The Service Connection Section - Military Veterans come in here to find help getting your Service Connected Disability Rating increased

darth james

wannabe star
BGOL Investor
Not true in every case. The DAV folks in Cleveland were lazy as fuck. My guess is, the smaller the city or area, the less busy the DAV are so they perform better. In a busy City like cleveland, they are overworked and half ass it because they don't have to work hard or don't want to.

I ended up having to pay Trajector Medical (a last ditch option IMO) to get me from 10% to 70%.

The problem with Trajector Medical is you owe them 5 months of what you weren't getting. So, since they got me a $1000 bump, they wanted $5000, but they agreed to $4000.

ANOTHER problem is, they went back into my record after I did the leg work to go from 70% to 90% on my own talking about, "You owe us more money"

The fuck I do. I did this work on my own. They Still send me bills.and I tell them to kick fucking rocks.
I agree have to do your research of the cfr so when you do get evaluated by the VA doctors , you must be as the cfr for whatever disabilities you are claiming for. the doctors know the cfr word for word and unfortunately , you also have to know the exact description so when they ask you particular questions you has to answered them in where it fits in the cfr rating for your disability and make sure that your body language shows that. as for pstd , depression and anxiety , if they decide to send you to a psychologist . again . you have to show that you are as you say and how it affects you presently in everyday life. I went through this and got what i wanted but it wasn't easy. Also the formula to determine your total rating is confusing so again , do your research to figure out what are you looking for , make sure you have an accurate copy of your medical record from the military. have detailed medical record from your cuurent doctor whether its VA or civilian and keep a copy of everything so you know what was wriiten down from what you said to the doctor and his assessment.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree have to do your research of the cfr so when you do get evaluated by the VA doctors , you must be as the cfr for whatever disabilities you are claiming for. the doctors know the cfr word for word and unfortunately , you also have to know the exact description so when they ask you particular questions you has to answered them in where it fits in the cfr rating for your disability and make sure that your body language shows that. as for pstd , depression and anxiety , if they decide to send you to a psychologist . again . you have to show that you are as you say and how it affects you presently in everyday life. I went through this and got what i wanted but it wasn't easy. Also the formula to determine your total rating is confusing so again , do your research to figure out what are you looking for , make sure you have an accurate copy of your medical record from the military. have detailed medical record from your cuurent doctor whether its VA or civilian and keep a copy of everything so you know what was wriiten down from what you said to the doctor and his assessment.

On the money with this. I have clothes and shoes that I only wear to the VA for exams and appointments. I walk slow and always take the elevator. Never the stairs. Back always facing away from the door so I can see everything. And when the doctors ask how you’re doing, never said “I’m doing fine”. They will write it up as “patient is fine” and it starts off on the wrong foot from there. If you’re going for PFB, make your shit bump tf up and go in as bad as possible. It may seem excessive what I’m saying but all of this matters for these appointments.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
On the money with this. I have clothes and shoes that I only wear to the VA for exams and appointments. I walk slow and always take the elevator. Never the stairs. Back always facing away from the door so I can see everything. And when the doctors ask how you’re doing, never said “I’m doing fine”. They will write it up as “patient is fine” and it starts off on the wrong foot from there. If you’re going for PFB, make your shit bump tf up and go in as bad as possible. It may seem excessive what I’m saying but all of this matters for these appointments.
If you're in there for back, neck, ankle, knee issues walking there like C-3PO. No bullshit. When they ask you to bend, bend sideways like C-3PO.

They fucked me the last time I went in there and I meant too far and that reduced my back from 40% down to 20%. Now I got to go back in there to get my back increased even though my back isn't any better. It's not about pain, it's about flexibility. I found that shit out the hard way


Transnational Member
On the money with this. I have clothes and shoes that I only wear to the VA for exams and appointments. I walk slow and always take the elevator. Never the stairs. Back always facing away from the door so I can see everything. And when the doctors ask how you’re doing, never said “I’m doing fine”. They will write it up as “patient is fine” and it starts off on the wrong foot from there. If you’re going for PFB, make your shit bump tf up and go in as bad as possible. It may seem excessive what I’m saying but all of this matters for these appointments.

