The Batman (2022) Starring Robert Patterson (Spoilers Discussion Thread)


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

the reason I ask is with corona and the potential for a SEQUEL?

I could see studios saying give my 20 episodes

shorter story arches etc

so they can LOCK in talent and get shows in the vault

I could even see the return of the mini series BBC style that they STASH....

then again I could be buggin.


Truth Teller
Dang, Marvel and DC is betting that there will be some "normalcy" in two years.

This us good tho. People starting to get tired of comic movies. A break is a good thing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Get this weak shit outta here. It is gonna flop.

Batman doesn't flop unless they try to make ot flop. Im good on this. Batman is the only thing they resort back to when trying to make a dollar. its their sure thing. Just reboot and throw out another 1 whenever the other IPs don't sell. to be honest, the Christian Bale reboot was the last Batman I had left in me. im over it.


Truth Teller
Batman doesn't flop unless they try to make ot flop. Im good on this. Batman is the only thing they resort back to when trying to make a dollar. its their sure thing. Just reboot and throw out another 1 whenever the other IPs don't sell. to be honest, the Christian Bale reboot was the last Batman I had left in me. im over it.
I would argue that all of those movies make money. Whether it received critical acclaim is something entirely different. But, from a business perspective, they all turned a nice profit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I would argue that all of those movies make money. Whether it received critical acclaim is something entirely different. But, from a business perspective, they all turned a nice profit.

thts true I get caught up in what ppl call a flop these days. but i agree with u


Truth Teller

Lol!! He actually does look like Richard Kind.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Batman doesn't flop unless they try to make ot flop. Im good on this. Batman is the only thing they resort back to when trying to make a dollar. its their sure thing. Just reboot and throw out another 1 whenever the other IPs don't sell. to be honest, the Christian Bale reboot was the last Batman I had left in me. im over it.
Not true...
DC's two flagship characters are not a guarantee for box office success.

Remember these?

To his dying day Joel Schumacher apologized to the audience for making Batman & Robin.


And while it wasn't an outright flop, Superman Returns under performed and bored audiences almost to tears.

The main problem with DC films is that they're repeatedly trying to recapture and recreate the formula of the 3 Nolan Batman films.
If they were smart, they'd realize that not every comic book property is SUPPOSED to be dark and grimey.

But when they place each character in their appropriate light and treat them with the proper love and respect they deserve, they are all almost always a surefire hit.

:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not true...
DC's two flagship characters are not a guarantee for box office success.

Remember these?

To his dying day Joel Schumacher apologized to the audience for making Batman & Robin.

Theres no way with all the interviews and background knowledge I know about those Joel Batman films that it wasn't them intentionally trying to make those films flop!And Superman, other than the first 1 has always flopped! My point still stands


Truth Teller
Not true...
DC's two flagship characters are not a guarantee for box office success.

Remember these?

To his dying day Joel Schumacher apologized to the audience for making Batman & Robin.


And while it wasn't an outright flop, Superman Returns under performed and bored audiences almost to tears.

The main problem with DC films is that they're repeatedly trying to recapture and recreate the formula of the 3 Nolan Batman films.
If they were smart, they'd realize that not every comic book property is SUPPOSED to be dark and grimey.

But when they place each character in their appropriate light and treat them with the proper love and respect they deserve, they are all almost always a surefire hit.

:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
Again, we have to be careful regarding box office success and critical acclaim. Batman and Robin was wack as hell and I like DC. But is still made money. Superman Returns was actually pretty good. Brandon Routh was good and I would argue that Kevin Spacey was one of the best Lex Luthors second to Gene Hackman. This movie also made money.

Were they blockbusters? No. But was every Marvel or MCU movie a blockbuster? Of course not. Thats how it goes. But to say that any of the DC or Marvel movies flopped would be a stretch, unless you are speaking strictly critical acclaim.

Little known fact: There was supposed to be a sequel to Superman Returns. However, staying true to form, the suits at Warner Bros got in the way. Too much time had passed. Hence, the reboot, which I loved.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Theres no way with all the interviews and background knowledge I know about those Joel Batman films that it wasn't them intentionally trying to make those films flop!And Superman, other than the first 1 has always flopped! My point still stands
Ummm, I take it you haven't seen this Superman film yet, have you...?

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Truth Teller
Theres no way with all the interviews and background knowledge I know about those Joel Batman films that it wasn't them intentionally trying to make those films flop!And Superman, other than the first 1 has always flopped! My point still stands
Bro stop it. No Superman movie has ever flopped. Were they all blockbusters? No. Were they all critically acclaimed? No. But saying any Superman movie flopped is being disingenuous.


Truth Teller
maybe your right, which ones didn't flop other than part 1?
Well, @CptMARVEL reminded me of this travesty called Superman IV. It made some money, but no amount of money is worth subjecting the public to that movie.

I think I will watch it this week just to remind myself how far movies have come. I rewatched Howard the Duck recently..........who in the world green lit that????


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well, @CptMARVEL reminded me of this travesty called Superman IV. It made some money, but no amount of money is worth subjecting the public to that movie.

I think I will watch it this week just to remind myself how far movies have come. I rewatched Howard the Duck recently..........who in the world green lit that????
Meet the executive producer of "Howard The Duck"...



Truth Teller
not making a profit = not a hit

not the 1st nor last break even movie to spawn a sequel
Sorry but you are waaaaaaaay off on this one. Shazam not only made money, it did so by being the most least expensive DCEU movie. You shouldnt get caught up in total gross box office numbers. From a business standpoint, profit percentage is golden. Additionally, the movie received phenomenal critical and fan acclaim.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sorry but you are waaaaaaaay off on this one. Shazam not only made money, it did so by being the most least expensive DCEU movie. You shouldnt get caught up in total gross box office numbers. From a business standpoint, profit percentage is golden. Additionally, the movie received phenomenal critical and fan acclaim.
Sorry, pal.
But this is also not true.
Joker had the lowest budget/production cost of any modern DC film. It cost 55 million to make but raked in over a billion dollars at the box office.
Whereas Shazam cost 100 million to make, yet bought in 365 million at the box office. It was still considered to be a hit though. A modest hit, but a hit nonetheless. :yes:


Truth Teller
Sorry, pal.
But this is also not true.
Joker had the lowest budget/production cost of any modern DC film. It cost 55 million to make but raked in over a billion dollars at the box office.
Whereas Shazam cost 100 million to make, yet bought in 365 million at the box office. It was still considered to be a hit though. A modest hit, but a hit nonetheless. :yes:
Remember, Joker is a DC movie, not a DCEU movie. Stupid? Yes. But it is what it is.

But, you are correct. Both were "low budget" hits. And Joker was less expensive.