Stop and Frisk coming to Chicago thanks to Trump


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah man makes sense. We should all consent to being treated like violent criminals at all times regardless of our personal histories. Guilty of all things until proven innocent. I'm sure a policy like the one you're proposing wouldn't primarily target us and poc more generally. Smart thinking bruh!:yes:
Makes sense to victims of violent crimes and their families.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
oh well then my brethren in chicago, better get together and start buyin up property...

spread the word....

because when they start seein them dog parks and bike lanes..

its gonna be too fuckin late....b

ya heard

This here. When I read stuff like this I see opportunity. Even though most "tough on crime" measures disproportionately effects us, they are often effective. What I see happening is black folks moving out of Chicago and white folks coming in and gentrifying it. Just like what has happened in NYC,San Francisco, Oakland, and other large cities. Instead of complaining, we need to concentrate resources on not giving up this opportunity to white folks. Chicagoans...what are the geographically superior locations of Chicago that are really high on crime right now?

Wanna bet? Stop and Frisk works....Worked in NYC like a charm
Only bad part is innocent people's rights get violated...Black & Brown People in particular
The REAL problem is US Men who allow these punk ass kids to run the neighborhoods.
We mind our damn business too much and they have the
freedom to do whatever the fuck they want and while it's not EVERY Black young kid,
they make it dangerous for EVERY Black young kid

You telling me about MY city and I live here? Please be silent
Crime WAS NOT on a crazy decline
Stop & Frisk PAVED the WAY for gentrification. They needed to lock people up to make it SAFE for cacs in bad neighborhoods
Cleaning up Times Square? That was the Father of Stop & Frisk Rudy G
Sold 42nd between 7th and 8th to Disney. Used eminent domain to get everyone out

Guilliani lowered crime in NYC. What he did was take a tough on crime stance on even petty crimes. So cops started arresting subway fare evaders and even bums who washed windshields. What this did was set a climate of crime being unwelcome and it lowered all crime. Yes there was a pattern of crime lowering prior to Guiliani(as it was in many major cities), but the crime in NYC consistantly dropped even in years where it rose in other major cities. While "tough on crime" tactics disproportionately effects us and latinos, and there are ills in the system(unequal education and opportunity), IMO we should concentrate our efforts on the ills in the system rather than attacking crime fighting.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Makes sense to victims of violent crimes and their families.

Oh you mean like black folks who live in the hood bruh? You're talking casually about victimizing the very people who are most likely to have experienced this type of shit. The irony is lost on you.

That's the prob with folks that have your shallow ass mentality. You'll never empathize with it until some cops roll up on you treating you like some criminal scumbag in the name of "protecting" you. Over policing generally has predictable outcomes for our community but yall still wanna give your rights away. Shit is baffling :smh:


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Wanna bet? Stop and Frisk works....Worked in NYC like a charm
Only bad part is innocent people's rights get violated...Black & Brown People in particular
The REAL problem is US Men who allow these punk ass kids to run the neighborhoods.
We mind our damn business too much and they have the
freedom to do whatever the fuck they want and while it's not EVERY Black young kid,
they make it dangerous for EVERY Black young kid

Stop and Frisk worked? :confused:

Crime has been going down almost uninterrupted for 40 years. Stop and Frisk was a fucking disaster of a policy. Especially for us. You can make a case for black folks capitalizing on gentrification without making shit up out of whole cloth my dude :smh:

Tired of reading CAC conservative talking points on this bitch, fuck is happening to this place?

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
Stop and Frisk worked? :confused:

Crime has been going down almost uninterrupted for 40 years. Stop and Frisk was a fucking disaster of a policy. Especially for us. You can make a case for black folks capitalizing on gentrification without making shit up out of whole cloth my dude :smh:

Tired of reading CAC conservative talking points on this bitch, fuck is happening to this place?

Where? Hahaha I attached the crime stats.
Don't know what you talking bout

40 years??? HAHAHAHA you a funny dude


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Where? Hahaha I attached the crime stats.
Don't know what you talking bout

Wait hold on. Did you just post crime stats confirming my point? The fuck? :confused:

Like I said, crime has been going way down in NYC for the last 40 years. Newsflash, it's even been going down since Stop and Frisk was basically eliminated in 2013.

