Taylor Swift can't sing for shit. They feel sorry for her. So give her awards.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Then no MAN should be in the Music Business producing, marketing, and playing on her records. Any fool with Music Business sense is going to go where the money is.

If that means checking out Swift's music and liking it enough to do one/all of the functions above, you gonna run away from that?

Niggas like you is why music is where it is today. You're welling to become a coon to please some jew cracka.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
lol, I wouldn't put it at the level of horrible... horrible is Britney Spears trying to sing live. This chick's live voice is more like barely passable... on the level of maybe Madonna live. ...Except Madonna is at least doing all kinds of dancing and shit with a shakey voice.

Makes me appreciate Beyonce more though, because she'll be going all out dancing hardcore in high heels and her voice, although it's not early Whitney or Mariah... it's strong and wayyyyy better than this chick.

...but yeah, I'll give her some extra respect for being a writer.


Beyond horrible; my ears are bleeding.




I had a dream last night I had high top nikes
I had diamonds in my mouth,and diamonds on my mic
Singer turned gangsta,You don't wanna fight me
Straight to the top, in my extra small white tee.