
BGOL Patreon Investor
No. Not even close. Has Tariq ever been on national TV arguing for it?

Or had intelligent people on his show talking about how to make a case for it?

@Soul On Ice

That was a strong comeback from @Walter Panov . Has Tariq ever been on national TV arguing for reparations? And if not, why not?
He was against them for a long time.
Should I post those clips or nah?
If you wish. But what does what he believed in the past matter, if he converted to supporting it?

Walter Panov

Rising Star
I ain't got no dog in this fight but YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Roland was cooking that kewn. Had him coming back with the ad-homenim attacks at the end :lol: He had no intelligent rebuttal to the facts. Roland literally bankrupted that nigga :lol:

I ain't never seen Tariq this sharp :itsawrap:
Completely roasted that coon

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
@Soul On Ice

That was a strong comeback from @Walter Panov . Has Tariq ever been on national TV arguing for reparations? And if not, why not?

If you wish. But what does what he believed in the past matter, if he converted to supporting it?
1. Yes he has! TN isn't just hood famous like a Roland Martin lol. He's been on this wave for at least a decade. He's been on not only mainstream news but international news MANY times.

2. And yes it does matter. It shows flakyness and dick riding tbh. Roland is D1 is first and foremost and attempted to steer people away from reparations. It wasn't until recently, aided by TN, when he tried to get some sort of credibility with the Black grassroots, did Roland start being pro reparations.

BTW, I haven't watched the interviews blunt2 posted. So I'll take it as him being proreparations and not ass kissing or making excuses which he is prone to do...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes please post a clip or anything of Roland Martin specifically saying that he was against black people receiving reparations.
I have seen him take shots at #ADOS and/or the group behind the hashtag on twitter for how they talk about African and Caribbean immigrants but I've never seen him come out against reparations. So yeah I'd like to see that too. lol


BGOL Patreon Investor
1. Yes he has! TN isn't just hood famous like a Roland Martin lol. He's been on this wave for at least a decade. He's been on not only mainstream news but international news MANY times.
Roland Martin, hood famous? :lol: That's Tariq to a T. Where are these multiple clips of Tariq on mainstream and international news arguing for reparations?
2. And yes it does matter. It shows flakyness and dick riding tbh. Roland is D1 is first and foremost and attempted to steer people away from reparations. It wasn't until recently, aided by TN, when he tried to get some sort of credibility with the Black grassroots, did Roland start being pro reparations.
No. It would show maturity. Particularly if he continues to use his platform and others- including mainstream news to consistently push it.
BTW, I haven't watched the interviews blunt2 posted. So I'll take it as him being proreparations and not ass kissing or making excuses which he is prone to do...
They showed him addressing the issue intelligently with facts and it showed him coon-slaying with ease.

Tariq is prone to desperately go into hiding masking his terror in cracking unfunny jokes rather than engaging in direct debate with Roland. As well he should, if he doesn't want to get decapitated.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
He blocked me on Twitter( for clowning his ass) so I can't search his specific posts lol

Out of all those tweets and clips, you didn't find one where Roland Martin said he was against reparations, which is what you stated in your initial post. Do you know what we call that?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

***Weebay gif***

Tha's dumb as fuck. Whatever your problem with Roland is, this shit you putting up does not mean ANYTHING. Shit, you posted the clip when the man said his PATERNAL granparents immigrated from Haiti. That means the maternal side didn't! WTF, man!?!Dude is a reporter asking questions and in order to get these white folks to approve the billions it would take to pay reparations , that shit is going to have to buttoned up tighter than gnat booty. Niggas need to stop acting brand new about that shit.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
I think people are confused. Saying that reparations isn't going to happen, doesn't mean they're against it. I don't think it's going to happen either, but that doesn't mean I'm against it, I'm just being real about the country I live in. Shit, we couldn't even get an apology, and y'all think they're going to cut a check?! Btw, more and more each day, these FBA clowns are looking more like MAGATS. After the story broke about the sister yesterday shooting 3 people, the Captain Bligh on the new ship of fools mentioned that she was from Cameroon, and his followers started tweeting "Build the wall!".