To gleefully cheer for a policy that saw up to 400,000 black folks stopped and frisked in a year (at the policy's height) with like literally 89% being totally innocent is the most retarded fucking bullshit ever. Even semi-intelligent conservatives had to admit the policy was stupid af but you still wanna die on this hill lmao. Jesus man, change your life :smh:


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Stop and Frisk worked? :confused:

Crime has been going down almost uninterrupted for 40 years. Stop and Frisk was a fucking disaster of a policy. Especially for us. You can make a case for black folks capitalizing on gentrification without making shit up out of whole cloth my dude :smh:

Tired of reading CAC conservative talking points on this bitch, fuck is happening to this place?

What you say is true but NYC crime went down at a faster rate.If you look at the statistics most large cities lowered crime during the same timeframe but NYC has a steady decline even in years when crime rose in other cities.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
What you say is true but NYC crime went down at a faster rate.If you look at the statistics most large cities lowered crime during the same timeframe but NYC has a steady decline even in years when crime rose in other cities.

Correlation does not equal causation. Crime has been going down in NYC for decades. For your argument in support of this failed Stop and Frisk policy to make any sense at all we'd have to see crime go up since 2013 when it was more or less abandoned.

I'm alarmed that so many of you have no problems with this policy just from a very basic civil rights pov. It's a really shitty policy which primarily affected us. Can't really relate to y'all dismissal of this reality.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The very fact that if the prison isn t there white folks in most small towns don t eat = lock them ni$$as up who cares if they re innocent.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Correlation does not equal causation. Crime has been going down in NYC for decades. For your argument in support of this failed Stop and Frisk policy to make any sense at all we'd have to see crime go up since 2013 when it was more or less abandoned.

I'm alarmed that so many of you have no problems with this policy just from a civil rights pov. It's a really shitty policy which primarily affected us.

Stop and frisk facilitated gentrification which is the driving reason crime has been going down in pretty much every large city other than Chicago. I've said multiple times that the policy disproportionately effects us as does most "tough on crime" policy. I think our efforts should be more directed on ensuring "tough on crime" policies are equitable rather than just getting rid of all of them. Crime decreasing is good for everyone. Especially violent crime of which we are the largest group.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Correlation does not equal causation. Crime has been going down in NYC for decades. For your argument in support of this failed Stop and Frisk policy to make any sense at all we'd have to see crime go up since 2013 when it was more or less abandoned.

I'm alarmed that so many of you have no problems with this policy just from a very basic civil rights pov. It's a really shitty policy which primarily affected us. Can't really relate to y'all dismissal of this reality.

Folks don t corrupt as this government is....and the fact that they make deals with prisons to have a certain percentage of inmates.....sad man


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor

This is my point. If stopped and frisked and innocent, you wont go to prison. Our attention should be applied more to making sure stop and frisk is applied equally. So that the same opportunity to go to prison is there for all criminals. The reason the prision population is disproportionately black is because we are disproportionately doing the crime. And against ourselves. Our focus should be on the reasons for this (opportunities,education,etc) rather than putting our heads in the sand and complaining about the outcomes. We are the only race that defends the criminals that prey on us. Asians,most Latinos, and Whites don't do this.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Stop and frisk facilitated gentrification which is the driving reason crime has been going down in pretty much every large city other than Chicago. I've said multiple times that the policy disproportionately effects us as does most "tough on crime" policy. I think our efforts should be more directed on ensuring "tough on crime" policies are equitable rather than just getting rid of all of them. Crime decreasing is good for everyone. Especially violent crime of which we are the largest group.

More cheerleading for disastrous policies just bc y'all never bore the brunt of it. Shit is sickening. Trust me dude if this happened to you or yours you wouldn't fix your fingers to type this stupid bullshit even with the cover of anonymity provided by the interwebs.

More to the point... you are full of shit on this topic bruh. DC has been gentrifying for a long ass time and there hasn't been a Stop and Frisk policy there (though shit is tense between police and communities of color in low income areas as usual).

