STOP ACTIN LIKE A BITCH! BE A MAN! how we teach little boys to wear the mask


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hyper masculinity is BS......

Its basically feminist wanting masculinity to be defined by their terms....and anything that is outside their terms is labelled hyper masculinity.....

How is that any different from the whore movement or slut shaming where if a woman expresses her own sexual power she's condemned for it by men by and large? They way we think a woman's character and value is defined by how much she uses her vagina.

but both of those points are beside the larger point of how men relate to men and how we push each other to extremes and don'y act like that doesn't happen. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is under attack one of my chicks daughter thinks she's a dude. Which I don't mind cause she be bringing some nice looking chicks to her house and my other chick son seems a little sweet. They had a private convo one day about personal issues and the butch daughter told him to shut the fuk up and man up


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How is that any different from the whore movement or slut shaming where if a woman expresses her own sexual power she's condemned for it by men by and large? They way we think a woman's character and value is defined by how much she uses her vagina.

but both of those points are beside the larger point of how men relate to men and how we push each other to extremes and don'y act like that doesn't happen. :hmm:

Or how feminist virgin shame right?

.....whore or slut shaming is not based in social acceptance.....its based in nature

A man is going to be attracted to the woman who will ensure his own ability to have a child with wide hips big breast......

If she is promiscuous and has your sperm deposited and then a couple hours later has another man s sperm in her...and a couple hours later anothrr man s sperm in her then your sperm is at risk of actually reproducing. ...

Men shun that nature....

And the reason why male whoredom is not looked at as taboo. ...

Is because WOMEN don t shun the behavior. ..if they did it would be.....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is under attack one of my chicks daughter thinks she's a dude. Which I don't mind cause she be bringing some nice looking chicks to her house and my other chick son seems a little sweet. They had a private convo one day about personal issues and the butch daughter told him to shut the fuk up and man up

Yet I don t see videos called HYPO-femininity......

That be the day that a broad would get any respect saying to a man to man-up....gtfohwtbs.....

She can dress kike a dude but she doesn t have the first clue on what it means to be one...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yet I don t see videos called HYPO-femininity......

That be the day that a broad would get any respect saying to a man to man-up....gtfohwtbs.....

She can dress kike a dude but she doesn t have the first clue on what it means to be one...

That's true but this kid she said it ti had no idea either. Trust with his momma tellin him I think you was suppose to be a girl doesn't help either. I swear I think both them bitches was scorn and that's they revenge to they baby fathers to screw these kids up


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's true but this kid she said it ti had no idea either. Trust with his momma tellin him I think you was suppose to be a girl doesn't help either. I swear I think both them bitches was scorn and that's they revenge to they baby fathers to screw these kids up

This is the shit I m talking dude is confused and probably going to be moist as hell


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Or how feminist virgin shame right?

.....whore or slut shaming is not based in social acceptance.....its based in nature

A man is going to be attracted to the woman who will ensure his own ability to have a child with wide hips big breast......

If she is promiscuous and has your sperm deposited and then a couple hours later has another man s sperm in her...and a couple hours later anothrr man s sperm in her then your sperm is at risk of actually reproducing. ...

Men shun that nature....

And the reason why male whoredom is not looked at as taboo. ...

Is because WOMEN don t shun the behavior. ..if they did it would be.....

c'mon don't care about biology to that degree. If we did we'd have a society that was closer to other animals like lions who kill other kids or drive off rivals and literally protect their pussy so their lineage continues. We don't do that..we've devised ways to have sex without producing kids and many men take care of other mens kids with no problem...hell nowawdays most guys don't want kids so its not so much biological but more of an issue of control. Just in the same way women use their pussy to control men and have done so quite successfully historically.

But again the topic is about how males relate to males and teach boys how to relate to other males.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But again the topic is about how males relate to males and teach boys how to relate to other males.

Even though I don't agree you can be hyper masculine. lol. The bottom line to me is once you strip away all this humanity once you strip away all these rules of society we are animals and men kill other men. This is a reality beyond all these emotions. I teach my son how to deal with men as men. I absolutely teach him to hide his emotions to other men I teach him maintain control of his emotions at all time. Acting violent is not being a man being prepared for violence is. Acting out, bullying etc. is not a result of hyper-masculinity to me it's an example of femininity these are emotional outbursts.

