Stop and Frisk coming to Chicago thanks to Trump


Rising Star
nah dont be fooled...ghouliani aint do shit but what most cac do,

and thats take advantage of the work the "black" man has put in....

here is an example...

just like trump think his presence is effecting the economy and the low unemployment rate..

he is takin credit for all the move obama made to clean up the mess bush jr left..

ghouliani came off the back of dinkins...

it was dinkins who got rid of those thirty dirty cops

it was dinkins who started safe streets safe city which puts more cops on the street...

the only shit that incest loving little chicken turd did, was be mayor when the twin towers went down..

and as low key as thats kept he is the reason a lot of police officers and firemen died...

they were askin for new radios, and his administration denied them...

as a result there out dated ratios became useless during 9/11...

ghouliani was the worst thing to happen to the city, he was just at the right place, at the right time..

trump is the worse thing that happend to this country, but he was at the right place at the right time..

they are birds of the same feather...

it was killin rudy to see david dinkins as mayor...

just like it was killin trump to see obama as president..
Wrong Giuliani like him or not he started the decline in nyc crime that others mayors like Bloomberg followed to keep nyc crime rate low. Dinkins had a city averaging 2,000 murders a year even with all that
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Rising Star
Wait hold on. Did you just post crime stats confirming my point? The fuck? :confused:

Like I said, crime has been going way down in NYC for the last 40 years. Newsflash, it's even been going down since Stop and Frisk was basically eliminated in 2013.

To gleefully cheer for a policy that saw up to 400,000 black folks stopped and frisked in a year (at the policy's height) with like literally 89% being totally innocent is the most retarded fucking bullshit ever. Even semi-intelligent conservatives had to admit the policy was stupid af but you still wanna die on this hill lmao. Jesus man, change your life :smh:
Crime peak at the highest levels in 1990-1993

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
Wait hold on. Did you just post crime stats confirming my point? The fuck? :confused:

Like I said, crime has been going way down in NYC for the last 40 years. Newsflash, it's even been going down since Stop and Frisk was basically eliminated in 2013.

To gleefully cheer for a policy that saw up to 400,000 black folks stopped and frisked in a year (at the policy's height) with like literally 89% being totally innocent is the most retarded fucking bullshit ever. Even semi-intelligent conservatives had to admit the policy was stupid af but you still wanna die on this hill lmao. Jesus man, change your life :smh:

Umm No, Look at the stats . It has NOT been going down for the last 40 years BEFORE (or EVEN the last 40 years) stop and Frisk came. Stop making your OWN BS up
That would mean crime has been going down since 1978.....STOP IT
Can you comprehend WTF I am saying? I said it was a Fucked up policy, it sucked....for US.
If you are gonna have it, STOP THE cacs TOO. They didn't, THAT'S why it's GONE.
There is only crime where you LOOK for it. Most the arrest were cause of drugs, cacs use drugs too....and were never stopped.
Again, cause ya'll can't read and comprehend.
The policy was a racist policy. I am AGAINST it if you don't EQUALLY stop cacs. If you can't
do that you can't have it. PERIOD.
Lastly, the crime is low now AS A RESULT OF YEARS OF HAVING IT.
Fuck is wrong with ya'll youngstas?
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wrong Giuliani like him or not he started the decline in nyc crime that others mayors like Bloomberg followed to keep nyc crime rate low. Dinkins had a city averaging 2,000 murders a year even with all that

you wilin son it crime started its decline when those dirty thirty cops got busted and has been going down ever since...

its was dinkins safe streets, safe city program that put more cops on the street...

ghouliani aint do shit but show up and play the race card to slither his way in...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I would support police using medal detectors on everyone. If you don't have a permit to carry odds are in cities like here in Atlanta you're looking to get into some shit.

That's a stupid as shit comment and just shows how short sighted and uninformed you are.

In cities like Chicago and NY where getting a carry permit for black folks is made more difficult and the fact that black people are put into the system for shit that white folks get a pass on and means less black folks can carry legally.

Many carry illegal because they still need to be able to protect themselves.

There are many people who carry illegally for the same exact reasons people carry legally for.

