Tariq Nasheed vs Luther Campbell


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Race Hustler.
Fake Intellectual.
Black Woman Hater.
Bullshit Artist.
Wanna Be Pimp.
Failed Rapper.

Failed Relationship Guru.
Divisive FBA/ADOS Rhetoric Instigator.
Trump Supporter.

And those are some of his "good" qualities...:hmm:

You know all this can apply to Luke also right



R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
You know all this can apply to Luke also right


Not the same thing at all.

Luke is a rapper/entertainer who is speaking up on this particular issue but doesn't make a living off of addressing social issues.

Tariq makes a living off of issues that concern black people and presents himself as a leader of sorts who is educating and organizing people.

The standards that they're judged aren't the same. No one looks to Luke for leadership or guidance whereas Tariq is.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
Not the same thing at all.

Luke is a rapper/entertainer who is speaking up on this particular issue but doesn't make a living off of addressing social issues.

Tariq makes a living off of issues that concern black people and presents himself as a leader of sorts who is educating and organizing people.

The standards that they're judged aren't the same. No one looks to Luke for leadership or guidance whereas Tariq is.
Wait, people are actually looking at Tariq for leadership & guidance?


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
In the grand scheme of things, every time I see posts pertaining to Tariq on X there are 1-20 likes on the tweets. Don't nobody be paying attention to they ass :dunno::smh:


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
Not the same thing at all.

Luke is a rapper/entertainer who is speaking up on this particular issue but doesn't make a living off of addressing social issues.

Tariq makes a living off of issues that concern black people and presents himself as a leader of sorts who is educating and organizing people.

The standards that they're judged aren't the same. No one looks to Luke for leadership or guidance whereas Tariq is.
Then Luther Campbell needs to STFU. I already posted this nigga putting his foot in his mouth. He speaks for black folks and knows so much about The Nation, but he didn't know who Rizza Islam was. Yall hate Tariq so much that you'll cosign anything.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
Then Luther Campbell needs to STFU. I already posted this nigga putting his foot in his mouth. He speaks for black folks and knows so much about The Nation, but he didn't know who Rizza Islam was. Yall hate Tariq so much that you'll cosign anything.

Who the hell co-signed Luke?

Luke is speaking out during an election and is engaging but he doesn't speak for black folks and I am not aware of him saying he does.

Tariq on the other hand makes a living off of and presents himself as speaking for black folks so again they aren't the same at all.

Also, no one hates or hates on Tariq. People hate his antics and what we view as his using us and our plight to line his own pockets.
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Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
Who the hell co-signer Luke?

Luke is speaking out during an election and is engaging but he doesn't speak for black folks and I am not aware of him saying he does.

Tariq on the other hand makes a living off of and presents himself as speaking for black folks so again they aren't the same at all.

Also, no one hates or hates on Tariq. People hate his antics and what we view as his using us and our plight to line his own pockets.
I'm not going back and forth with you. I said what I said. The proof is in the thread. Yall got an "ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND". Luther Campbell is the LAST person to be speaking on politics. He was running his mouth like he knows something, was getting reeducated by Brother Islam, then crashed out on a drunken rant. He literally sounded like the same MAGA idiots yall are constantly trolling.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not the same thing at all.

Luke is a rapper/entertainer who is speaking up on this particular issue but doesn't make a living off of addressing social issues.

Tariq makes a living off of issues that concern black people and presents himself as a leader of sorts who is educating and organizing people.

The standards that they're judged aren't the same. No one looks to Luke for leadership or guidance whereas Tariq is.

I only highlighted the similarities that I’m applying

Luke has never rapped or rhymed anything. Hey we want some pussy is not a rhyme or rap. More like a strip club chant.

I say race hustler because he clearly tried to invoke farrkhan into his beef by trying to connect him to a carribean conundrum


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A few in this thread actually.
The biggest followers of him are the ones starting all these threads. I’m still trying to figure out how it’s so much animosity on bgol and he not even on here. Is craaazzzzzy. It’s like dudes listen to him and then come on here to vent
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Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The biggest followers of him are the ones starting all these threads. I’m still trying to figure out how it’s so much animosity on bgol and he not even on here. Is craaazzzzzy. It’s like dudes listen to him and then come on here to vent
I mean, I have similar thoughts when I see ADOS/FBA members post thread and the topic is all up about immigrants. Immigrants>White Supremacy is the biggest issue for ADOS/FBA? Make it make sense...