So the problem is not that we tell these young boys to be a man the problem is they don't know what being a man means. As long as you grow up with an understanding of what a man is you should strive to be the strongest man you can be.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
c'mon don't care about biology to that degree. If we did we'd have a society that was closer to other animals like lions who kill other kids or drive off rivals and literally protect their pussy so their lineage continues. We don't do that..we've devised ways to have sex without producing kids and many men take care of other mens kids with no problem...hell nowawdays most guys don't want kids so its not so much biological but more of an issue of control. Just in the same way women use their pussy to control men and have done so quite successfully historically.

But again the topic is about how males relate to males and teach boys how to relate to other males.

Biology is innate.....just like being sexually attracted to symmetrical features...wide hips...full breast...all signs of fertility......

So is it innate for a man to shun a woman who is promiscuous ...and he will not invest in her.....

you re right....most men don t want kids......WITH THE BROAD THEY ARE FUCKING.....

why....cause they know she isn t shit....USUALLY Because they know she is a whore....

back to my point exactly.......


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Biology is innate.....just like being sexually attracted to symmetrical features...wide hips...full breast...all signs of fertility......

So is it innate for a man to shun a woman who is promiscuous ...and he will not invest in her.....

you re right....most men don t want kids......WITH THE BROAD THEY ARE FUCKING.....

why....cause they know she isn t shit....USUALLY Because they know she is a whore....

back to my point exactly.......

and yet you keep avoiding the topic of how men relate to to elaborate on that?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
and yet you keep avoiding the topic of how men relate to to elaborate on that?

Oh you brought up whore shaming..which wasnt the topic according to you.....

I am saying and still saying that there isn t a problem with how men relate to men until it crosses the boundaries that feminism tries to set for manhood.....

Then society has a problem...

A bully situation for example....this pussification of society tells young boys to try and reason with or tell the teacher on the bully......

But shuns. ....the teaching of beating the shit out of the bully when reasoning fails....why....

Cause bullshit feminism calls that behavior hyper masculine cause males being physical is outside of what feminist allow.....

And they translate that behavior to domestic violence rape and shit like thst....sometimes geech its simply a boy telling another boy to back off...and the manner in which he has to do it....

May involve some teeth being knocked loose.....and that aint hypermasculinity thst is simply a means to an end


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And stop trying to dismiss the feminism conversation in this thread......geech

Cause the entire damn film you are sampling was made by a feminist movie group....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh you brought up whore shaming..which wasnt the topic according to you.....

I am saying and still saying that there isn t a problem with how men relate to men until it crosses the boundaries that feminism tries to set for manhood.....

Then society has a problem...

A bully situation for example....this pussification of society tells young boys to try and reason with or tell the teacher on the bully......

But shuns. ....the teaching of beating the shit out of the bully when reasoning fails....why....

Cause bullshit feminism calls that behavior hyper masculine cause males being physical is outside of what feminist allow.....

And they translate that behavior to domestic violence rape and shit like thst....sometimes geech its simply a boy telling another boy to back off...and the manner in which he has to do it....

May involve some teeth being knocked loose.....and that aint hypermasculinity thst is simply a means to an end

I also said it was beside the point..

In the case of your example looking for ways to resolve an issue like bully without resorting to violence is preferable. Look we live a first world indutrialized nation.. NO ONE is hunting and killing their food. NO ONE HAS to figure out how their going to survive day to day like their hunter/gatherers. Right now as we sit and type our lives and comfort is GALAXIES away from anything people had to deal with even 100 years ago much less any further back. So the problems and issues we have in dealing with each other is MADE UP BULLSHIT issues we perpetuate mostly subconsciously and partly because people can just be assholes to each other because they want to control someone else.

Drilling into the head of little boy the notion that "boys don't cry" is horrible and stupid. As well as making a boy feel bad because he shows empathy or sensitivity to others.

