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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Bozell & Graham Column: The Haters of 'All Lives Matter'

Back in March, the pundits expressed horror at the alleged extremism of the Conservative Political Action Conference.

On ABC, NPR correspondent Cokie Roberts insisted “I think the person that won at CPAC was John Kasich. He didn’t show up, and I think that’s the wisest thing for anybody to do.” ABC pundit Matthew Dowd bizarrely suggested Ronald Reagan would be booed at today’s CPAC.

On NBC, they found peril for Scott Walker after his speech: “Governor's gaffe?...Presidential hopeful Scott Walker under fire for saying his experience with union protesters has prepared him to take on ISIS. Is it the first major blunder of the presidential race?"

On PBS, “conservative” pundit David Brooks said “There’s conservatives...and then way over on the other side of the room is CPAC....this is like the hardest of the hardcore.”

But when the hardest of the hardcore Left met in Phoenix for Netroots Nation, the networks didn’t see a problem when socialist Bernie Sanders actually gets bum-rushed off the stage early for not being leftist enough. ABC, CBS, and NBC couldn’t locate that story.

It looked like the raucous, out-of-control George McGovern 1972 Democratic convention as protesters hijacked interviews with Sanders and Martin O’Malley. Before the protest, it was already an extreme show. Their interviewer was Jose Antonio Vargas, the former Washington Post reporter and illegal alien who’s hosting a new “white privilege” documentary on MTV.

O’Malley allegedly made a massive error by asserting that not just black lives matter, but “all lives matter.” He was immediately pressed to apologize by the radical left, who think it’s heinous to insist that black lives aren’t the most precious...and the most endangered.

These activists don’t mean black lives are the most at risk from gang warfare, drug addiction, or from abortion clinics. They only mean it as a rhetorical war on our nation’s police forces. O’Malley didn’t turn the event into a melee by insisting “police lives matter.”

On MSNBC, the nut-roots channel, Caroline Heldman of Occidental College (an Obama alma mater) spoke for the protesters: “We live in a white supremacy system where we place more value on white lives. It is empirically proven time and time again.”

The Left assaulted O’Malley as “tone deaf” for insisting that all lives matter, but they are the ones that don’t realize most voters

see “all lives matter” as the most reasonable and most humanitarian slogan. The Left is clogging Twitter with tweets insisting it’s like telling AIDS activists that all deadly diseases matter. But if you care about everyone’s health, that would be the most politically aware statement.

At what point does the Democratic party start having problems with white voters as the radical Left wails about “white supremacy”?

Between their loathing for police and for any attempt to enforce the immigration laws, these agitators could revive the “law and order” majority of the 1970s.

Romney won the white vote by 20 points in 2012, which couldn’t offset the massive minority tilt toward Obama. But Hillary Clinton is a member of the “oppressor” race, as are Sanders and O’Malley.

At least on PBS, the conference came up briefly, and political analyst Stuart Rothenberg warned that the Netroots disruptions could be a “problem” like the Tea Party for Democrats. USA Today's Susan Page agreed Hillary Clinton “is going to have to deal with a party that has moved significantly to the left since her husband ran for president.”

The lesson? Never let the media decide for you where the center is and where the fringes are. They can’t find them with both hands.

- See more at:


Rising Star
the black on black crime argument has been torn to shreds so many times on this message board and other places I seriously wonder how some people even keep trotting it out


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
missing the point
Just when I want to give him a pass, he just lets me know he is truly bought and paid for by Disney Corp.

