@mangobob79 You're right. Malcolm graduated from that kind of foolishness. Someone on here actually had the nerve to compare Tariq favorably to Malcolm. Crazy. To try to publically destroy another positive brotha is some divisive negative shit. Now, Tariq claimed on his podcast "Soft Shoe Coonin'" that he would never tear down another Black person in front of white folks. OK...
...However, isn't it worse to try to turn your own people against another Black man who in his own way is working towards our enlightenment and liberation? That's exactly what Tariq's been doing. That "petty" argument is bullshit. How about just expressing your disagreement and letting it go - being the bigger man? Squashing a small thing in the interest of Black unity instead of letting it get out of hand because of pride and ego?
I don't support his calling Yodit a Negro Bed Wench though for two reasons.
#1 Roland recognized that Tariq called Yodit a Negro Bed Wench and stood up against Tariq having insulted her. However Tariq couldn't even be honest and own up to it that he called her that. He claimed that he was calling her a "Non-American Black Woman" asserting that "NBW" had two meanings - that and "Negro Bed Wench". He did that at 11:45 of this podcast - basically making up this "Non-American Black Woman/NBW" definition on the spot! He went on to say that "Non-American Black Women" tend to take the white supremacists' viewpoint. He stated this as if THAT
unsupported opinion was an accepted
At 19:30 to 22:00 Tariq expanded on this assertion, again stating that he was saying "Non-American Black Woman" (as if ANYONE listening had the slightest idea that's what he allegedly meant) and proceeded to call Roland a cape-wearing simp for speaking against him calling Yodit a Negro Bed Wench.
#2 Tariq has described the original "Negro Bed Wench" as having been an enslaved woman who slept with the master in exchange for favors and a higher position on the plantation than the other slaves. He then equated that with modern day Black women who sleep with powerful white men for favor and then conspire with the same to tear down their own people. The first problem with this idea is that there is no historical evidence of what he describes a Negro Bed Wench as having been during slavery. It makes no sense at all.
White slavemasters had complete control over the bodies of Black slaves. A woman's vagina was never a bargaining chip. She would either give it over to the master or face whipping or worse.
Tariq basically developed a special term for coon for Sistas that is not only insulting but negatively sexualizes them as well. He created no male equivalent term for coon that negatively sexualizes Black men - accusing them of letting white men fuck them. In that, is hinted an inherent dislike and disregard for Black womanhood that perhaps he is not even conscious of. It is internalized racism.
Its equivalent is using the term "Black on Black" crime to racially pathologize crime by Black folks against Black folks, when in fact we know that all races commit crime against their own at roughly the same rate (yet they never carry a special name for others races' criminal activity. IE: "white on white crime").
Now it has become popular to call women Negro Bed Wenches (literally a white man's whore) when a Black woman simply disagrees with something a Black man says - or speaks something questionable. Never mind the prerequisite of her sleeping with a white man for favor and conspiring with that white man to tear down Black folks. No. Just say something controversial or disagreeable and she is branded a NBW.
I'm losing respect for him too, bro.