Jonathon Martin went to his teams manager to complain about the bullying atmosphere in the locker room and was told by management to punch someone in the face. Management didn't do their job to MANAGE an issue under their authority they just said violence is the solution. And you think that was the correct way to go?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I also said it was beside the point..

In the case of your example looking for ways to resolve an issue like bully without resorting to violence is preferable. Look we live a first world indutrialized nation.. NO ONE is hunting and killing their food. NO ONE HAS to figure out how their going to survive day to day like their hunter/gatherers. Right now as we sit and type our lives and comfort is GALAXIES away from anything people had to deal with even 100 years ago much less any further back. So the problems and issues we have in dealing with each other is MADE UP BULLSHIT issues we perpetuate mostly subconsciously and partly because people can just be assholes to each other because they want to control someone else.

Drilling into the head of little boy the notion that "boys don't cry" is horrible and stupid. As well as making a boy feel bad because he shows empathy or sensitivity to others.

Jonathon Martin went to his teams manager to complain about the bullying atmosphere in the locker room and was told by management to punch someone in the face. Management didn't do their job to MANAGE an issue under their authority they just said violence is the solution. And you think that was the correct way to go?

No I don t think that management should have done wasn t professional...but when all reasoning fails...before he quits....the physical should be attemped in that environment. ......

But that is shunned


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No I don t think that management should have done wasn t professional...but when all reasoning fails...before he quits....the physical should be attemped in that environment. ......

But that is shunned

because violence is violence...whats the difference between coming back in that locker room and beating someone and coming back in that locker room with a gun and cleaning house...the message and point is still the same. Stop fucking with me!

because thats what "men" do we take control of a situation by the use of violence. Thats what we've been conditioned to do.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
because violence is violence...whats the difference between coming back in that locker room and beating someone and coming back in that locker room with a gun and cleaning house...the message and point is still the same. Stop fucking with me!

because thats what "men" do we take control of a situation by the use of violence. Thats what we've been conditioned to do.

So now violence is violence.....and now a gun to is no different then a fist fight.......:rolleyes:

C'mon geech are you just trying to prove a point or actually discuss something?


Rising Star
a grew up in a single parent father stepfather....
some people taking the term "be a man" too literal. even as a child the saying falls on deaf ears.
luckily for mom was able to indirectly teach me that being accountable and responsible
were more important. a mask wasnt ever needed if i was 100% real and true to myself.
so there was no need for me to go through life pretending to be someone that i wasnt.
i teach my son the same......and i've never uttered the words to him "be a man".
naw smart.....
be better than me.........but most yourself.

props to you for this bro


BGOL Investor
To add to your point, when a boy is being raised by an unmarried woman, goes to schools where the teachers are majority female, he has no clear picture of what "be a man" really means.

To add further to his sense of personal humiliation, his peers are other boys who are dealing from the exact same or similar circumstances.

Speaking somewhat from my own experiences, being a male child is a lot tougher today than it was years ago.

What inspires a boy is being around a man who is willing to do what he thinks is right regardless of all the nonsense that comes from women. And women will give you men a lot of nonsense to deal with everyday. Thats the nature of women, insecurity.

The nature of men is confidence. You can only learn that from another man..... not from being around women all day.

So in part, what does it mean to be a man???

Rudyard Kiplings poem says it in some ways... Its the ability to keep your head, when all others are reacting to what they see..

Stand above the crowd, don't give in to the emotions..... step back, observe, make conclusions, then do what is right... how do you know what is right?.... only time and experience will tell you.

This is gospel.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
To add to your point, when a boy is being raised by an unmarried woman, goes to schools where the teachers are majority female, he has no clear picture of what "be a man" really means.

To add further to his sense of personal humiliation, his peers are other boys who are dealing from the exact same or similar circumstances.

Speaking somewhat from my own experiences, being a male child is a lot tougher today than it was years ago.

What inspires a boy is being around a man who is willing to do what he thinks is right regardless of all the nonsense that comes from women. And women will give you men a lot of nonsense to deal with everyday. Thats the nature of women, insecurity.

The nature of men is confidence. You can only learn that from another man..... not from being around women all day.

So in part, what does it mean to be a man???

