The DC Politics Thread


Rising Star

... Notably, the MPD officer who oversaw the department’s intelligence branch at the time and was heavily involved in these activities was suspended and subsequently indicted in part for allegedly providing Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys, with information about police investigations into the group. The officer’s connection to the Proud Boys only adds to concerns that bias rather than public safety was driving the department’s monitoring of racial justice protests.

Federal officials also disseminated false information about threats posed by protesters. Two reports from June 2020 — assembled by the Department of Transportation and the Naval Criminal Investigation Service and shared with the MPD and other law enforcement agencies — referenced “prestaging of bricks, rocks, sledge hammers [sic], . . . and other weapons at protest locations” within a section listing tactics, techniques, and procedures that the FBI’s National Joint Terrorism Task Force determined were used by racial justice protesters. Claims like these from the federal government, which were sourced from social media, had already been repeatedly debunked by reporting.

This information sharing about racial justice protests continued into 2021, with MPD and federal officials sharing social media posts about vigils marking Breonna Taylor’s murder, insinuating that other actors attending the vigils could commit acts of violence with no apparent evidence to substantiate that conclusion.

As it stands, the MPD and the federal government lack adequate policies to rein in online surveillance. ...


Rising Star
Gotta find my ballot and return it this weekend... The primary day is Tuesday...



Rising Star
Share any election results that got your attention…

#1 for me— DC’s best councilmember won her first re-election campaign.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

No one wants that job.

I dated a chick that worked at the call center and she told me it’s hard to find people wanting to work there.

50K and a $2500 song on bonus



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No one wants that job.

I dated a chick that worked at the call center and she told me it’s hard to find people wanting to work there.

50K and a $2500 song on bonus

Yeah I know a few chicks who are dispatchers. They all say it sucks. Low, pay, crappy hours/schedules, PTSD from hearing all those terrifying calls.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Don’t know a lot about her, but she is a Washingtonian.

I wondered if Robert White is running for mayor in the future. That’s who I voted for the last election

I've met her a few times at different events, def glad she won.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bowser has been in a slump lately. That GW thing might have been the nail in the coffin.

Nah I doubt that had much if anything to do about it. Folks are just getting fed up with her BS - pandering to the gentrification folks, excessive building around the city with tons of shit sitting empty, fucking up parking with those useless bike lanes. Lyft just purchased the company that operates Capital Bike share & them and Uber had been pumping money into the campaigns of DC politicians to push for those bike lanes etc. They want folks to have tougher & tougher times parking and get rid of their cars or just opt for ride share more often.

A lot of those YT's who are also pushing for the bike lanes, make sure they protect the parking in their neighborhoods though. One of my corporate clients is heavy into politics so I'm shooting for them at a lot of stuff. When those YT's get questioned they try to deflect and change the subject, but one big part of why they protect their parking is property values will take a hit if they loose those spaces. They did that shit in my neighborhood & folks have had a hard time selling their spots on our street. When most of them bought their spots it was heavily advertised that their was plenty of parking, along with metro a couple of blocks away. When the DC gov made the decision to put the bike lanes in, they basically told folks in so many words that it was no need to try to fight it they were putting them in & their minds were made up.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Nah I doubt that had much if anything to do about it. Folks are just getting fed up with her BS - pandering to the gentrification folks, excessive building around the city with tons of shit sitting empty, fucking up parking with those useless bike lanes. Lyft just purchased the company that operates Capital Bike share & them and Uber had been pumping money into the campaigns of DC politicians to push for those bike lanes etc. They want folks to have tougher & tougher times parking and get rid of their cars or just opt for ride share more often.

A lot of those YT's who are also pushing for the bike lanes, make sure they protect the parking in their neighborhoods though. One of my corporate clients is heavy into politics so I'm shooting for them at a lot of stuff. When those YT's get questioned they try to deflect and change the subject, but one big part of why they protect their parking is property values will take a hit if they loose those spaces. They did that shit in my neighborhood & folks have had a hard time selling their spots on our street. When most of them bought their spots it was heavily advertised that their was plenty of parking, along with metro a couple of blocks away. When the DC gov made the decision to put the bike lanes in, they basically told folks in so many words that it was no need to try to fight it they were putting them in & their minds were made up.
She lost alot of air support with the GW fiasco. Gotdamn Republicans called her to the principals office on that one.