To his credit, they lock the ones down that "could" have the most influence in the Black community, but they fatten that bank account to make it all better.
And he wonders why his own moms called him a sellout.
Had no idea, but MOMMA KNOWS BEST!:lol:
Black lives matter was simply a reaction to cops not going to jail for killing Black people...why aren't cops going to jail? Don't Black lives matter?...why are people purposely misinterpreting this phrase?
Because it's convenient.:hmm:
we DO respect each other's lives...dont let the media convince you that because crime exists in the Black community it somehow translates into us hating one another.

drug crime is carefully constructed social engineered TERRORISM.

white men are killing THEMSELVES at epidemic rates, but no one is talking about THEM not respecting themselves.
Buk, you preached on this one...
There is an implicit TOO at the end of the phrase. It really means "black lives matter too".
He knows...:rolleyes:
Context of racism/white supremacy!
On que.:lol:

<a href=""><img src=""/></a>

This "ALL lives matters" is bullshit. Here's why! When something happens in the news or your community specifically, in that instance, ONLY that life matters. If priests molest a little boy name Ethan, at Holy Saint of No Saints Church in Minnesota on Tuesday the 14th, ONLY that boy's story matters at THAT point. SO… when a black child is shot dead in the street and THAT story is on the news, THAT life, in THIS instance, is ALL that matters. You would never stand over a dead body and say "All lives matter" because you're only dealing with THIS child. Trayvon, Mike Brown, Eric Garner all had different situations happen to them and at THAT period, that moment, only THAT life matters. Shit, tell your wife that "ALL wives matter" as she's going through something. Tell your child that gets bullied at school that other kids are getting bullied too! Do that shit, and see how stupid you sound and will eventually feel. I'll slap the shit out any of person that says "All lives matter" when I'm grieving over the loss of one.

Don't, in the media, when there is a plane crash, the news says "A passenger plane just went down in the ocean with 200 onboard, but there were NO Americans onboard?" Haven't you heard that shit and felt the news was saying , "Whew, glad none of US was on that plane!" Same shit when a black man is killed by the police and white people say "It's not like whites don't get killed by the police" AS you are looking at Michael Browns body laying on the ground, you're telling me that this is the time to insert the word "ALL" into the dialogue and not take a beatdown? :smh::smh::smh:
bgbtylvr, I thought I was the ONLY one.

Ever since I used to watch the evening news with Dan Rather on CBS as a kid, I could never understand why u.s. news always had to point out if americans were killed or not in a a u.s. life gives you eternal life, limitless pussy, or a lifetime membership to your favorite ship club.

The sh!t was subliminal, covert, and straight indoctrination. The United States ONLY cares about white, comfortable and up, american lives. That's IT!

Learn it. Know it. Deal with it. Adapt
Coon logic: If we stop black on black crime white folks will accept us......
You just preached...
the black on black crime argument has been torn to shreds so many times on this message board and other places I seriously wonder how some people even keep trotting it out
MAN, LISTEN...and they KEEP trottin' it out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The reality is this... Blacks only kick this black lives matter rhetoric when a cac is responsible for a Black Death. Meanwhile, the other 95% of the time when its blacks merking blacks over Jordan's and iPhones, not one of you niggas are crying about how black lives matter. Steven a smith is right.. You can't expect bum project niggas like you people to understand your own hyprocracy.

Where was the black lives matter in Chicago a few weeks ago when like 20 niggas died in one week? :rolleyes:

they were in the streets you silly mofokr.

why you speaking on a place you know nothing about except what the white media tells you ?

and all you dumb asses ignore the fact that crime and the violence associated with it is environmental.

that means if you live around italians the perps and victims will be itlaian.if you live around russians the perps and victims will be russian. and if you live around black folks the perps and victims will be black folks.

then throw in poverty and the amount of that crime grows.

but once again when cacs do it and those in authority kill black folks they get away with it. when they kill others they are held accountable if they kill them at all since they seem to have so much more restraint when dealing with non black citizens.

when crime and violence happens in the community those people are held accountable.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is an implicit TOO at the end of the phrase. It really means "black lives matter too".

