Social media is a cold world!!!

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor

Hell mother fucking yes. Hell motherfucking yes. Though I feel bad for the chick who died because her father was a piece of shit itchy trigger finger cop, The only way cops are going to stop praying on us is if when they kill unarmed black people they get met with death.

Now, I'm one who believes in no collateral damage. I'm not going to kill somebody's daughter because somebody killed my son. I'd prefer to wipe them off the map, or leave them suffering so much they will have wished for death long before death takes them. I'm shooting kneecaps, I am obliterating ankles, elbows, non-vital parts

However, be it via their own life or however, cops need to be shown that there will be retribution. Hell yeah. Let me know what gel the father is in so I can send them some credits on his books

You killed my son while he's trying to get the insurance you asked for? Oh hell no. What did Chris Rock say, I ain't saying I would have did it, but I understand