Y'all need to admit you're supporting this policy on an emotional basis bc it makes you feel good and not on the basis of facts or actual documented impact on black ppl. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stop and frisk facilitated gentrification which is the driving reason crime has been going down in pretty much every large city other than Chicago. I've said multiple times that the policy disproportionately effects us as does most "tough on crime" policy. I think our efforts should be more directed on ensuring "tough on crime" policies are equitable rather than just getting rid of all of them. Crime decreasing is good for everyone. Especially violent crime of which we are the largest group.

Spider the truth is that crime does happen.......but the bigger truth is that crime does NOT happen enough for them to profit off of it.....UNLESS......they do things like this in order to make up crimes
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is my point. If stopped and frisked and innocent, you wont go to prison. Our attention should be applied more to making sure stop and frisk is applied equally. So that the same opportunity to go to prison is there for all criminals. The reason the prision population is disproportionately black is because we are disproportionately doing the crime. And against ourselves. Our focus should be on the reasons for this (opportunities,education,etc) rather than putting our heads in the sand and complaining about the outcomes. We are the only race that defends the criminals that prey on us. Asians,most Latinos, and Whites don't do this.

Please don t believe this shit.......

Listen, poor whites in small towns NEED the prison in order to work and eat......

You can be guilty or innocent they MUST HAVE a body in that prison.....


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Folks don t corrupt as this government is....and the fact that they make deals with prisons to have a certain percentage of inmates.....sad man

Facts. This is a well documented reality. Another thing that bugs me... the effects of over-policing our community is so well studied. I'm talking like sociology 101 shit but when you have folks ignoring this (along with the lack of access to opportunity, the predictable outcomes associated with early contact with the system, school to prison pipeline etc). To hear black folks parroting that retarded crime and punishment CAC narrative (on BGOL no less) is super fucking dissapointing :smh:
Last edited:


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
More cheerleading for disastrous policies just bc y'all never bore the brunt of it. Shit is sickening. Trust me dude if this happened to you or yours you wouldn't fix your fingers to type this stupid bullshit even with the cover of anonymity provided by the interwebs.

More to the point... you are full of shit on this topic bruh. DC has been gentrifying for a long ass time and there hasn't been a Stop and Frisk policy there (though shit is tense between police and communities of color in low income areas as usual).

Y'all need to admit you're supporting this policy on an emotional basis bc it makes you feel good and not on the basis of facts or actual documented impact on black ppl. :smh:
The truth is that anyone that has lived in an inner city ca
See that's the thing, I think YOU are looking at it from an emotional standpoint. I'm looking at it from a logical one with the goal of lowering crime and the most effective way to do it. I have been harassed by Police before. I have been searched(with probable cause) by Police before.I disliked both times and after the harassment went thru the channels to complain. That said, I have also had family members killed. I have participated in mentor programs targeting "at risk" youth. I've had young black mentees killed by gun violence and victims of violent crime and every time the person caught was another brother. Because of these experiences and observations, I look at lowering violent crime more analytical rather than emotional. Supporting "what works" rather that what "feels good". If violent criminals are going to prison because of "stop and frisk" then i'm not going to complain because the violent criminal is black. The reason many black men get arrested is because we do the most visible crimes. Street level drug dealing is one of the most visible major crimes that one can do. If inner cities had the same amount of white Hells Angels standing on streetcorners openly selling dope, then the white male numbers would increase.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
The truth is that anyone that has lived in an inner city ca
See that's the thing, I think YOU are looking at it from an emotional standpoint. I'm looking at it from a logical one with the goal of lowering crime and the most effective way to do it. I have been harassed by Police before. I have been searched(with probable cause) by Police before.I disliked both times and after the harassment went thru the channels to complain. That said, I have also had family members killed. I have participated in mentor programs targeting "at risk" youth. I've had young black mentees killed by gun violence and victims of violent crime and every time the person caught was another brother. Because of these experiences and observations, I look at lowering violent crime more analytical rather than emotional. Supporting "what works" rather that what "feels good". If violent criminals are going to prison because of "stop and frisk" then i'm not going to complain because the violent criminal is black.

CRIME HAS BEEN GOING DOWN ALL ACCROSS THE US FOR DECADES. I need you to understand this. I'd be more glad about the fact you're mentoring our at risk youth if I wasn't so off put by your posts in this thread tbh.