I read this as well. Here's the explanation for others. Came from
Reddit user GeekAesthete broke it down with a perfect analogy:

Imagine that you're sitting down to dinner with your family, and while everyone else gets a serving of the meal, you don't get any. So you say, "I should get my fair share." And as a direct response to this, your dad corrects you, saying, "Everyone should get their fair share." Now, that's a wonderful sentiment — Indeed, everyone should, and that was kinda your point in the first place: that you should be a part of everyone, and you should get your fair share also. However, dad's smart-ass comment just dismissed you and didn't solve the problem that you still haven't gotten any!

The problem is that the statement "I should get my fair share" had an implicit "too" at the end: "I should get my fair share, too, just like everyone else." But your dad's response treated your statement as though you meant "only I should get my fair share," which clearly was not your intention. As a result, his statement that "everyone should get their fair share," while true, only served to ignore the problem you were trying to point out.

Just like asking dad for your fair share, the phrase "black lives matter" also has an implicit "too" at the end: It's saying that black lives should also matter. But responding to this by saying "all lives matter" is willfully going back to ignoring the problem. It's a way of dismissing the statement by falsely suggesting that it means "only black lives matter," when that is obviously not the case. And so saying "all lives matter" as a direct response to "black lives matter" is essentially saying that we should just go back to ignoring the problem.

More information on it:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Again, I'm not caping for or validating white people killing us. That shit burns my soul and has to be dealt with. However when I see a black person kill another black person, and then that black person goes to jail it burns my souls more because that is now too black lives lost. You can't 'excuse' away that crime because both people involved are black?! How is a murder of our own people run of the mill? So THAT death means less in the grand scheme of things? How can we have a United front against white supremacy if we ignore or make secondary the issue of eroding our own race :confused:

I agree mostly with what you typed.

But they are two different topics and always answering one with the other only minimizes that we do not receive equal protection under the law and that those who should be protecting our rights don't feel we have any to protect.

Addressing the crime and violence in the black community is a matter of addressing education,parenting, jobs, opportunity ,wealth and ownership. It is addressing the lack of hope and pride that too many youngsters have in themselves.

And the only connection is the systems policy of making sure that those things exist in the poor communities and that policy insures there will be more crimes there

Addressing a system that undervalues our lives is the system of white supremacy that keeps a foot on our necks and punishes us for simply being black.

And because they are separate if we addressed each and everything internally we would still be murdered by those in authority and they would still not be held accountable.

That is what the saying Black Lives Matter "Too" It says that when injustice happens to us those that have committed it need to be held accountable.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
No one is convincing me of anything big fella, I work as a mentor and a community activist and I see it more than I would like to. To purposely kill someone is hate Dude. No matter what the reason outside of self defense, to take someones life is a hate filled act...

I really don't care about white man killing themselves or what THEY are being told to do, my only concern s my own people, and I really refuse to govern myself after what other races do or don't do to their own...

stop being stupid.

one man kills another man. he acted out of hate.

his hatred DOES NOT represent the attitudes and behavior of ALL BLACK PEOPLE.

you need to address the problem that cause that one Black man to kill, and stop blaming Black people for hate, when there is a PLETHORA of information saying we love ourselves THE MOST.

do we commit suicide at epidemic rates? no? then WE DONT HATE ourselves.

drug crime accounts for most murders in our communities, address THAT and you'll address the violence. and i dont mean locking people up, i mean honestly addressing how cocaine and heroin get into our neighborhoods from 8 THOUSAND miles away and why people fight and kill over its distribution.

again, stop being stupid.


