so whatever....dude.