Social media is a cold world!!!


Rising Star
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Rising Star
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Bitch, you need to move. Not to mention leaving the car running is carbon monoxide city? And Burning gas unnecessarily

If unresolved trauma was a person. I support whatever she does to maintain. However, she need help, nurturing, & love. I'm 99% sure she don't have a man, b/c he would tell her that shit is crazy as hell.
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Rising Star
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

It's so easy to avoid this ya'll. I believe it's starch products. A family got super sick after eating some pasta salad that was left out.

Fatal Family Outbreak of Bacillus cereus-Associated Food Poisoning​

In August 2003, five children of a family became sick after eating pasta salad. The pasta salad was prepared on a Friday and taken to a picnic on the following Saturday; the remainders had been stored in the fridge until the following Monday evening, when they were served for supper to the children. Because the pasta salad had an unusual smell, three children (B14, G10, and G9) ate only a small quantity. At 6 h after the meal the youngest girl (G7), 7 years old, started vomiting. She complained of respiratory distress and was taken to the emergency department of a local hospital. Upon arrival, her brothers and sisters started vomiting as well. Because the clinical condition of two children (G7 and B9) deteriorated rapidly, they were intubated and mechanically ventilated. All children were transported to the University Hospital in Leuven. During transfer, G7 had severe pulmonary hemorrhage and needed continuous resuscitation. Upon arrival she was moribund with coma, diffuse bleeding, and severe muscle cramps. She died within 20 min, at 13 h after the meal. On autopsy Bacillus cereus was detected in her gut content but also in the spleen, probably by postmortem translocation of the bacterium. A postmortem liver biopsy showed microvascular and extensive coagulation necrosis. Her initial laboratory values showed severe metabolic acidosis and liver failure. All four other children were affected, although to different degrees (Table 1). The 9-year-old boy (B9) was transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit, where mechanical ventilation and invasive hemodynamic monitoring were continued. After fluid resuscitation, his blood lactate levels gradually went down. Basic treatment for liver failure consisted of vitamin K supplementation, oral and rectal lactulose, oral neomycin, and high-dose acetylcysteine. At 24 h after the start of the treatment his aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase levels peaked at 12,254 U/liter and 8,656 U/liter, respectively; his prothrombin time went down to 21.5%. Thereafter, the hepatic function recovered. He gradually recovered consciousness, and he was successfully extubated. Two sisters (G9 and G10) were treated with fluid resuscitation and bicarbonate substitution. Both gradually recovered. The 14-year-old brother (B14) was kept under observation. Subsequent blood samples showed no deterioration of hepatic function. The surviving children could leave the hospital within 8 days.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ryan Clark is so damn good at this game it ain't even funny. I mean for real for real

SAS is a mitch, and he stokes and sees controversy as a money ticket. He's not a journalist, just a profiteering hype-mongerer. Just like rightwing pundits (Larry elder, Candace Owens, Shelby Steele, Armstrong Williams, etc) but in the arena of sports.

Ryan Clark ain't in Lebron's or Bronny's shoes. This ain't about Bronny being a man and fighting a single bully. IMO Bronny handles himself incredibly well. If I were him I'd engage SAS and lose my shit but that wouldn't be the right thing. Nothing Bronny does will change or satisfy or silence pundit opinion in the media.

Ryan Clark don't know what he's talking about. This is not about Bronny's manhood. LeBron speaking up & checking SAS is perfectly legit. Just like when he called president Trump a bum and shut down Trump's dog whistles against black athletes during his first term with two words, "you bum". SAS is a bum-ass nigga. Sometimes you so poor, all you got is money.

I do like Ryan Clark too. But he got to address SAS's role too.
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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
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I was today years old when I found out there was a long version of Lady In My Life by Michael Jackson

The Link Works. It's the story about why the full version of Lady In My Life was left off the thriller album

I had a girlfriend in kindergarten and first grade named Carmika Bender. It was so cute.

Everyday before school started we would kiss, just simple peck on the lips and we would sit together at breakfast and lunch. I sat by the record player for hours memorizing this song. I sang her this song at recess one day. She loved to hear me sing.

Not too long after, she moved and when her mother brought her to school to clean out her desk she waved to me from the center of Mrs Mahaley's class. I'll never forget that.


Rising Star
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How to get Instagram to display gram properly instead of blank generic post as above.
Copy the URL from Instagram as usual but before you post it in bgol, open that URL in a browser webpage first. Then copy the URL of the resulting derived link into bgol and the gram should display properly.