Rising Star
I really got to say I like the reaction from the black lives don't matter folks. They have an specific issue and they are holding people to that specific issue. Fuck that rainbow coalition bs. Mutherfucker speak to my specific issue. The democratic party needs some disruption from black folk. The same way the republican party had a disruption when black folk started to leave the republican party. When Negros are comfortable they become Stephen A. Smith.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Our people always the first to eat up and run with some bullshit propaganda

It's why we are still so divided

When shit like this goes on white people either take the typical CAC angle or just say nothing

So they don't expose themselves

And still show solidarity

They will never go against the white side

Smart dumb niggas in the other hand

Take the bait every time


Rising Star
stop being stupid.

one man kills another man. he acted out of hate.

his hatred DOES NOT represent the attitudes and behavior of ALL BLACK PEOPLE.

you need to address the problem that cause that one Black man to kill, and stop blaming Black people for hate, when there is a PLETHORA of information saying we love ourselves THE MOST.

do we commit suicide at epidemic rates? no? then WE DONT HATE ourselves.

drug crime accounts for most murders in our communities, address THAT and you'll address the violence. and i dont mean locking people up, i mean honestly addressing how cocaine and heroin get into our neighborhoods from 8 THOUSAND miles away and why people fight and kill over its distribution.

again, stop being stupid.

Hope calling me stupid makes you feel better... shows a degree of insecurity actually. Good luck with that.... I'm not biting Sir. I'm secure in my position regardless of whether you or anyone else disagree with it. That's your perogative...

Also... who said one killing speaks too hatred in All Black people? Is your argument so hollow you have to make a shit up to validate it? Get your thoughts together please and try again... :hmm:


Rising Star
I agree mostly with what you typed.

But they are two different topics and always answering one with the other only minimizes that we do not receive equal protection under the law and that those who should be protecting our rights don't feel we have any to protect.

Addressing the crime and violence in the black community is a matter of addressing education,parenting, jobs, opportunity ,wealth and ownership. It is addressing the lack of hope and pride that too many youngsters have in themselves.

And the only connection is the systems policy of making sure that those things exist in the poor communities and that policy insures there will be more crimes there

Addressing a system that undervalues our lives is the system of white supremacy that keeps a foot on our necks and punishes us for simply being black.

And because they are separate if we addressed each and everything internally we would still be murdered by those in authority and they would still not be held accountable.

That is what the saying Black Lives Matter "Too" It says that when injustice happens to us those that have committed it need to be held accountable.

They are definitely separate issues which need to be addressed seperately, however both need to be addressed which is what we both have stated. I'm not debating the importance of each, but I'm also not neglecting the fact that both are a problem...


i posts nothing but dimes!!
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They are definitely separate issues which need to be addressed seperately, however both need to be addressed which is what we both have stated. I'm not debating the importance of each, but I'm also not neglecting the fact that both are a problem...

my only point is mixing the conversations is a way to deflect.

the crime in the neighborhoods is being fought at the grassroots and local levels...the media purposely doesn't not give light to these things because it hurts the narrative.

as a matter of fact when actions take to the streets locally it is attacked.

1) the gangs came together in Baltimore and the media made it out to be gangs are targeting police.

2) the media and police have been targeting the Interrupters in Chicago especially after the documentary highlighted their efforts

3) we all saw what the did to the Panthers for starting clinics, tutoring and breakfast programs

4) when Chicago gangs started to get political back in the 70's and 80's and getting grants to build the neighborhoods they went after them. Remember Jeff Fort went to prison for embezzling a few hundred dollars from a million dollar grant.

black lives matter is being fought on the national level because it is a fight against the institution that places less value on black lives. but those who want to minimize this can't so they start talking about well blacks kill blacks too..

there is a reason they stopped community policing in the hood and instead use oppressor tactics like jump out boys while still doing community policing in the white suburbs.

there are people and groups and programs in every city fighting against crime and violence..there are also police and politicians who profit from crime that work against those groups.

don't fall for the okie doke because it doesn't make your local news


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That 'All Lives Matter' bullshit I totally disagree with, but I've always felt, how can we expect other races to respect our 'lives' if we don't respect them ourselves :confused:

Black lives matter was simply a reaction to cops not going to jail for killing Black people...why aren't cops going to jail? Don't Black lives matter?...why are people purposely misinterpreting this phrase?

