That ending........RIP
That ending........RIP
I dont care how old he gets, or what role he plays... This ninja will always be Buggin out to me!!! Everytime I see him in something I tell "Buggin out" in my head!!!
He will always be "Big Brother Almighty" to me and that is the way he came off the Tie Fighter
I dont care how old he gets, or what role he plays... This ninja will always be Buggin out to me!!! Everytime I see him in something I tell "Buggin out" in my head!!!
Whole shit went downhill after ep 3.
Now it's like watching a George Lucas version of The A-Team weekly.
Back then, we all did!I agree with this but also fucking loved the A-Team!
Yeah, that shit was funny. Couldn't hit a piece of junk if their lives depended on it.One more thing......
I was cracking up when they showed the joke of how stormtroopers can't fucking shoot.
One more thing......
I was cracking up when they showed the joke of how stormtroopers can't fucking shoot.
Man this shit was phenomenal.
Disney needs to give Favreau the keys to the Star Wars kingdom.
Fuck the bullshit.
This was an absolutely great way to end the season.
The jetpack move Mando/Din pulled to get on the TIE Fighter.
The Darksaber!! Yo!
That was ILL.