Never use a cane, wheelchair, or other assistive device if you can walk on your own unless you really need it. Real easy to prove that you can walk snapping pictures in public. One guy would use a chair for his appointments than be seen standing up walking around at the gas station with his wheelchair laying in the car. Scamster like this is what makes it almost impossible for the rest of us to get anything that need it.

I am fine doing a short burst of activity, it is when I am grinding on a job. I tell the truth and want to win my benefits off of reality.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
I’m a U.S. ARMY Veteran.

It’s a very long process to get disability payments from the VA.

And it’s all by design put in place by the Reagan Administration and carried out since then.

The GOP hates the VA cuz it’s the epitome of “Socialized Healthcare”. Similar to Medicare. The GOP has been getting away with screwing with it cuz the WW2 generation who benefited the most from the VA have been dying off since the 1990s and are now basically gone. Followed by Democrats stuck on their bi-partisanship BS.

VA and Medicare should all be rolled into one and provided to all Americans.

The average American is completely clueless on how much healthcare they are spending on and get nothing in return.

• Government healthcare (Politicians, Federal, State Municipal workers and Military) paid thru Federal/State/Local taxes.

• Medicare paid thru payroll deduction under “MEDI”

• Medicaid paid thru Federal/State/Local taxes

• Employer provided healthcare paid thru payroll deduction.

Just roll it all into one and call it Medicare.

You can still have individual facilities for Seniors, Children, Veterans and other special needs care.

Just pay it all thru Medicare.

Sen. Bernie Sanders has been yelling about this for over 10 years now.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you're in there for back, neck, ankle, knee issues walking there like C-3PO. No bullshit. When they ask you to bend, bend sideways like C-3PO.

They fucked me the last time I went in there and I meant too far and that reduced my back from 40% down to 20%. Now I got to go back in there to get my back increased even though my back isn't any better. It's not about pain, it's about flexibility. I found that shit out the hard way

We all been there. My man said C-3PO lol. But my initial exam I did the same shit. Bent too easily and got it service connected but at 0%. That robot ass bending been on deck ever since! I don’t do the canes and walkers either. Most days I’m good but it’s them days when I’m not that I try to keep in mind when I’m at them exams.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
The only advice I can give is don't try to do it on your own. Use one of the free veterans agencies like the DAV who helped me get my 100%. They practically did everything. It was seamless. I felt like I owed them something. lol
Good shit, you're one of the few success stories with DAV that I know of, I've heard they're not effective. I'm at 80% and recently diagnosed with Obstructive sleep apnea.
I'm thinking about going through them to get 100% and as a secondary condition


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Not true in every case. The DAV folks in Cleveland were lazy as fuck. My guess is, the smaller the city or area, the less busy the DAV are so they perform better. In a busy City like cleveland, they are overworked and half ass it because they don't have to work hard or don't want to.

I ended up having to pay Trajector Medical (a last ditch option IMO) to get me from 10% to 70%.

The problem with Trajector Medical is you owe them 5 months of what you weren't getting. So, since they got me a $1000 bump, they wanted $5000, but they agreed to $4000.

ANOTHER problem is, they went back into my record after I did the leg work to go from 70% to 90% on my own talking about, "You owe us more money"

The fuck I do. I did this work on my own. They Still send me bills.and I tell them to kick fucking rocks.
See this what I've heard about DAV


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Not true in every case. The DAV folks in Cleveland were lazy as fuck. My guess is, the smaller the city or area, the less busy the DAV are so they perform better. In a busy City like cleveland, they are overworked and half ass it because they don't have to work hard or don't want to.

I ended up having to pay Trajector Medical (a last ditch option IMO) to get me from 10% to 70%.

The problem with Trajector Medical is you owe them 5 months of what you weren't getting. So, since they got me a $1000 bump, they wanted $5000, but they agreed to $4000.