But you wouldn't know that there has been a historice effort to keep black people unarmed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
true but most likely the most over policed too...

a massive increase in police,

a decrease in younger people


a reduction in crack

just to name a few reaons that crime reduced.......

but we have some who want to believe stop and frish made a difference and don't realize that stop and frisk was already a policy in Chicago....

and we wonder why Trump has supporters. SMDH

Chicago police said last week that there have been 102 fewer homicides and nearly 500 fewer shooting victims in the city this year, compared with the first nine months of 2017. The city of Chicago reached an agreement with the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois in 2015 to curb stop-and-frisk procedures after the ACLU threatened to file a lawsuit over the issue. The ACLU said the police inordinately targeted blacks.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Umm No, Look at the stats . It has NOT been going down for the last 40 years BEFORE (or EVEN the last 40 years) stop and Frisk came. Stop making your OWN BS up
That would mean crime has been going down since 1978.....STOP IT
Can you comprehend WTF I am saying? I said it was a Fucked up policy, it sucked....for US.
If you are gonna have it, STOP THE cacs TOO. They didn't, THAT'S why it's GONE.
There is only crime where you LOOK for it. Most the arrest were cause of drugs, cacs use drugs too....and were never stopped.
Again, cause ya'll can't read and comprehend.
The policy was a racist policy. I am AGAINST it if you don't EQUALLY stop cacs. If you can't
do that you can't have it. PERIOD.
Lastly, the crime is low now AS A RESULT OF YEARS OF HAVING IT.
Fuck is wrong with ya'll youngstas?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The policy was a racist policy. I am AGAINST it if you don't EQUALLY stop cacs. If you can't
do that you can't have it. PERIOD

This right here. Either everyone gets stopped or no one gets stopped. If you're down with this law to be in black and brown neighborhoods, you are voluntarily edging us closer to jim crow 3.0


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump is about to make Kanye the "Face" of Stop and Frisk... :smh: his dumbass will forever be tied to this bullshit and Chicago...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stop And Frisk Doesn’t Work, Despite What Donald Trump Says
Chicago already tried it. New York tried it, too.

Stop-and-frisk policing isn’t a partisan issue. It doesn’t curb crime, it’s often costly to taxpayers and it disproportionately affects people of color. It just doesn’t work, and there’s years of real-world evidence to prove it.

President Donald Trump either doesn’t realize this or doesn’t care. He’s been calling for stop and frisk to address crime and gun violence since he was campaigning in 2016. Back then, he said it worked “incredibly well” in New York City. It did not.

Today, Trump is advocating for a stop-and-frisk policy in Chicago, and called on the Justice Department to help curb crime there.

“The crime spree is a terrible blight on that city,” he said Monday at an International Association of Chiefs of Police convention in Orlando, Florida. “Gotta be properly applied, but stop and frisk works.”

What Trump failed to note, and what The Associated Press reported, is that Chicago’s homicide rate and number of shooting victims are down compared to this time last year. The city has seen 102 fewer homicides and almost 500 fewer shooting victims in 2018 compared to the first nine months of 2017.

To be sure, Chicago has a problem with violent crime. It still has more homicides than New York and Los Angeles combined. But they fell from 771 in 2016 to 650 in 2017, a decline of more than 100 ― and that happened after Chicago effectively ended its stop-and-frisk policy in 2015, following the threat of a lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union.

We’ve seen this before. New York City dropped stop and frisk in 2014, after a federal judge ruled that it violated the constitutional rights of people of color in the city.

In the tactic’s heyday, police officers were stopping citizens more than 685,000 times a year, according to New York Civil Liberties Union statistics. Only about 3 percent of those stops actually resulted in the discovery of a weapon, and the majority of those findings were knives. Meanwhile, 80 percent of the stops involved black or Hispanic suspects, although those groups account for only half of the city’s population.

Plus, stop-and-frisk policies tend to erode morale and community trust, while carrying little to no benefit.

“There’s a place for stop, question and frisk in policing, but it’s not a 700,000-stops-in-a-city place, carried out by untrained police officers, newly out of the academy,” David Weisburd, chair of the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Proactive Policing, told HuffPost in January. “It shouldn’t be used as a general strategy. You don’t apply an overwhelming radiation treatment to somebody that has a cold.”

As New York’s stop-and-frisk policy petered out and died, the number of police stops plummeted to less than 11,000 in 2017. Overall crime and homicides remained stagnant or dropped after the policy was nixed, despite then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s claim that a lot of people would die.

Trump’s most recent comments could be chalked up to pandering to local police. Last week, Chicago officer Jason Van Dyke was found guilty of second-degree murder and 16 counts of aggravated battery after he gunned down Laquan McDonald in 2014. At the time of the incident, McDonald was armed with a knife. Officers argued in their defense that they feared for their lives because McDonald, who was 17, might have been carrying a gun.

Nick Wing contributed reporting.

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