Rudyard Kiplings poem says it in some ways... Its the ability to keep your head, when all others are reacting to what they see..

Stand above the crowd, don't give in to the emotions..... step back, observe, make conclusions, then do what is right... how do you know what is right?.... only time and experience will tell you.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The problem with the way a lot of people describe masculinity, and "being a man" lis it eaves little room to expand the definition. Most times, people mean for a male to be a rock. Emotionless.

A few months back now, I was on the 13 Trolley dumb late headed home. Talking around 1am Thurs night/Fri Morning. There was a mother on the trolley with about 5 of her kids ages ranged from baby to 13. The 2nd to the youngest was a little boy maybe 3 years old. The boy tries to go from one seat, down the aisle to another. The trolley jerks and the boy falls. He starts to cry. The mother yells at him to "Man the fuck up." A FUCKING THREE YEAR OLD! A three year old falls, he cries. That shit is universal from here to fucking Sri Lanka. That's what the fuck they do. But the little black boy has to man the fuck up.

About two or three minutes later, tear stained faced and embarrassed, the little boy tries to go from one seat over to his mom and puts his arms out for her to hug him. She responds with, "Nigga no." The boy is defeated and embarrassed AGAIN, and the mother says, "We gotta toughen you the fuck up."

Lesson for the boy:
Pain = Not man
Embarrassment = Not man
Emotion = Not man
Affection = not man

Hopefully he has someone else in his life to counter his mom's ill teachings, or this child will grow up to be callous as fuck toward most things.


International Member
The problem with the way a lot of people describe masculinity, and "being a man" lis it eaves little room to expand the definition. Most times, people mean for a male to be a rock. Emotionless.

A few months back now, I was on the 13 Trolley dumb late headed home. Talking around 1am Thurs night/Fri Morning. There was a mother on the trolley with about 5 of her kids ages ranged from baby to 13. The 2nd to the youngest was a little boy maybe 3 years old. The boy tries to go from one seat, down the aisle to another. The trolley jerks and the boy falls. He starts to cry. The mother yells at him to "Man the fuck up." A FUCKING THREE YEAR OLD! A three year old falls, he cries. That shit is universal from here to fucking Sri Lanka. That's what the fuck they do. But the little black boy has to man the fuck up.

About two or three minutes later, tear stained faced and embarrassed, the little boy tries to go from one seat over to his mom and puts his arms out for her to hug him. She responds with, "Nigga no." The boy is defeated and embarrassed AGAIN, and the mother says, "We gotta toughen you the fuck up."

Lesson for the boy:
Pain = Not man
Embarrassment = Not man
Emotion = Not man
Affection = not man

Hopefully he has someone else in his life to counter his mom's ill teachings, or this child will grow up to be callous as fuck toward most things.
nah dude you made that story up to promote the feminist agenda to destroy manhood :rolleyes::lol:


Transparent, tasteless, odorless
OG Investor
Hmmmm....A lot propaganda to to this video.

I'm not arguing that they're not tackling some unresolved manhood related issues, but it seems to devalue structures of manhood that have existed since the dawn of civilization. Men have a a role to perform in society and it's one that must be carved by fire and brimstone. It stems from our primal nature to provide, protect, hunt, compete, etc, etc.

Society is hoping to change millennia of social and natural conditioning by telling us that we have been going about about it wrong this whole time. See the problem?

Back in my day, if you got bullied, then you fucked that bully up by any means necessary, or at least got some form of revenge. Times have sure changed...

0:21 from the team behind Missrepresentation.....which is a feminist film.....:smh:

This is a bullshit thread period......

What should be asked is why is healthy male behavior being looked at as wrong. .....

There is pseudomasculinity. ..but miss me with that hypermasculinity bullshit

Males are under attack.

Real talk



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
nah dude you made that story up to promote the feminist agenda to destroy manhood :rolleyes::lol:

Meanwhile...... The fucking video the OP is using is made by feminist....@0:21 mark...go look up the movie "Missrepresentation" its feminist bullshit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No I don t think that management should have done wasn t professional...but when all reasoning fails...before he quits....the physical should be attemped in that environment. ......

