We will seeTo be opposite muller he would indict him.
We will seeTo be opposite muller he would indict him.
They couldn’t indict the woman who got Emitt Till killed.We will see
Couldn’t or wouldn’t?They couldn’t indict the woman who got Emitt Till killed.
Seriously man. What the fuck is wrong with you?So you're okay with abortion then?
This idiot knows deep down I'm not Caucasian but still uses these terms.Silverhonky active
Seriously man. What the fuck is wrong with you?
When you have republicans sounding like Jeremiah Wright, you know it’s a good time to be alive.This idiot knows deep down I'm not Caucasian but still uses these terms.
Dummies do dumb things best.
Just saying "sarcasm" woulda been enough.Ain't a goddamn thing wrong with me! You can't recognize sarcasm??
@Dr. Truth was joking about MAGATS defending Trump if he were to shoot a baby and I responded by pointing out the hypocrisy of MAGATS being okay with a baby being killed as long as TRUMP did it, since they want to call people who get abortions baby killers! Duuuhhh!!
Keep up slow ass nigga!
First off shout out to Bobby Rush for having his hand in getting the CHIPS act passed... It's great to see something he was passionate about and that can greatly be benefit Black communities come to get passed... You know the same Bobby Rush that was a victim of the cointelpro operative...
Open defiance to China?! - why should we give a fuck about them... The whole purpose is because we've become so reliant on other nations for our tech manufacturing it has put us behind the curve... The CHIPs act allows us to create and rebuild those infrastructures here which in turn makes us more self-reliant and competitive against China... Taiwan is one the world's leaders in chip manufacturing so strengthening our relationship with them is beneficial... One can simply just look at the current chip shortage and see why this is a good thing for us... Not to mention the jobs in the STEM field this will create and DEFINITELY within reach for interested Black people to take advantage/benefit... You should definitely read more on the CHIPs act, but with a less subjective mindset...
I was today's years old when I learned niggas think Bobby Rush is a clown or a sellout...
Fifty percent of Google’s US workforce is white, compared to 42 percent Asian, 6.4 percent Latinx, 4.4 percent Black, and 0.8 percent Native American.
Just saying "sarcasm" woulda been enough.
This idiot knows deep down I'm not Caucasian but still uses these terms.
Dummies do dumb things best.
Deep down? Post your hand or shut the fuck up honky.This idiot knows deep down I'm not Caucasian but still uses these terms.
Dummies do dumb things best.
Boots Riley is anti cointell pro
stop it
Another not so artful dodge. You've completely changed directions, and for what? You want to believe that things are the same now as they were back in 1968, then have at it. You could just answer the question, but for you it appears to be a bridge too far.Do you think Black people got our civil rights victories by singing negro spirituals and getting our ass beat on Edmund Pettis bridge?
And they didn't blow his fucking head off?
Blow him to hell . Blow his fucking head off