ANOTHER problem is, they went back into my record after I did the leg work to go from 70% to 90% on my own talking about, "You owe us more money"

The fuck I do. I did this work on my own. They Still send me bills.and I tell them to kick fucking rocks.
Vetsguardian helped me go from 70 to 80 anxiety increase. I paid them $100 a month for a year. Check them out

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Yeah the numbers are definitely weird. I was sitting at 90% (really it was 94%) for 10 years before I understood how it works. Best to Google a VA benefits calculator and plug in all your disability numbers and that will tell you your exact number you ned to get to 100% My increase on my flat feet got me to 100 from 90.

But it's really all a game of numbers and matching what you tell them at the C&P exam to what the book definition is for each rating. Also each disability doesn't max out at 100%. Some may only max out at 30% so you'll need to know this when picking which disability to request an increase for. Then knowing what to say/do during each exam to ensure you get what rating you're going for.

I'll use PTSD for example since I saw a few fellas talking about that one here. That one breaks down in 0, 10, 30, 50, 70, 100 percentages. Then a site like this one ( and it will tell you basically what percentage each rating needs to be awarded. So If you are at 30% and you read the 50% requirements, you know what you need to say and do at the next exam to bump it up. You can do all this yourself if you line everything up and have a game plan. Where these places that help you file come in handy is if you don't have the disabilities in your record and need them service connected. They usually have doctors on hand that know how to write up the diagnostic to get you service connected. You'll need that and a few buddy/lay statements to solidify the claims. Once it's service connected, it's just increase requests until you get to 100%.

It's too much to type but I can answer questions here or DM if y'all need it. I'm not connected to the VA or anything but have been doing the disability thing for a while and can share what I know. Great thread GOW
I can send the calculator and it's very vundian type math. You want to get .06 to have it rounded up to the 10. increments are in 10. You technically have to exceed 200 to get 100. However, you can get to 200 by SMCs which are Special Military Compensation. Some folks can clear 10k this way for 100 percent plus the SMCs.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I'm at 90 for about 4 years now. Gotta find a way to get to that hundred.
You've got to go what connects to what you've already got. My left knee was the initial problem. I tore my meniscus and had surgery. I've got service connection for my left knee, my right knee, my left ankle and my right ankle along with my back.

I can probably go for my hips as well, left and right hip. Maybe even my shoulders. Those things will be understandable because one is connected to the other and the body overcompensates, and that's your push the body overcompensation

We will get you there bro. Trust me on that. Before the year is out.

But the most important thing is the intent to file. Figure out what you want to claim as soon as possible and then file an intent to file as soon as possible. So, since this month is February you want to file before the end of the month so your payment can be backdated to February. Once March starts your payment will be backdated to March

so if you've got something connected to something else, put in an intent to file


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I can send the calculator and it's very vundian type math. You want to get .06 to have it rounded up to the 10. increments are in 10. You technically have to exceed 200 to get 100. However, you can get to 200 by SMCs which are Special Military Compensation. Some folks can clear 10k this way for 100 percent plus the SMCs.
what do you mean clear 10,000 and what are the special military compensation?

darth james

wannabe star
BGOL Investor
On the money with this. I have clothes and shoes that I only wear to the VA for exams and appointments. I walk slow and always take the elevator. Never the stairs. Back always facing away from the door so I can see everything. And when the doctors ask how you’re doing, never said “I’m doing fine”. They will write it up as “patient is fine” and it starts off on the wrong foot from there. If you’re going for PFB, make your shit bump tf up and go in as bad as possible. It may seem excessive what I’m saying but all of this matters for these appointments.
exactly ..think in terms of pain is's like a chess match and like you said ,from the time you get out the car at the VA is when you have to be as you are in pain and never say that you are ok,


Transnational Member
Never use a cane, wheelchair, or other assistive device if you can walk on your own unless you really need it. Real easy to prove that you can walk snapping pictures in public. One guy would use a chair for his appointments than be seen standing up walking around at the gas station with his wheelchair laying in the car. Scamster like this is what makes it almost impossible for the rest of us to get anything that need it.

I am fine doing a short burst of activity, it is when I am grinding on a job. I tell the truth and want to win my benefits off of reality.

