Cause I can write. You jealous? You want a tutorial? It doesn't take longer than 5 mins kiddo.
He said he sent them a letter. LMAO
He said he sent them a letter. LMAO
man just stop. he tried to eat a frog last season. i didn't see you complaining then.Why don't you calm down and explain to me why you think it is so funny.
Do you know about characters and their development?
When you create a universe of characters and have them follow a code or a certain personality it should be adhered to.
for the record i didn't think it was funny. it got on my nerves. hard headed ass wouldn't leave those eggs alone. it reminds of when i baby sit my sisters idiot dog whenever she's out of town. dumb ass has a think for paper towels and napkins and i have to keep him away from wast baskets and out of the bathroom. i constantly have to yell at the little fucker like he's a two year is grogu
The fact you wrote to Favreau, complaining about a fictional character eating fictional anthropomorphic unfertilized frog eggs makes you as bad as those incels who bitch about the Force being "female"....Cause I can write. You jealous? You want a tutorial? It doesn't take longer than 5 mins kiddo.
man just stop. he tried to eat a frog last season. i didn't see you complaining then.
The fact you wrote to Favreau, complaining about a fictional character eating fictional anthropomorphic unfertilized frog eggs makes you as bad as those incels who bitch about the Force being "female"....
Shit ain't that serious...
LMAO he's actually proud he wrote to Favreau to complain about made up unfertilized frog eggs getting eaten!
I'm not bitching back and forth. I'm actually laughing at you.Whatever.
You the one bitching back and forth over someone's opinion.
You the real Incel acting mf-er.
Absolutely. That shit was repulsive. It was the future of the Frog lady's race and this nigga has no self control.
I have said it before but I really wished that "kid" was an actual human kid and not a fucking Yoda.
The fact that is is a tiny fucking doll irks me.
I wrote Jon Faverau a letter about that. It was horrific.
Nothing is real. There is no proof that anything is happening.
Children watch this show. To have the visions of a loved character, a hero, being a villain and destroying a race all for comedic purposes is low.
Jon Faverau is an animal activist and showing the death of a race in such a callous way is irresponsible. It doesn't add to the story at all.
It isn't cute to trivialize genocide. Heroes should behave as heroes. Especially when you are marketing to children and want them to buy your products.
I am dead serious. It is out of character for a force user to be eating those frog eggs. It was the future of another race.
If you think it was just comedy you are outrageous!
It was horrific.
Jedi should be vegan!!
How is a peaceful, thoughtful Jedi a meat eater?
Dude.First off. I was complaining. Second off the frog eggs were the future of her race.
He was literally destroying a race by eating the eggs. All so they could have a cheap joke.
Fucking Yoda is corny as fuck. I dont need to see another Yoda.
Not to trivialize your concerns at all, but, you do realize your moral outrage is about STAR WARS, right....?
A series of films and TV shows that is all about death and destruction.
You're outraged over the potential genocide of a race of frog people by a child who doesn't know any better and who eats 1 egg.?
But, I suppose you had a real heart attack when this happened:
Or this:
Or this:
Or this:
Just think of the countless BILLIONS of souls who "Cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced" as Obiwan said in "A New Hope".
And we haven't even gotten into Starkiller Base and the 4 planets the 1st Order destroyed in The Force Awakens.
So, when it comes to genocide in Star Wars films, in general, that usually happens within the 1st half hour of a film.
Lighten up, son...![]()
#1. Baby Yoda ain't a Jedi.... yet.Jedi did not harm innocent life.
Name a non evil character from the Star Wars cannon that is killing innocent life?
What the hell are you talking about?
#1. Baby Yoda ain't a Jedi.... yet.
#2. Luke Skywalker. You're assuming that EVERY single person or creature serving on, contracted to work on or enslaved on The 1st Death Star was evil, huh?
#3. I'm talking about Star Wars, bub. Stay focused...
man just stop. he tried to eat a frog last season. i didn't see you complaining then.
Ummm, no, he's not.Bady Yoda was already training to be a Jedi. The series confirmed it. So he knows the Jedi ways. So no. He knows better. He is 50 years old.
I'm still amazed at the news that he admitted that he wrote Favreau a letter complaining about eaten frog eggs....LMAO
Not to trivialize your concerns at all, but, you do realize your moral outrage is about STAR WARS, right....?
A series of films and TV shows that is all about death and destruction.
You're outraged over the potential genocide of a race of frog people by a child who doesn't know any better and who eats 1 egg.?
But, I suppose you had a real heart attack when this happened:
Or this:
Or this:
Or this:
Just think of the countless BILLIONS of souls who "Cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced" as Obiwan said in "A New Hope".
And we haven't even gotten into Starkiller Base and the 4 planets the 1st Order destroyed in The Force Awakens.
So, when it comes to genocide in Star Wars films, in general, that usually happens within the 1st half hour of a film.
Lighten up, son...![]()
Ummm, no, he's not.
He's has not been trained at all.
Both Ashoka and Luke have said as much.
Hence the need for Mando protecting him for two whole seasons.
Luke said; "He's strong with The Force, but talent without training is useless".