CUDJOE ! ignore him !LOOK! if we have to explain that phrase ,then him and i dont have anything to talk about or share in common, like that confederate flag blackman who was killed and got not a speck of sympathy from me, becos he enabled racist to hide behind the flag to further subjugate and kill black people and becos of his actions, he has contributed to black deaths and black misery, so i have no sympathy and "brotherhood" with him.. to the ignore list.. god speed. yes it is what it is



Rising Star
my only point is mixing the conversations is a way to deflect.

the crime in the neighborhoods is being fought at the grassroots and local levels...the media purposely doesn't not give light to these things because it hurts the narrative.

as a matter of fact when actions take to the streets locally it is attacked.

1) the gangs came together in Baltimore and the media made it out to be gangs are targeting police.

2) the media and police have been targeting the Interrupters in Chicago especially after the documentary highlighted their efforts

3) we all saw what the did to the Panthers for starting clinics, tutoring and breakfast programs

4) when Chicago gangs started to get political back in the 70's and 80's and getting grants to build the neighborhoods they went after them. Remember Jeff Fort went to prison for embezzling a few hundred dollars from a million dollar grant.

black lives matter is being fought on the national level because it is a fight against the institution that places less value on black lives. but those who want to minimize this can't so they start talking about well blacks kill blacks too..

there is a reason they stopped community policing in the hood and instead use oppressor tactics like jump out boys while still doing community policing in the white suburbs.

there are people and groups and programs in every city fighting against crime and violence..there are also police and politicians who profit from crime that work against those groups.

don't fall for the okie doke because it doesn't make your local news

Respect big fella. I don't actually deal with media and base my opinions. I'm out there bruh, meeting with families of victims of violence, helping and contributing to their funeral arrangements, counseling the families, mentoring gang members, kids from single parent households, kids in juvenile detention centers, etc. My organization is on the front lines man, meeting with local governments about the law enforcement issues, we have a major rally this Saturday in Newark, NJ dealing with the exact issues you are referring too...

I say all that because I truly laugh at the BGOL crew who get all emotional behind the keyboard at get to the picture posting and name calling because your view doesn't agree with theirs when most of them haven't done a damp thing about any issue but complain online....

Agsin, I respect your opinion and agree with it...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
ESPN is cleaning house to cut costs, but Stephen A Smith wont be touched.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
When police start executing 12yr old white kids, and 18yr old kids off to college, and hanging white women in jail cells and GETTING OFF for it, then we can have the discussion about caring for all lives. FUCK Bernie Sanders a Hillary Clinton ton and Stephen A for not understanding the difference.

America already protects white people through systematic racism and preferable economic protection .... Beadle is allowing Stephen A to speak emphatically THIS WEEK???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
when police start executing 12yr old white kids, and 18yr old kids off to college, and hanging white women in jail cells and getting off for it, then we can have the discussion about caring for all lives. fuck bernie sanders a hillary clinton ton and stephen a for not understanding the difference.

America already protects white people through systematic racism and preferable economic protection .... Beadle is allowing stephen a to speak emphatically this week???



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Respect big fella. I don't actually deal with media and base my opinions. I'm out there bruh, meeting with families of victims of violence, helping and contributing to their funeral arrangements, counseling the families, mentoring gang members, kids from single parent households, kids in juvenile detention centers, etc. My organization is on the front lines man, meeting with local governments about the law enforcement issues, we have a major rally this Saturday in Newark, NJ dealing with the exact issues you are referring too...

I say all that because I truly laugh at the BGOL crew who get all emotional behind the keyboard at get to the picture posting and name calling because your view doesn't agree with theirs when most of them haven't done a damp thing about any issue but complain online....

Agsin, I respect your opinion and agree with it...

great job......and the media should highlight the work you are doing and others like you to make a difference in ending violence stopping retaliation and giving direction.

point is they don't but they will keep somebody up there talking about nobody cares about black lives lost to black hands or crime ect ect...

that is intentional...

again keep making a difference


Potential Star
Platinum Member
Somebody send this to Stephen A, please.