Crime sucks. Violent crime in particular is a tragedy. But to then support policies which have clearly failed us isn't the mark of a logical, non-emotional dude. It's the position of a demogogue who is bent on arguing their feelings until they're red in the face. I've posted actual stats showing that the claims you're making are nonsense. Do me a favor and post the sources which undergird your position in a meaningful way so we can have a useful discussion here. How is Stop and Frisk a useful policy? Otherwise, admit you have taken a position bc it feels good inside your chest (ie... "black folks need to be treated as crimimals uniformly in order to address the logical outcomes of systemic inequality in society at large!") rather than any sort of well thought out position.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Spider the truth is that crime does happen.......but the bigger truth is that crime does NOT happen enough for them to profit off of it.....UNLESS......they do things like this in order to make up crimes

See... this is another point im making. Instead of complaining that criminals are getting caught and arrested, it is more effective to make change in the system. Attack the fact that there are prisons for profit. Maybe push legislation that the money made from prison has to be funnelled into the school districts that the inmates are coming from. This would attrribute to actual change rather than complaining that criminals(who statistically prey on other black folks) are getting caught and arrested.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
CRIME HAS BEEN GOING DOWN ALL ACCROSS THE US FOR DECADES. I need you to understand this. I'd be more glad about the fact you're mentoring our at risk youth if I wasn't so off put by your posts in this thread tbh.

Crime sucks. Violent crime in particular is a tragedy. But to then support policies which have clearly failed us isn't the mark of a logical, non-emotional dude. It's the position of a demogogue who is bent on arguing their feelings until they're red in the face. I've posted actual stats showing that the claims you're making are nonsense. Do me a favor and post the sources which undergird your position in a meaningful way so we can have a useful discussion here. Otherwise, admit you have taken a position bc it feels good inside your chest (ie... "black folks need to be treated as crimimals uniformly in order to address the logical outcomes of systemic inequality in society at large!") rather than any sort of well thought out position.

I gotta get off of here in a bit but let me ask you a question, why do YOU think crime has been lowering in inner cities over the last decade as you claim?


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
I gotta get off of here in a bit but let me ask you a question, why do YOU think crime has been lowering in inner cities over the last decade as you claim?

Don't cop out now, I've got places to be too nigga and we can always circle back whenever... It's a forum bruh. As with most complex issues, I'd argue it's multi-factorial. But it's not my job to explain this... let's be rational here. You're arguing Stop and Frisk is a useful policy (I've posted stats undercutting this claim, and have shown documentation that illustrates how it hurts our ppl in a way you'd be hard pressed to dismiss). The onus is on you to show why/how this is actually a useful policy and not the clusterfuck reality says it is :yes:



Renegade of this atomic age
Mayor Rahm Emanuel rejects President Donald Trump's call for Chicago police to use stop-and-frisk tactics

John Byrne, Rick Pearson and Jeremy Gorner Contact Reporters
Chicago Tribune

Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Monday rejected President Donald Trump’s call for Chicago police to start using stop-and-frisk tactics to get the city’s violent crime under control, saying “the failed policies he’s talking about” would damage the work to build public trust in police.

In the latest example of Trump highlighting Chicago violence, he told the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Florida on Monday that he would send representatives from U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ office to Chicago “to help straighten out the terrible shooting wave.”

The president said he wanted officials to “work with local authorities to try to change the terrible deal the city of Chicago entered into with ACLU, which ties law enforcement’s hands, and to strongly consider stop-and-frisk.”

“It works, and it was meant for problems like Chicago,” Trump said. “It was meant for it. Stop-and-frisk. And Rudy Giuliani, when he was mayor of New York City, had a very strong program of stop-and-frisk, and it went from an unacceptably dangerous city to one of the safest cities in the country and I think the safest big city in the country. So it works.”
Trump’s mention of the ACLU deal is an apparent reference to the agreement between the American Civil Liberties Union and the city, which required police officers beginning in 2016 to more thoroughly document street stops to try to curb racial profiling and other unconstitutional practices. Police street stops plummeted between 2015 and 2016, and some critics blamed that for an increase in homicides in Chicago in 2016.