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
This thread is just circle jerk. Same 6 trolls in their echo chamber rooting for ANYONE that beefs with yall arch enemy. Yall niggas talk about Tariq more than his so called followers. If it wasn't for YALL, we would probably never hear about him. Hear yall tell it nobody listens to him anyhow. But once again, here we are. Btw... everyone in here cheering for Mr. Doo Doo Brown, are we going to address his disrespect of the nation? Or it don't matter because he's beefing with Tariq Nasheed?


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
Immigrants>White Supremacy is the biggest issue for ADOS/FBA? Make it make sense...
It's all white supremacy. Stop fucking acting like you haven't seen the news articles about how these CAC's keep dropping off all the illegals in black neighborhoods taking up the little resources they have. Make THAT make sense...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The biggest followers of him are the ones starting all these threads. I’m still trying to figure out how it’s so much animosity on bgol and he not even on here. Is craaazzzzzy. It’s like dudes listen to him and then come on here to vent

Fuck it, this is the internet and I'll say it openly

Yes, I used to listen to Tariq Nasheed I stopped listening to Tariq Nasheed when I saw him flip-flopping and giving provocative takes with no follow-up. I'll admit, Tariq can be entertaining, in a low-brow, trash TV kind of way but his psuedo-historian, psuedo-science and his complete hijacking of the ADOS movement into the more destructive FBA is why I no longer listen.

Whether we want to admit it or not Nasheed's influence is there, while he's running into more resistance from a younger generation that is less receptive to his shit, he still has people who quote him like it's gospel.

I've called out so many people online and off for spouting his bullshit because it makes them seem smart or deep.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's all white supremacy. Stop fucking acting like you haven't seen the news articles about how these CAC's keep dropping off all the illegals in black neighborhoods taking up the little resources they have. Make THAT make sense...
That ain't it. Illegal immigration is illegal immigration and anybody with two braincells ain't supporting that shit. That's not what most of the immigrant hate is about. It's literally hating on other Black immigrants and creating narratives that Black immigrants don't want reparations for ADOS/FBA and somehow getting handouts that FBA can't. I'm still looking for these Black immigrant specific handouts, cause I ain't found 'em yet.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I mean, I have similar thoughts when I see ADOS/FBA members post thread and the topic is all up about immigrants. Immigrants>White Supremacy is the biggest issue for ADOS/FBA? Make it make sense...
Do you mean illegal immigrants ?


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
Uh oh fish grease done rubbed the gini lamp this is gonna be good. He fuckin with the wrong nigga, luke roast and calls niggas out.
What i said was gonna happen? That dsl mouth bamma ass nigga thought he could play with a miami nigga and not catch strays.
Uncle Luke beasted on that live.

Yvette got cooked as did Rizza’s fake ass.

He’s concerned about Farrakhan, a man who accused him of rape?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nope, is most of Tariq’s commentary on illegal immigrants or Black immigrants?.
From what I’ve heard it’s illegal immigrants and black immigrants that undermine black people here. And even blacks that are American like Candace owens and Jesse lee Peterson.
But it does get lost in translation


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Uncle Luke beasted on that live.

Yvette got cooked as did Rizza’s fake ass.

He’s concerned about Farrakhan, a man who accused him of rape?

But why did he go at rizza Islam like that. All he said was to keep Farrakhan out of what he got going on. As he should.
That’s where the crash out came in it

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From what I’ve heard it’s illegal immigrants and black immigrants that undermine black people here. And even blacks that are American like Candace owens and Jesse lee Peterson.
But it does get lost in translation
Dawg, just stop the cap. You don't have to pretend it's a balance take on immigrants.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Race Hustler.
Fake Intellectual.
Black Woman Hater.
Bullshit Artist.
Wanna Be Pimp.
Failed Rapper.
Failed Relationship Guru.
Divisive FBA/ADOS Rhetoric Instigator.
Egomaniacal Snake Oil Salesman.
Trump Supporter.

And those are some of his "good" qualities...:hmm:
I used to rock with him a lot.
But after he did that Haiti documentary,
he just got into some bullshit.

My nephew repeats all the dumb FBA/non-FAB rhetoric Tariq Spews out.
But he swears he doesn't follow him.​