But that is shunned
So management was wrong for NOT doing their job and suggesting violence but you agree with it anyway:hmm::hmm:

So now violence is violence.....and now a gun to is no different then a fist fight.......:rolleyes:

C'mon geech are you just trying to prove a point or actually discuss something?

I'm saying theres a very fine line when emotions get that heated and some people don't see a difference in the heat of the moment. We see it in the news and on Youtube and Worldstar hip hop ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

To add to your point, when a boy is being raised by an unmarried woman, goes to schools where the teachers are majority female, he has no clear picture of what "be a man" really means.

To add further to his sense of personal humiliation, his peers are other boys who are dealing from the exact same or similar circumstances.

Speaking somewhat from my own experiences, being a male child is a lot tougher today than it was years ago.

What inspires a boy is being around a man who is willing to do what he thinks is right regardless of all the nonsense that comes from women. And women will give you men a lot of nonsense to deal with everyday. Thats the nature of women, insecurity.

The nature of men is confidence. You can only learn that from another man..... not from being around women all day.

So in part, what does it mean to be a man???

Rudyard Kiplings poem says it in some ways... Its the ability to keep your head, when all others are reacting to what they see..

Stand above the crowd, don't give in to the emotions..... step back, observe, make conclusions, then do what is right... how do you know what is right?.... only time and experience will tell you.

nah dude you made that story up to promote the feminist agenda to destroy manhood :rolleyes::lol:

Males are under attack.

Real talk


Meanwhile...... The fucking video the OP is using is made by feminist....@0:21 mark...go look up the movie "Missrepresentation" its feminist bullshit

Its sad and annoying that every time a discussion arises about men in general and black men in particular the same EXCUSES and finger pointing keeps coming up..ITS THE FEMINIST AGENDA, ITS THE GAY AGENDA, ITS THE WHITE MAN.. Who the fuck runs your house???


because BLACK MEN ARE KILLING BLACK MEN..Black men are goading black men into doing stupid shit.. Women don't run frats or street gangs or hangouts like the barber shop where MEN get together and relate and fellowship with one another and more importantly INFLUENCE one another. So STOP the fucking finger pointing and lets have a dialog ABOUT US..FOR US..BY US..

can we do that just this one time??:hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

From left, Khalil Ahmad Bradley, Jaquade Marquis Miller and Alonza Tevyn Davis (Jacksonville Sheriff's Office)
All five of the people arrested on the scene were charged with crimes related to fighting. Three of those arrested, including one minor, were charged with felonies. Two other juveniles, who have not been named by police, were charged with misdemeanors.

Man these kids are out of control. A few months ago they had 3-4 black kids arrested while were at the theater. My daughter knew one of the kids from her school and the boy apparently had been in trouble for fighting at other venues.

Some motherfuckers just can't set foot anywhere without trying to fight everyone they see.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So management was wrong for NOT doing their job and suggesting violence but you agree with it anyway:hmm::hmm:

No I am saying that when the rubber meets the road...instead of being denied whats yours in that environment. need to exhaust all options....and what you are having a problem with is me saying that one option is fists....and that is not a gun. ..stop adding that to the convo just to try and prove your point....

Its sad and annoying that every time a discussion arises about men in general and black men in particular the same EXCUSES and finger pointing keeps coming up..ITS THE FEMINIST AGENDA, ITS THE GAY AGENDA, ITS THE WHITE MAN.. Who the fuck runs your house???


because BLACK MEN ARE KILLING BLACK MEN..Black men are goading black men into doing stupid shit.. Women don't run frats or street gangs or hangouts like the barber shop where MEN get together and relate and fellowship with one another and more importantly INFLUENCE one another. So STOP the fucking finger pointing and lets have a dialog ABOUT US..FOR US..BY US..

can we do that just this one time??:hmm:

Hey geech.....


And you have yet to adress you posted that bullshit you want us simply to overlook who created the video???????



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
but youre acting like the attitudes and beliefs expressed is a recent phenomenon..

boys dont cry
be a man (usually said to little boys)
youre too big to let...
stop acting like a girl (usually said when sensitivity is shown)

all of these sayings and sentiments well predate the explosion of single female parenting of the last 30 some odd years. This isn't a new issue..whats new is that we're finally starting to address it.

