Social media is a cold world!!!

the artist

Same shit, different day
BGOL Investor


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Funny part is I never thought about how many wealthy people do that junk... but already know my people on how they get down... I have a best friend right now and he still does that stuff.. trying to look rich but pockets kinda short! Unfortunately many of our people will stay stuck and may never get past it...
Systemic racism and conditioning plays a role in that tho. We often couldn't get good service if we weren't dressed well. It was also a way of showing we were as good as other races etc. Some places refused to sell quality items to us or sell to us at all. Consumerism became a symbol for worth and it started as a way to make day to day life smoother but now that's corrupted.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Eddie Murphy has lived an Amazing Life. To be able to perform in front of his childhood Heroes, on stage, and even in some cases be able to help them financially when they need it.

A lot of folks don't know that Eddie Murphy is a huge humanitarian. Prince did it, Kobe did it and Eddie Murphy does it all without fanfare