Asked about Trump’s comments Monday, Emanuel pointed to statistics showing gun violence down in Chicago since 2016. As he has repeatedly since Trump took office and began singling out Chicago’s crime problem, the mayor said he would welcome federal help in the form of agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the FBI to cooperate with police on combating gang crime and gun violence.

“But the failed policies he’s talking about have no place for a city that’s working together with communities, about how to build not only trust, but a collaborative and cooperative relationship,” Emanuel said at a far Northwest Side event to announce more money for sidewalk repairs. “So while resources are always welcomed ... the idea of what President Trump’s talking about is not only not welcome, it’s antithetical to what we’re working on. And that is about a strong proactive professional police department.”

The president’s comments came just days after a Cook County jury convicted Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke of second-degree murder and 16 counts of aggravated battery in the 2014 shooting death of Laquan McDonald.

Sessions criticized the 2015 deal between the ACLU and the city of Chicago while speaking last month to law enforcement officials at a police training conference in Waukegan.

The agreement, overseen by a retired federal judge, was reached following an ACLU study that found African-Americans were stopped by police at a higher rate than Hispanics and whites. In the settlement, the Chicago Police Department agreed to keep track of all investigatory street stops and protective pat-downs.

The 2015 ACLU of Illinois study found that Chicago police made street stops at a far higher rate than New York City cops did at the height of their controversial stop-and-frisk practices. The ACLU considered suing the Chicago Police Department over the practice, condemning it as racial profiling, but the department agreed to changes that required officers to more thoroughly document their street stops. The changes also were incorporated in a new state law.

As a result, at the start of 2016, Chicago police officers had to fill out more detailed street stop forms, which required them to more comprehensively justify their reasonable suspicion for stopping people. At the time, the Tribune reported that officers complained about how much longer the paperwork took to fill out, keeping them from their street duties.

Chicago ended 2016 with more than 4,300 people shot and over 760 killed, the worst violence the city had seen in two decades. Some officers within the department that year blamed the street-stop changes for the rise in violence, in that they prevented cops from policing the streets more aggressively. But crime experts have dismissed that explanation for the spike in violence and the ACLU has contended that the drastic drop in street stops is an indication that officers likely began making fewer unconstitutional stops.

What’s more, the city has seen steady drops in homicides and shootings since a disastrous 2016. Through September of this year, Chicago recorded 419 homicides, a 19 percent drop from the first nine months of 2017 when 520 people were slain in the city, according to official police statistics. Shooting incidents also have dropped by 17 percent during the first nine months of 2018 compared with last year.

Karen Sheley, director of the police practices project for the ACLU of Illinois, said Trump’s remarks come as no surprise and show he is out of touch with Chicago. She also said if the Chicago Police Department returns to its old street-stop policy, that would further alienate Chicagoans, especially African-Americans and Latinos, from the officers.

“This administration has been encouraging unlawful behavior and strong-arm tactics through the police since they came into office,” Sheley said of the Trump administration in a brief telephone interview Monday. “What they’re trying to do is make a community policing issue a political issue.”

Trump has repeatedly referenced Chicago violence since taking office. He threatened via tweet to “send in the Feds!” shortly after his inaugural address, and has subsequently brought it up occasionally in speeches.,amp.html

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Correlation does not equal causation. Crime has been going down in NYC for decades. For your argument in support of this failed Stop and Frisk policy to make any sense at all we'd have to see crime go up since 2013 when it was more or less abandoned.

I'm alarmed that so many of you have no problems with this policy just from a very basic civil rights pov. It's a really shitty policy which primarily affected us. Can't really relate to y'all dismissal of this reality.
It's my understanding that NYC started using targeting tactics by police. So they'd make an area that had crime and make it 'hot' and violate folks in it. I know we didn't officially have stop and frisk in Cleveland, but pigs had the 'drug zone' shit to basically use 'stop and frisk'. They've cleaned up entire areas using that bullshit. Police state tactics work, but they shouldn't be used -- especially in a racist and injustice system.

I remember when cats used to hustle by Kerruish park. Hoes selling pussy right on lee. Shit went on for years until pigs just shut shit down. How'd they do it? Basically off the books stop and frisk. Police know how to stop shit when they want to. Heavy handed tactics will have cats in the fucking house. Cats ain't eating a CCW charge. Most shooters already have a felony(rarely do cats just jump into catching bodies), so it's a fucking weapons on disability and they doing time.

