The FBI just raided Mar-A-Lago


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Darrell M. West
Vice President and Director - Governance Studies
Senior Fellow - Center for Technology Innovation
Douglas Dillon Chair in Governmental Studies

In my new Brookings Press book, Power Politics: Trump and the Assault on American Democracy, I argue it is no secret the United States faces extraordinary political and social challenges. Political polarization and extremism are quite high and our toxic information ecosystem aggravates existing tensions and compromises our ability to address important policy problems.

In this situation, it is easy to blame Donald Trump for the sad state of American democracy. But Trumpism is almost certain to outlast Trump himself. The grievances he exploited existed well before he became president and likely will endure after he is gone from the political scene.

It is time to step back from this risky precipice and reflect on the systemic causes of current threats to American democracy, procedural justice, and a reason-based society. With polarization now entrenched and authoritarianism gaining strength, no one should assume that democracy will survive, facts will triumph over falsehoods, and reason will prevail over fear and emotion.

Drawing on my personal experiences growing up in the Bible Belt, teaching in the Ivy League, and operating in the DC policy world, I offer advice for protecting people, organizations, and the country as a whole. This book makes the threats to democracy understandable by explaining specific problems and offering concrete ideas for ameliorating them. You can order your copy at Amazon or through local bookstores.

Advance Praise for Power Politics

“If there is one thing we’ve all had to (re)learn over the last decade, it’s that our Republic is surprisingly fragile. What Darrell West does in this book is different from many others on this topic. Instead of hand-wringing about a person or a single issue that is the lead cause of our current troubled democracy, he looks at some of the root causes of the corrosiveness and, yes, rot in some of our key institutions that help sustain the democracy. Like any problem that needs to be tackled, there isn’t one thing that needs fixing, there is a lot and Darrell West identifies the many areas that need and deserve reform.” Chuck Todd, host of NBC’s “Meet the Press”

“Blending political analysis with his personal observations as a Washington insider, Darrell West astutely diagnoses what ails the American political system from Trumpism to cancel culture. It is an urgent call for structural reform and cultural rejuvenation to save U.S. democracy before it is too late.” Richard L. Hasen, University of California at Irvine and author of cheap Speech: How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics--and How to Cure It

“The forces now shaking our democracy didn’t start with Donald Trump’s arrival and won’t end with his departure. Darrell West argues in his ambitious, alarming new book. He sees a ‘perfect storm’ of challenges in our economy, our culture, and our technology that threaten to undermine the American experiment. But we aren’t helpless to begin responding, and he describes how to start.” Susan Page, Washington bureau chief of USA Today and author of Madam Speaker: Nancy Pelosi and the Lessons of Power

“Darrell West has capitalized on his own background as a child of the Bible Belt, 26 years teaching political science at Brown University and 14 years as Director of Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution to produce an insightful analysis of the contemporary political ecosystem. Power Politics is an exceptional, nuanced and innovative exploration of how we are stuck in one of the most dangerous moments in the nation’s history.” Thomas Edsall, New York Times columnist


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because he is profiting greatly from this, Trump will never make the warrant or any other document available.
People are reportedly giving money(fundraising) because they are angry, and Trump doesn't want this to change until he has made another $200 million or more. The DOJ has been negotiating with Trump's people to obtain the additional materials for over a year.
Biden pulled Trump's security clearance as soon as he left the Whitehouse. Trump has documents that are worth millions to the Russians or China.
And remember during the elections it came out Trump was $481 million in debt! Now why the fuck would we trust a MUTHAFUCKA like that who owes 481 million not to sell classified documents to another country

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
That's not the conclusion of the ongoing investigations:popcorn:

:lol: @ only for stealing paper. Especially the "only" part :lol::roflmao:

Fam, that thread is HILARIOUS AF. Dude basically sent a PM to a MOD requesting you be banned. Said PM included an image of a hand written note and and another image of a random black hand with an empty, all white background as "proof" to counter your challenge.

:roflmao: :lol: :roflmao: :lol:
Straight up Karen who ordered a pizza and paid the black driver for a hand shot


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Straight up Karen who ordered a pizza and paid the black driver for a hand shot

"Ummm....Hi Jamal, the name tag by the way...ummmm...this may sound strange but can I have u step into the light over here? Relax, there's no problem with the pizza delivery, infact, my life partner is retrieving your tip. I just wanna take a pic of the pizza box to remember this moment. OH WAIT WAIT!! No need to remove your HAND from the top of the pizza box. Thank you sooooooo much, Jamal!!"

(Since I don't see any more updates of the main topic yet, it's not derailing :lol: )
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Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Not a good comparison brotha. And I don’t think Boots Riley would son anyone on this comparison. If he did, it would be a different boots than the one I chopped it up with on BART back in the day.

However, regardless of how you feel about the FBI, you gotta at least love the hypocrisy running rampant throughout this process
Boots Riley is anti cointell pro

stop it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is odd how they timed this with major legislation promoting domestic production of EV and this horrible CHIPS act to mask their intent. Than you had the Taiwan faux visit to be in open defiance of China. This is about you violating some law, not your trade policy on China.


He is right about one thing, corruption which makes setting up a business 10x harder or damn near impossible in the U.S. They went after the m@### in the same way when Nixon visited China due to their ties to organized labor. Unions are staunchly for fair trade with other countries and use their political muscle to get things done.

First off shout out to Bobby Rush for having his hand in getting the CHIPS act passed... It's great to see something he was passionate about and that can greatly be benefit Black communities come to get passed... You know the same Bobby Rush that was a victim of the cointelpro operative...

Open defiance to China?! - why should we give a fuck about them... The whole purpose is because we've become so reliant on other nations for our tech manufacturing it has put us behind the curve... The CHIPs act allows us to create and rebuild those infrastructures here which in turn makes us more self-reliant and competitive against China... Taiwan is one the world's leaders in chip manufacturing so strengthening our relationship with them is beneficial... One can simply just look at the current chip shortage and see why this is a good thing for us... Not to mention the jobs in the STEM field this will create and DEFINITELY within reach for interested Black people to take advantage/benefit... You should definitely read more on the CHIPs act, but with a less subjective mindset...


I was today's years old when I learned niggas think Bobby Rush is a clown or a sellout...