Imagine that you're sitting down to dinner with your family, and while everyone else gets a serving of the meal, you don't get any. So you say "I should get my fair share." And as a direct response to this, your dad corrects you, saying, "everyone should get their fair share." Now, that's a wonderful sentiment -- indeed, everyone should, and that was kinda your point in the first place: that you should be a part of everyone, and you should get your fair share also. However, dad's smart-ass comment just dismissed you and didn't solve the problem that you still haven't gotten any!
The problem is that the statement "I should get my fair share" had an implicit "too" at the end: "I should get my fair share, too, just like everyone else." But your dad's response treated your statement as though you meant "only I should get my fair share", which clearly was not your intention. As a result, his statement that "everyone should get their fair share," while true, only served to ignore the problem you were trying to point out.

Just like asking dad for your fair share, the phrase "black lives matter" also has an implicit "too" at the end: it's saying that black lives should also matter. But responding to this by saying "all lives matter" is willfully going back to ignoring the problem. It's a way of dismissing the statement by falsely suggesting that it means "only black lives matter," when that is obviously not the case. And so saying "all lives matter" as a direct response to "black lives matter" is essentially saying that we should just go back to ignoring the problem.


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Rising Star
great job......and the media should highlight the work you are doing and others like you to make a difference in ending violence stopping retaliation and giving direction.

point is they don't but they will keep somebody up there talking about nobody cares about black lives lost to black hands or crime ect ect...

that is intentional...

again keep making a difference

One thing I'm learning, is our community is starting to really get up on the media's bullshit agenda. What's important for me is to make sure the black community knows that our own people care, we are here regardless of whether the cameras are there or not, and our agenda is about strengthening our communities not the public profile. Where are our 'leaders' when there aren't any cameras around? When was the last time someone spoke about and dealt with passion Tray on Martin, or even at this point Michael Brown? We get emotional and intense when the story is hot, but when it cools so does our interest. Even here, a dumb thread about Mayweather's cars, or a rap beef, or some BS like that gets 1000 posts, but a relevant issue to our cause get 4 pages at most, unless it's the hot story... but yet, we have a board full of social activist.... :hmm:

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
the black on black crime argument has been torn to shreds so many times on this message board and other places I seriously wonder how some people even keep trotting it out

Because it works.....especially for the audience Screaming A Smith is catering to.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One thing I'm learning, is our community is starting to really get up on the media's bullshit agenda. What's important for me is to make sure the black community knows that our own people care, we are here regardless of whether the cameras are there or not, and our agenda is about strengthening our communities not the public profile. Where are our 'leaders' when there aren't any cameras around? When was the last time someone spoke about and dealt with passion Tray on Martin, or even at this point Michael Brown? We get emotional and intense when the story is hot, but when it cools so does our interest. Even here, a dumb thread about Mayweather's cars, or a rap beef, or some BS like that gets 1000 posts, but a relevant issue to our cause get 4 pages at most, unless it's the hot story... but yet, we have a board full of social activist.... :hmm:

Can't disagree with anything you wrote.

That is what happens when people talk about leadership and leaders.

They spend all their time waiting for somebody to do what they can and should be doing. Waiting for that leader to do it. And nothing gets done.

Each one reach and teach one and shit gets done..



Rising Star
Can't disagree with anything you wrote.

That is what happens when people talk about leadership and leaders.

They spend all their time waiting for somebody to do what they can and should be doing. Waiting for that leader to do it. And nothing gets done.

Each one reach and teach one and shit gets done..




still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Cool troll... keep trolling with nothing of substance to add. I'm done with you... if I want to play with children I have a 3 year old for that... good day little fella...

YOU said Black folks dont respect our lives...then when i POINTED IT OUT that YOU said call me a TROLL?


ninja all you had to say was: yeah, my bad.