This is just projection from the sensitive to others. This is coming from one who is sensitive.

I coach my boys football team. Most of us don't say "don't cry", we ask why are you crying, then address the situation. What I usually tell my boys (and girls), is that not everything is worth your tears, and that life sometimes is tough. Also I tell them that you do not always have the luxury of flowing through your emotions in time of crisis, because the situation demands action, not emotions. You can deal with them later.

Also, one of the reasons you need to control your emotions is because they often lie to you. They will tell you one thing, when it's another.

So yes, you do have to man up (or grow up). But it does not mean you have to give up your feelings.

Also, "hyper-masculinity" is bullshit pseudo-science. It's just a means to attack men.

big pimp

Rising Star
No I am saying that when the rubber meets the road...instead of being denied whats yours in that environment. need to exhaust all options....and what you are having a problem with is me saying that one option is fists....and that is not a gun. ..stop adding that to the convo just to try and prove your point....

Hey geech.....


And you have yet to adress you posted that bullshit you want us simply to overlook who created the video???????




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No I am saying that when the rubber meets the road...instead of being denied whats yours in that environment. need to exhaust all options....and what you are having a problem with is me saying that one option is fists....and that is not a gun. ..stop adding that to the convo just to try and prove your point....

One option is fists against what...someone saying something that hurt your feelings?? Someone who hasn't touched you but makes you feel excluded?? the legit option is to punch them in the face??

Its a no win issue for the person..martin in this case. No one in that locker room touched him. No one made him fear for his safety..he just didn't like the alienating environment. If he walks away he's a pussy and can't take it..if he hits incognito he's wrong for escalating "joking" to a physical level and opening himself up to punishments and actions against him for assault or fighting in the locker room and he's STILL a pussy for handling it like doesn't want to get involved and even SUGGESTS he go violent. you saw that everyone on the team took incognitos back going so far as to him a pass for using the what options is he left with??

Hey geech.....


And you have yet to adress you posted that bullshit you want us simply to overlook who created the video???????

it doesn't matter..ANY TIME a discussion of men's behavior comes up regardless of who brings it up the fall back excuses is the feminists/gay/CAC complex conspiracy to destroy masculinity.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is just projection from the sensitive to others. This is coming from one who is sensitive.

I coach my boys football team. Most of us don't say "don't cry", we ask why are you crying, then address the situation. What I usually tell my boys (and girls), is that not everything is worth your tears, and that life sometimes is tough. Also I tell them that you do not always have the luxury of flowing through your emotions in time of crisis, because the situation demands action, not emotions. You can deal with them later.

Also, one of the reasons you need to control your emotions is because they often lie to you. They will tell you one thing, when it's another.

So yes, you do have to man up (or grow up). But it does not mean you have to give up your feelings.

Also, "hyper-masculinity" is bullshit pseudo-science. It's just a means to attack men.

well youre a great coach but we all know that doesn't happen in all kids league sports teams. Hell that doesn't happen in professional level sports teams.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One option is fists against what...someone saying something that hurt your feelings?? Someone who hasn't touched you but makes you feel excluded?? the legit option is to punch them in the face??

Its a no win issue for the person..martin in this case. No one in that locker room touched him. No one made him fear for his safety..he just didn't like the alienating environment. If he walks away he's a pussy and can't take it..if he hits incognito he's wrong for escalating "joking" to a physical level and opening himself up to punishments and actions against him for assault or fighting in the locker room and he's STILL a pussy for handling it like doesn't want to get involved and even SUGGESTS he go violent. you saw that everyone on the team took incognitos back going so far as to him a pass for using the what options is he left with??

So geech I guess wars should never have been fought....or revolutions should never have bloodshed?

So American colonies should have just reasoned with England


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So you won t adress who made the video still....

I'm addressing the topic of the video. To discuss who made it is to dismiss or deflect from the topic which you seem to want to do since haven't responded to other parts of that post. Which I get the feeling you don't have an answer for other than point a finger at women and say its their fault.