The FBI just raided Mar-A-Lago


AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
The FBI waiting around for their Que...


Man Trump is fucked! :itsawrap:


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
When u r dead u don't know u r dead. Others feel the pain.
Same goes for stupid.
I used to find stupidity mildly amusing and at times tolerable.
The long ass diatribes of pure non factual nonsense and the constant let me jam these fairy tales down ur throat bullshit has taken its toll on me.
A lot of terminally stupid niggas on this board
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Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
The FBI waiting around for their Que...


Man Trump is fucked! :itsawrap:
Yeah, this process was slow but it is really picking up now. And like I said a few months ago….. Trump would have slid under the radar a little bit with January 6 event, but the top-secret documents thing was his final nail in a coffin. The federal government is not going to let him get in away with that. Russia really use Trump to try to fuck up America. This is why the CIA is extremely active overseas right now. I am going to leave it right there.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
When u r dead u don't u r dead. Others feel the pain.
Same goes for stupid.
I used to find stupidity mildly amusing and at times tolerable.
The long ass diatribes of pure non factual nonsense and the constant let me jam these fairy tales down ur throat bullshit has taken its toll on me.
I just roast lol

But I feel you


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
The FBI waiting around for their Que...


Man Trump is fucked! :itsawrap:
Yeah, this process was slow but it is really picking up now. And like I said a few months ago….. Trump would have slid under the radar a little bit with January 6 event, but the top-secret documents thing was his final nail in a coffin. The federal government is not going to let him get in away with that. Russia really use Trump to try to fuck up America. This is why the CIA is extremely active overseas right now. I am going to leave it right there.



still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
and as i and @easy_b kept telling yall, this bish is FINALLY off the case.

Judge Aileen Cannon’s intrusive and unjustifiable reign over the Justice Department’s criminal investigation into Donald Trump is over.

On Thursday, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Cannon had no jurisdiction to hear Trump’s complaint in the first place. Its decision means that Cannon’s orders are void, and everything she had done—including the appointment and oversight of a special master—must be undone. The special master must be dismissed, and Cannon must relinquish all control over this dispute. Any other outcome, the court explained, would constitute “a radical reordering of our caselaw” that violates “bedrock separation-of-powers limitations.” It is a complete victory for the Justice Department and a vindication of the principle that judges may not rewrite the law to run interference for the president who appointed them.

and she prolly fucked her entire career up.

Shane speculated that it’s possible Cannon has aspirations for elevation to a higher court in the future and her granting Trump’s request is a way for her to stand out from contenders. Court watchers, and even a judge, have criticized a recent trend of jurists using opinions to showboat for potential promotions, or the use of fiery language to appeal to the Twitter crowd.

But if that were her goal, Shane said her ruling likely won’t help her. While it could ingratiate Cannon with the former president, the Republican party as an institution may not see it as a positive part on her record, especially if Trump fails in his 2024 bid for the presidency.

“There are sometimes judges whose strong paper qualifications seem so at odds with the low quality of their opinions that one does wonder if they’re just trying to ingratiate themselves with a future president with appointing authority. I don’t know that about Judge Cannon, but I will say, if that was even remotely on her mind, this won’t help,” he said. “If there were a Florida seat open on the Eleventh Circuit, why would Florida senators want to advance her candidacy?”



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
and as i and @easy_b kept telling yall, this bish is FINALLY off the case.

and she prolly fucked her entire career up.

And I remember when reich-wingers were foaming at the mouth at the thought of her rising to the top of the list of Supreme Court nominees. Lol