I don’t see that changing much either. This is the “my truth” generation of people where their truth based on experience somehow resonates as some type of ultimate truth. They will challenge those who have studied or mastered a particular craft to boost their self-endowed intellect.
So many discussions I’ve had in groups on FB never really goes anywhere because so much is driven by emotion. And demographics be damn. I’ve came across the same behavior from everyone. Amazing to me is to know how emotional the older generations are (not a bad thing). This was something is didn’t really think about until I realized how conversations go no where.
This is why it’s difficult to communicate over social media or through typing and why I flourish best when face to face with a person. Im quick witted and I speak with a strong level of logic and sense. These same individuals that like to challenges does not have nearly the same amount of confidence when face to face.
EPIC commentary, specifically what's quoted above.We wallow in our stupidity and unfortunately Facebook (which is MORE and MORE looking like the instrument to the downfall of modern society) is complicit.
Ads and feeds and news stories that are damn near TAILORED to ONLY support YOUR particular point of view is down right evil.
Sometimes the public DOES KNOW BETTER.
Much better...
Sometimes "experts" dont know what the fuck they are talking about...
When the Paris Exhibition closes, electric light will close with it and no more will be heard of it.” – Oxford professor Erasmus Wilson, 1878
Time has proven many so callEd experts had no idea what the fuck they were talking about...
1. Understand what makes someone an expert
Erasmus Wilson was a dermatologist & surgeon - how in the fuck would he be considered an expert on physical sciences of the time?
When that quote was made - the "experts" included Warren de la Rue, Joseph Wilson Swan, Henry Woodward & Mathew Evans. Edison, Tesla etc
While the general public at that time imagined electricity was magical unknown force cable of anything including possibly bringing the dead back to life
2. What is critical thinking?
For the sake of your argument - lets imagine that Erasmus was an expert on physics of his time instead of a skin doctor...
How would a prejudiced, or short sighted/ errant prediction of future usage and innovation invalidate years of study and knowledge gained from real world usage and experimentation? How would that invalidate any knowledge and expertise on the current technology, logistics, existing trends etc?
first off watch your language muthafucka....
bottom line was he an expert yes or no???
Cmon fam...
We aint doing this in here...
We starting the new year off right.
Sometimes the public DOES KNOW BETTER.
Much better...
Sometimes "experts" dont know what the fuck they are talking about...
LOL of course you would hold this opinion![]()
of course you hide under many screen names...
Cmon fam...
We aint doing this in here...
We starting the new year off right.
Yeah, I don't post under any other screen names.
I also know when I'm out of my depth and I'm willing to fall back and learn more.
But go off bruh...
what is the logic of your question?first off watch your language muthafucka....
bottom line was he an expert yes or no???
you a lil early bruh...
and the point was experts dont always know what they are talkin about...
its always good to hear both sides and make your own choice that works best for you...
what is the logic of your question?
you post like a person that expects to get expert knowledge on medicine from a lawyer
my point was.. that just because someone is an expert... dont make them right...
you pointed out that he wasnt an expert on physics... but that has nothing to do with the fact that he was an expert on something so his opinion mattered on other things...
which proved my point that just because someone is an expert, dont make them right..
then you went on to say how nobody shouldve listened to him because he wasnt in the field he was given advice on...
which doesnt change the fact that people did listen to him because he was an expert...
Thank you for unintentionally helping prove this thread![]()
you are arguing apples and oranges -you need LOGIC for a simple yes or no question...
you keedin right ??
ok let me slow it down.... my point was.. that just because someone is an expert... dont make them right...
you pointed out that he wasnt an expert on physics... but that has nothing to do with the fact that he was an expert on something so his opinion mattered on other things...
which proved my point that just because someone is an expert, dont make them right..
then you went on to say how nobody shouldve listened to him because he wasnt in the field he was given advice on...
which doesnt change the fact that people did listen to him because he was an expert...
are you following or should I try and slow it down to snail speed,
and just for the record...there are MEDICAL lawyers you know....
its such thankless work being mrfreddygoodbud
you are arguing apples and oranges -
we are talking about people with a gut feeling challenging an expert in their own expertise
not people opining on shit they know little about and the weight the public gives those opinions
again - I'll ask what is critical thinking?
the people that listened to Erasmus because of "celebrity" or knowledge in a different area were either gullible ignorant or mentally lazy...
I won't get expert knowledge on ForEx options from Dr. Neal Degrasse Tyson.... his opinions on that would be worthless
but there are other physicists that are expert on the math involved on pricing out options
So listen to this speech
Is it motivational
Is it inspirational
Or is this someone with vast amount of personal experience detailing the pillars of a process to the uninformed?
Can he be called an EXPERT?
just a muthafucka that could afford a good speech
But see that what we been discussing and debating for 4 pages
No matter WHAT we think...or believe
How you gonna tell Arnold you know more about weight lifting body training etc
When you cant even keep a ymca membership?
I can ask questions.
The RIGHT ones.
Now the flip is..
Can a bio chemist or 20 year physical therapist or WADA executive doctor
DEBATE Arnold on training and steroids?
Arnold isn't a medical or scientific professional
But we can't deny he has valid certified PRACTICAL experience.
Which is MORE VALID?
Or more trustworthy?
Id take certified practical experience for four hundred alex....
Id take certified practical experience for four hundred alex....
but you aint gonna DISMISS the others right?
you still gotta RESPECT what they bring to the the discussion...
Because they giving a different (EDUCATED) view point that is JUST as valid...
we saying the public now thinks cause they WATCHED Arnold's bio?
they can DEBATE these professionals or dismiss what they have to say.
It CAN'T be that.
I listen to everyone and read everything then come to my own decisions..
I agree with what arnold was saying, but the speech was average at best..
he hasnt said anything that wasnt said a thousand times before... by every life coach on youtube....
but OBVIOUSLY to many?
He is some type of EXPERT.
and many will believe or FOLLOW his words MORE then someone MORE legitimate.
when you hear speechs like MLKs last speech, how his eyes have seen the glory....
or charlie chaplins great speech...
then when you hear speechs like this you realize how high the bar has been set..
The question is this...
Would MLK or Chaplin or JFK speech resonate with TODAY'S audience?
Also, there is a big difference between and expert and someone that’s experienced.
I’m experienced in Linux, but I’m no expert. I’m basically saying I’ve been using Linux for over 10 years, but I don’t have enough in-depth understanding to say I’m an expert.
I’m experienced in programming, but I’m not an expert in one language.
I can be an experienced driver, but people that race cars as a profession are experts drivers.
I’m experienced in cooking, but I’m no expert because I’m no professional chef.
Everyone here can say they have experience in meteorology, but I’m a expert because of the in-depth understanding in math and physics that some people do not study.