Now this may get some people death penalties
You oughtta be tired of typing this shit on every pageWake me up when he goes to jail . I’m tired as fuck of this shit
You’re a pro-white Luciferian and you’re “too much of a fucking pussy” to admit it.You're a Republican. As I said you're too much of a fucking pussy to admit it.
All of these stories day was doing on news a couple of years ago is coming together pretty well right now
Trump really fucked up the intelligence of this country…. Trump supporters don’t realize they were sold up the river by Trump. This is going to take a minute to get straight.At this point, it basically feels like something real has to be done, or else the country is just a wrap.
People that believe in there being some sort of justice will see that some people are definitively above the law, and that they are in fact the worst people.
We'll lose all credibility abroad, not to mention completing the erosion of trust that was already started during the last administration.
And really, the next megalomaniac that takes control, whoever and wherever they come from, will probably completely dismantle the country and turn it into a true dictatorship. And the oligarchy it is right now is a shitshow, but it definitely can get worse, and people need to start embracing that.
I really hope this is a lead up to some sort of charges and accountability, but having faith in anyone currently running anything to execute and deliver is pretty hard, given their track record.
This top Secret document scandal and the abortion thing really put Republicans in a super tight spot right now…..also you seen what happened in New York-19 race this past Tuesday. I really thought the Democrats was going to lose (NY-19) by 5 - 6 points but the Dem won by two or three points. Republicans are going to catch a lot of hell and purple districts. A lot of Republicans especially the Trump Republicans just want to see the world burn at this point.This will make 45 even more paranoid, wonder who all cut deals and wonder when 45 will start tiny finger pointing and snitching. GOP is about to be in free fall, this follow has kill the GOP midterm hopes make you wonder if the supreme court did that roe v. wade decision on purpose to fuck up the midterms cause the smart play would have been to wait till after.
All of these stories day was doing on news a couple of years ago is coming together pretty well right now
Trump really fucked up this country even worse….. Most of the stupid white people didn’t realize they saw they own self up the river. This will never get straight.
This motherfucker got our covert assets killed and our networks disrupted.
Im talking about Black and Brown people.
He needs to be publicly executed.
Wake me up when he goes to jail . I’m tired as fuck of this shit
If there was a liberal media
Nigga you ain't never waking up.
It’s Over: Trump Will Be Indicted
There is little left for the Justice Department to do but decide whether to wait until after the midterms to formally seek the indictment from the grand
For real! I wish they'd back off and let this man work!Nah, leave him alone homie. Haven't you heard about the Dr Truth curse? Whatever he says, the opposite will happen.
Your positivity isn’t nauseating today. It’s humbling.A lot of people need to face death or be in jail for life right now from the Trump administration and Trump his self and a lot of Republicans
"But her emails/Hunter's laptop/Benghazi!/Obama's Tan Suit""But her emails/Hunter's laptop/Benghazi!"