Star Trek has a better chance of becoming reality in the next 100 Years
EXACTLY!!!star wars is science fantasy,
and it's becoming pretty clear that it is mostly made for kids,
and nostalgia from when adults were kids.
i prefer star trek, but it is better suited for television.
this abramsverse shlock seeks to take the science out of science fiction,
and just make star trek adventure films a la indiana jones.
Abrams version trumps the last 3 bullshit movies Lucas didNeither. JJ Abrams fucked up both franchises.
Look where technology is at now, it looks like that's where are eventually heading. I never thought I would see self driving cars and they have pretty much got the technology down, they just need to fix all the safety issues and in about 20 years everyone will be passengers in self driving cars.I don't doubt they are good movies. But as a kid I never liked either one. There was something about people spending their lives on a space ship I just couldn't find believable, episode after episode.
I've now seen all 7 Star Wars movies with the last one being the worst of the bunch. I'm still not a big fan. Give me Star Trek with the original cast or the new cast with the series reboot. Guess I'm just a Trekkie.
BTW hell no with the Next Generation.
Can't really chose because they are entirely different to me. I like both of them.
i disagree
Aside for the Borg I found TNG mostly boring.
OKyou are boring
not the movies, the tv shows. never into Star Wars.Look where technology is at now, it looks like that's where are eventually heading. I never thought I would see self driving cars and they have pretty much got the technology down, they just need to fix all the safety issues and in about 20 years everyone will be passengers in self driving cars.
Star Trek is Science Fiction. Star Wars is Space Fantasy period. There's nothing in common between them except they involve Space (and Space travel). Star Wars has more in common with Pirates of the Caribbean or Flash Gordon than it does Star Trek.
Star Wars spends more effort explaining how the Force works (i.e. Magic) than they do explaining how their tech works. Now that I think of it, what is the power source/fuel for all those ships , land speeders and death stars? They never ran out of it apparently lol. Them shits just worked until they got destroyed.
But that's what makes Star Wars more fun. They don't have to deal with the technical realism and can focus on the rollicking space drama.
While star wars mainly has fantasy elements there are scifi elements as well...if its a percentage I'd say that its 70% fantasy 30% scifi
there are androids, holographic technology and computers and things that run on mechanical principle. There is a certain level of techno-babble tho the words power coupling and motivator seem to be the most used terms.
No Stargate!?!
Aside for the Borg I found TNG mostly boring.
Just out of curiosity? Do you consider yourself an intellectual person? If so, why do you find it boring? To me TNG is Life!!!!
well c3po did explain that he was a protocol droid fluent in many languages and customs as such a bit of personality would help in communicating with various species and cultures.I think it's a lot closer to 90%/10%. Space is the setting so having to dephase the power couplers and restoring power to the shields are just means to introduce tension and drama in a scene. If it was a pirate movie, it would be fixing the mainmast or repairing the rigging so the sails could be raised.
Episode IV was probably the most Sci Fi of all the movies. You had Han waiting for the NaviComputer to do the calculations before they could jump to light speed. You had to wait for the Death Star to come around the planet it was orbiting before it could fire at a certain target.
In regards to the droids, it always annoyed me that R2D2 and C3PO had distinct personality whereas damn near every other droid in the galaxy had none. They didn't have to explain this to tell the story in Star Wars, but I would expect that in a real SciFi Film. Think about all the Sci Fi books and films that deal with this concept as the core to their story (Blade Runner, I Robot, A.I., etc).