So when police frisking people walking around a hot area, they ain't going to find much after so long. Gun staying in the house. Shit hot as fuck, not like people going to really try shit.

Again, I'm not for stop and frisk. I'm not for 'drug zones'. I'm against heavy handed police tactics. A lot of this shit could be solved by ending drug prohibition and handing out football numbers to cats who get weapons on disability charges.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
See... this is another point im making. Instead of complaining that criminals are getting caught and arrested, it is more effective to make change in the system. Attack the fact that there are prisons for profit. Maybe push legislation that the money made from prison has to be funnelled into the school districts that the inmates are coming from. This would attrribute to actual change rather than complaining that criminals(who statistically prey on other black folks) are getting caught and arrested.

Who are the criminals though?

The folks selling herbs that come from the ground.......or folks making shady backroom deals to exploit the black and poor so that poor whites can eat?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This here. When I read stuff like this I see opportunity. Even though most "tough on crime" measures disproportionately effects us, they are often effective. What I see happening is black folks moving out of Chicago and white folks coming in and gentrifying it. Just like what has happened in NYC,San Francisco, Oakland, and other large cities. Instead of complaining, we need to concentrate resources on not giving up this opportunity to white folks. Chicagoans...what are the geographically superior locations of Chicago that are really high on crime right now?

Guilliani lowered crime in NYC. What he did was take a tough on crime stance on even petty crimes. So cops started arresting subway fare evaders and even bums who washed windshields. What this did was set a climate of crime being unwelcome and it lowered all crime. Yes there was a pattern of crime lowering prior to Guiliani(as it was in many major cities), but the crime in NYC consistantly dropped even in years where it rose in other major cities. While "tough on crime" tactics disproportionately effects us and latinos, and there are ills in the system(unequal education and opportunity), IMO we should concentrate our efforts on the ills in the system rather than attacking crime fighting.

nah dont be fooled...ghouliani aint do shit but what most cac do,

and thats take advantage of the work the "black" man has put in....

here is an example...

just like trump think his presence is effecting the economy and the low unemployment rate..

he is takin credit for all the move obama made to clean up the mess bush jr left..

ghouliani came off the back of dinkins...

it was dinkins who got rid of those thirty dirty cops

it was dinkins who started safe streets safe city which puts more cops on the street...

the only shit that incest loving little chicken turd did, was be mayor when the twin towers went down..

and as low key as thats kept he is the reason a lot of police officers and firemen died...

they were askin for new radios, and his administration denied them...

as a result there out dated ratios became useless during 9/11...

ghouliani was the worst thing to happen to the city, he was just at the right place, at the right time..

trump is the worse thing that happend to this country, but he was at the right place at the right time..

they are birds of the same feather...

it was killin rudy to see david dinkins as mayor...

just like it was killin trump to see obama as president..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's my understanding that NYC started using targeting tactics by police. So they'd make an area that had crime and make it 'hot' and violate folks in it. I know we didn't officially have stop and frisk in Cleveland, but pigs had the 'drug zone' shit to basically use 'stop and frisk'. They've cleaned up entire areas using that bullshit. Police state tactics work, but they shouldn't be used -- especially in a racist and injustice system.

I remember when cats used to hustle by Kerruish park. Hoes selling pussy right on lee. Shit went on for years until pigs just shut shit down. How'd they do it? Basically off the books stop and frisk. Police know how to stop shit when they want to. Heavy handed tactics will have cats in the fucking house. Cats ain't eating a CCW charge. Most shooters already have a felony(rarely do cats just jump into catching bodies), so it's a fucking weapons on disability and they doing time.

So when police frisking people walking around a hot area, they ain't going to find much after so long. Gun staying in the house. Shit hot as fuck, not like people going to really try shit.

Again, I'm not for stop and frisk. I'm not for 'drug zones'. I'm against heavy handed police tactics. A lot of this shit could be solved by ending drug prohibition and handing out football numbers to cats who get weapons on disability charges.

again police aint do shit, a lot of poor people were priced out the city and had to move to out.

and made way for everybodys favorite people to love...

the hipsters and their wine shops and dog grooming store fronts..