As seen in this GLORIOUS season 2 ending:
Yeah but all those things happened because of the villains...if baby yoda did shit did like on a whim that character would be seen in a completely different light and you know it...there was already a story about something like that..
a psychically powerful little kid destroyed Tokyo in a childlike out burst of emotion.
in that story no one thought that kid was cute for doing shit like that.
when the frog woman explained what the stakes were it changed the context of him eating the eggs...yes we eat animal eggs all the time but it if were LAST EGGS OF THE SPECIES it would be completely different and your view of it would be different... we've rendered many species extinct on the planet all the time its a big reason why we have conservations laws worldwide now, I get it... you guys are being purposefully obstinate just to fuck with the more sensitive people...kinda like republicans are in real life...or maybe you just don't really give a shit what was at stake in the story....kinda like republicans are in real life.![]()
But knowing what the stakes were in the story and having grogu do that and play it off like toddler innocence was more offputting than cute.
And I think what you're both overlooking is that in spite of his age, he is STILL a child.Nigga. You need to watch it again. He was trained. Ashoka said it. He has had lessons.
How do you think he knew to move shit? How did he summon Luke at the temple?
He knew what to do because he had training. He saw the dark saber before as well.
He is 50 years old.
its not about what grogu is...its about how the writers and director came up with that situation and framed it. Grogu could have easily been a shown playing with fire and setting fire to peoples possessions or a blaster (gun)...toddlers can do that too and its all lack of moral judgement and impulse etc. But no one's laffing when you see that story on the news.And I think what you're both overlooking is that in spite of his age, he is STILL a child.
- He is not a Jedi.
- He is not a Sith.
This isn't Brightburn
nor is it![]()
Simply put, he's a powerful, untrained, innocent Force sensitive infant who is completely incapable of caring for himself nor making sound moral judgements.
But now he's in the proper hands of a Jedi Master who'll guide him and teach him how to:
- Master his abilities.
- Teach him more about empathy and compassion.
- Teach him right from wrong.
All of these characteristics and abilities Grogu is clearly lacking and desperately in need of...
And I think what you're both overlooking is that in spite of his age, he is STILL a child.
- He is not a Jedi.
- He is not a Sith.
This isn't Brightburn
nor is it![]()
Simply put, he's a powerful, untrained, innocent, Force sensitive infant who is completely incapable of caring for himself nor making sound moral judgements.
But now he's in the proper hands of a Jedi Master who'll guide him and teach him how to:
- Master his abilities.
- Teach him more about empathy and compassion.
- Teach him right from wrong.
All of these characteristics and abilities Grogu is clearly lacking and desperately in need of...
its not about what grogu is...its about how the writers and director came up with that situation and framed it. Grogu could have easily been a shown playing with fire and setting fire to peoples possessions or a blaster (gun)...toddlers can do that too and its all lack of moral judgement and impulse etc. But no one's laffing when you see that story on the news.
To show grogu eating the last of that creatures lineage then play it off like a WONK WONKisn't that like WTF??
Its not about the character its about what and how the filmmakers used that character.
Well, if that's how you feel, then so be it.He has been alive for 50 fucking years. He is a child to his species.
However had has had some training that was interrupted.
He knows the Jedi would not condone destroying a species.
It is simple lazy fucking writing for a cheap joke.
Faverau and Diloni dont have a high bar to surpass here.
Let's keep it real most of Star Wars is horse shit.
Yeah but all those things happened because of the villains...if baby yoda did shit did like that on a whim that character would be seen in a completely different light and you know it...there was already a story about something like that..
a psychically powerful little kid destroyed Tokyo in a childlike out burst of emotion.
in that story no one thought that kid was cute for doing shit like that.
when the frog woman explained what the stakes were it changed the context of him eating the eggs...yes we eat animal eggs all the time but it if were LAST EGGS OF THE SPECIES it would be completely different and your view of it would be different... we've rendered many species extinct on the planet all the time its a big reason why we have conservations laws worldwide now, I get it... you guys are being purposefully obstinate just to fuck with the more sensitive people...kinda like republicans are in real life...or maybe you just don't really give a shit what was at stake in the story....kinda like republicans are in real life.![]()
But knowing what the stakes were in the story and having grogu do that and play it off like toddler innocence was more offputting than cute.
uh some stormtroopers are nothing but kidnapped children soldiers that get brainwashed. a lot of them were killed. others joined to survive from meager means like any soldier in their respective locale of where they are born. how are they inherently evil?Jedi did not harm innocent life.
Name a non evil character from the Star Wars cannon that is killing innocent life?
What the hell are you talking about?
uh some stormtroopers are nothing but kidnapped children soldiers that get brainwashed. a lot of them were killed. others joined to survive from meager means like any soldier in their respective locale of where they are born. how are they inherently evil?
"Jedi did not harm innocent life."I am talking about Jedi numb nuts.
However every single storm trooper has been shown to be with the shits.
they really gotta show how they replenish their ammunition.
All alone jus needs love,And I think what you're both overlooking is that in spite of his age, he is STILL a child.
- He is not a Jedi.
- He is not a Sith.
This isn't Brightburn
nor is it![]()
Simply put, he's a powerful, untrained, innocent, Force sensitive infant who is completely incapable of caring for himself nor making sound moral judgements.
But now he's in the proper hands of a Jedi Master who'll guide him and teach him how to:
- Master his abilities.
- Teach him more about empathy and compassion.
- Teach him right from wrong.
All of these characteristics and abilities Grogu is clearly lacking and desperately in need of...