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think people are confused. Saying that reparations isn't going to happen, doesn't mean they're against it. I don't think it's going to happen either, but that doesn't mean I'm against it, I'm just being real about the country I live in. Shit, we couldn't even get an apology, and y'all think they're going to cut a check?! Btw, more and more each day, these FBA clowns are looking more like MAGATS. After the story broke about the sister yesterday shooting 3 people, the Captain Bligh on the new ship of fools mentioned that she was from Cameroon, and his followers started tweeting "Build the wall!".

i was reading the back and forth up top and man, ......No way in hell would Roland Martin be AGAINST black folks gettin money. Shit I DONT THINK I'LL SEE EM IN MY LIFETIME EITHER....that dont mean Im against it. Cut me my check


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He big mad huh?

Big mad but is he big wrong?

Tariq tells people not vote, his strategy is that if we hold our vote we'll get politicians to bend to us? Has that worked? Also is Roland wrong about the republicans?

I live in a solid red state, these motherfuckers are rolling back everything and cutting up these voting maps and trying to make voting as hard as possible. By the time we decide to start voting it'll next to impossible.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Big mad but is he big wrong?

Tariq tells people not vote, his strategy is that if we hold our vote we'll get politicians to bend to us? Has that worked? Also is Roland wrong about the republicans?

I live in a solid red state, these motherfuckers are rolling back everything and cutting up these voting maps and trying to make voting as hard as possible. By the time we decide to start voting it'll next to impossible.

Exactly!! Not voting isn't the answer! Our politicians, our SuperPACs! What if the Republican and Democrat parties both had black and brown faces? The Black Star SuperPAC with a cat like Al Haymon running it. Doesn't need the limelight, you're not worrying about him using the money to buy himself houses and shytty clothes.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Big mad but is he big wrong?

Tariq tells people not vote, his strategy is that if we hold our vote we'll get politicians to bend to us? Has that worked? Also is Roland wrong about the republicans?

I live in a solid red state, these motherfuckers are rolling back everything and cutting up these voting maps and trying to make voting as hard as possible. By the time we decide to start voting it'll next to impossible.
  1. I Thought you blocked me
  2. We believe that voting is an exchange. How has voting blindly for 60 years for your blue helped us
  3. That whole "thEY tRyNa TaKE oUr RiGHtzs" is hyperbole breh.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
  1. I Thought you blocked me
  2. We believe that voting is an exchange. How has voting blindly for 60 years for your blue helped us
  3. That whole "thEY tRyNa TaKE oUr RiGHtzs" is hyperbole breh.

1. I never blocked anybody despite what I said, I just say that shit.

So apart from all of that Tariq inspired bullshit, what route do you think we should take to get reperations because the way I see it in this red ass state I live in we have a better chance of Louisiana becoming an overseas department of the French Fifth Republic than Black folks getting a cent of reperations.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Roland Martin is insane for letting Tariq grifting ass make him lose his cool. If he would take a few seconds and study how fraudulent Tariq really is he would ignore them. Tariq fakes vandalism at his “museum “ to grift his followers into giving more money. Tariq lies about fbi visits but doesn’t record any interactions of the visits. His lies are getting sloppier by the day. His followers the nasheedites are too caught or young to realize they are being duped. They don’t put two and two together. He talks about tethers but he takes pictures with tethers on all his book covers. He went from failed rapper to author and now a conscious leader in the black community. We are stupid as hell to fall for his shenanigans. I laugh when I listen to shows and callers ask him for solutions, lol. Dude ain’t qualified to tell me where the nearest toilet is.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Big mad but is he big wrong?

Tariq tells people not vote, his strategy is that if we hold our vote we'll get politicians to bend to us? Has that worked? Also is Roland wrong about the republicans?

I live in a solid red state, these motherfuckers are rolling back everything and cutting up these voting maps and trying to make voting as hard as possible. By the time we decide to start voting it'll next to impossible.

Tariq knows what’s about to happen. He lived in red state Alabama. He knows the republicans in congress are not giving 1 cent to reparations. It’s all about him making money. He has water down the reparations talk so bad it’s now a joke. At least ados, made politicians talk about it. He is not organized politically and that’s by design.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
1. I never blocked anybody despite what I said, I just say that shit.

So apart from all of that Tariq inspired bullshit, what route do you think we should take to get reperations because the way I see it in this red ass state I live in we have a better chance of Louisiana becoming an overseas department of the French Fifth Republic than Black folks getting a cent of reperations.
We should take the opposite route of anything that Roland is pushing. How about that.