The DC Politics Thread


Rising Star
Funny message to attach to a picture where the Mayor marvels at the new “fare evasion” measures to make sure poor people have less access to transportation.



Rising Star

The bill approved by the Council 12-0 after hours of debate Tuesday would give police authority to collect DNA from suspects before a conviction and to declare drug-free zones.​
Councilmember Trayon White voted "present."​
"We are a city that is committed to creating opportunity and that believes in second chances, but we will not tolerate violence and we will not tolerate criminal activity that disrupts our sense of safety and our ability to build thriving neighborhoods," Mayor Muriel Bowser said in a statement. ...​
One of the most contentious issues was collecting DNA samples from suspects. That had been removed from the bill last month, but Councilmember Brooke Pinto changed the legislation in hopes of getting it back. Pinto wanted to have police collect DNA at time of arrest like fingerprints. She walked that back to having police collect DNA after a suspect has been charged and a judge has found probable cause.​
The new provision also narrows down the type of suspect who could be swabbed.​
“This amendment would still allow approximately 6,000 individuals to have their DNA taken without ever having been convicted of a single crime,” said Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie, who opposed the provision.
“Adopting this provision is authorizing the mass collection of Black people’s DNA — many of whom will never be convicted of the crime for which they were arrested,” he added.

Yet he voted for it!!!!!!!!!! :hithead:

I'm surprised and saddened that this was a unanimous vote.


Rising Star
The bill’s provision to allow the police chief to designate high-crime areas as drug-free zones drew particular concern.​
“The idea of creating drug-free zones when the entire city already is a drug-free zone, I believe doesn’t solve the issue,” Councilmember Robert White said.​
Council Chairman Phil Mendelson said Monday that he expected drug-free zones to remain in the bill.​

I read the story quoted here and the link about drug-free zones and I still have no idea what that even means.

But it sounds like a pretense for stop and frisk like discrimination.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Most of these politicians in DC need to go and many have been in office way too long. Next time I see McDuffie I'm going to call his dumb ass out on that bill & ask why he would vote for it if he had reservations about the inclusion of the DNA collection aspect.


Rising Star
Most of these politicians in DC need to go and many have been in office way too long. Next time I see McDuffie I'm going to call his dumb ass out on that bill & ask why he would vote for it if he had reservations about the inclusion of the DNA collection aspect.

Let us know how it goes (if you can)! :cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let us know how it goes (if you can)! :cool:

I'll def keep you all posted. One of my corp clients is heavy into DC politics & host a lot of stuff where the mayor, ANC's & Council members come out. Plus I've known McDuffie since he first ran.


Rising Star
These greedy bastards have “exitfare” machines. You walk up unsure of how much exactly you have on your card. The machine lets you through. You go to your destination, go to exit and it buzzes. They want you to pay to leave!!!

It would be most efficient if it were taxpayer funded and free to everyone!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These greedy bastards have “exitfare” machines. You walk up unsure of how much exactly you have on your card. The machine lets you through. You go to your destination, go to exit and it buzzes. They want you to pay to leave!!!

It would be most efficient if it were taxpayer funded and free to everyone!

Tax payer funded isn't going to work (DC, MD & VA will never agree on who should pay what) & the vast majority of folks pay their fares. It's a certain demographic that thinks it's cool not to pay & openly flaunt not paying and I don't mind them cracking down on those folks. If you're truly trying to get to work, doctors appointments etc & have limited funds there are programs that will get you a metro fare card.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Lots of people revealing hatred of the poor(er)…

A fair number of folks that jump aren't broke or at least have the options to work. Like one of the people said most of the morons that I see jumping are wearing a shit load of designer gear now granted some of it maybe fake but the shoes aren't & if you can afford fresh Jordan's, Lebron's etc then you can pay like the rest of us do.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

They have to fill up all these condos, townhouses & apartments they're building. It's going to be interesting to see how the sewage system holds up in the coming years. That's also part of the flooding issues they've been having around the city is the pipes that run under the city were build hundreds of years ago in some cases. DC water has been trying to upgrade stuff but that take years per project.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They have to fill up all these condos, townhouses & apartments they're building. It's going to be interesting to see how the sewage system holds up in the coming years. That's also part of the flooding issues they've been having around the city is the pipes that run under the city were build hundreds of years ago in some cases. DC water has been trying to upgrade stuff but that take years per project.

Yeah I always wondered why they were building all those joints all over the city. I was thinking who the hell moving into them joints..

My cousin has a condo in SW right besides the Safeway and about 3 years ago we went to her friends rooftop apartment to do some grilling...Her friend and husband had an entire floor to themselves because no one was renting the apartments out...

Will be interesting to see how they fill these joints because I just don't see people moving in the city like that....I know the SEC was suppose to be building an office over there off NY Ave. where the Wendy's use to be, but I am not sure where that stands now......That definitely would bring alot more people into the city....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah I always wondered why they were building all those joints all over the city. I was thinking who the hell moving into them joints..

My cousin has a condo in SW right besides the Safeway and about 3 years ago we went to her friends rooftop apartment to do some grilling...Her friend and husband had an entire floor to themselves because no one was renting the apartments out...

Will be interesting to see how they fill these joints because I just don't see people moving in the city like that....I know the SEC was suppose to be building an office over there off NY Ave. where the Wendy's use to be, but I am not sure where that stands now......That definitely would bring alot more people into the city....

For the most part the vast majority of these spots around the city aren't anywhere near capacity, that's one reason why rents are so high so they make sure they are breaking even/profiting. Then you have the condo buildings that end up turning into apartments, I remember when they build that building off NY Ave where the safeway is, I looked at a condo in there when they were first built. Ended passing on it, had a co-worker at the time & his wife copped a condo then when they didn't sell they turned them into So you had a mix of owners & renters, they were

A lot of the office space being built around the city was stopped during covid & hasn't really started back up. Unless they can force folks to go back to work full-time there's no real need for new office space. Once they get the funding issue straight with the new FBI complex, that's going to move a lot of folks out to MD. Most of Barry Farms has stalled except that one apartment building, because Homeland is mostly empty over there.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I had no idea…

Interesting...Yeah Safeway is definitely a DMV thing....When you get down to NC and SC it's a whole different brand of grocery stores....

This is similar to Kaiser Health....Kaiser is only in CA and the DMV area....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Interesting...Yeah Safeway is definitely a DMV thing....When you get down to NC and SC it's a whole different brand of grocery stores....

This is similar to Kaiser Health....Kaiser is only in CA and the DMV area....

My lady is from Pa and they have Giants up there & NJ havesame Corp office as the DMV stores but they use a different background system so you have to get a new discount card. I'm standing at the register trying to put my # in & nothing is happening, then I pull out my card & swipe it still nothing. So the chick just uses their card & I go to the customer service desk & they are like where are you Then they tell me that all those stores are on a different part of the system.


Rising Star
My lady is from Pa and they have Giants up there & NJ havesame Corp office as the DMV stores but they use a different background system so you have to get a new discount card. I'm standing at the register trying to put my # in & nothing is happening, then I pull out my card & swipe it still nothing. So the chick just uses their card & I go to the customer service desk & they are like where are you Then they tell me that all those stores are on a different part of the system.

I think that map shows Safeway-owned stores? It looks like there is a dot for Vegas and Vegas definitely has no Safeways. They have Albertson's-- same company, same Friday discount methods, different branding.