{The Official 2021-22 NBA Thread} - Finals: Warriors vs Celtics…{4-2 advantage warriors } Dubs NBA champs, Curry MVP

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yes it's not a strike against Jokic that he can't guard Curry
the niggas getting paid specifically to guard him can't do it either
Embid is getting cooked too

Embid got dropped by Thadeus Young yesterday
everybody chill out

Right. It would be no different if Jokic had Curry on the block.

Those are extreme mismatches that shouldn’t happen. I would have thought after the 2nd time, they would have started doubling Curry off the screen. But naw, they kept Jokic on them skates. That’s fucked up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The owners must really want to get the point across because every time I see Stephan A Smith open his mouth he talks about the owners coming for blood with the next CBA

Unfortunately everyone’s not looking at the big picture.

Ben ain’t trying to lose with them niggas!