Many people are tempted into using an assistive device like a cane. They bait you through the criteria that using a medically approved cane will get you approved. It is a setup.
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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
You submitted your own on How long did it take for approval?
I've submitted claims on eBenefits in July 31 and it took until December before I was rated. So about four and a half months at the most I guess.

Funny. I started talking to this E5 chick recently. I didn't know that an E5 makes $65,000 and that's before BAH and BEQ, and ComRats. It seems they're really going up on the cost of living for military nowadays. An E5 makes as much as a GS 9 step 3


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You submitted your own on How long did it take for approval?

Yep but this was 7 years ago since I got my 100. Today’s process seems to have improved. I’ve seen ratings come on as quick as 2 months from submission and the longest I’ve seen at about 7 months. They’ve streamlined it a bit. Used to be like 9 steps on the process. It’s down to 5 now. As long as they don’t need more documentation and further evidence, it’s usually 8 weeks or so to get a decision.


Rising Star
Although I'm 100%, I got 30% for "Undisclosed Anxiety Disorder" out of nowhere. All I did was tell them I was deployed to Iraq and when I got home I found myself getting angry over the smallest things. They didn't require proof or medical evaluation or nothing :dunno:
people who served in combat meet certain presumptions when it comes to getting service connected. For a lot of mental health ratings, it’s usually enough for a veteran’s lay statement to use as credible evidence of a particular stressor so long as the event/stressor causing the mental health condition lines up with the other facts showing that the veteran served in combat. This is called “fear of hostile military activity.”

FYI I’m a licensed attorney in CA. I work with vets to get service connected.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Yep but this was 7 years ago since I got my 100. Today’s process seems to have improved. I’ve seen ratings come on as quick as 2 months from submission and the longest I’ve seen at about 7 months. They’ve streamlined it a bit. Used to be like 9 steps on the process. It’s down to 5 now. As long as they don’t need more documentation and further evidence, it’s usually 8 weeks or so to get a decision.
True but they're making changes this year. Sleep Apnea used to be automatic 50%, they're making it more difficult now even if issued a machine. Also they're making tinnitus difficult


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
You got to watch out for total disability individual unemployable or TDIU. I don't like working,. But being unable to work to pull in extra money is not a viable substitute in my opinion. If you think you can pull it off, good for you, but I need more money than the VA is giving me even if I had 100%


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
people who served in combat meet certain presumptions when it comes to getting service connected. For a lot of mental health ratings, it’s usually enough for a veteran’s lay statement to use as credible evidence of a particular stressor so long as the event/stressor causing the mental health condition lines up with the other facts showing that the veteran served in combat. This is called “fear of hostile military activity.”

FYI I’m a licensed attorney in CA. I work with vets to get service connected.

My friend was not on this bus, she was told to go ahead and her best friend was on this bus and was killed. This was a pre-commission ceremony that the sailors weren't told about the accident until much later in the day. She still suffers from survivers remorse and suffers constant nightmares (see photo A)

She was also sexually assaulted while she slept in berthing. Navy ships only have a curtain separating their sleeping quarters from the rest of the berthing/sleeping area.

On numerous occasions, someone reached their hands inside of her curtain and fondled her. She was terrified to open the curtain because of what she would do.

She believed had she retaliated she would have been severely punished even though she was sexually assaulted, so she said nothing. She Still has nightmares and panic attacks, and wakes up with feeling that she's being touched. (See Photo B of how berthing is designed)

I know that PTSD has 30%, 50%, 70% that allow you to work, but 100% makes you unemployable (I believe). I don't believe she can file both under PTSD. How can she maximize the benefits to get her from 70% to 100%

Photo A

Photo B
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The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
My friend was not on this bus, she was told to go ahead and her best friend was on this bus and was killed. This was a pre-commission ceremony that the sailors weren't told about the accident until much later in the day. She still suffers from survivers remorse and suffers constant nightmares (see photo A)

She was also sexually assaulted while she slept in berthing. Navy ships only have a curtain separating their sleeping quarters from the rest of the berthing/sleeping area.

On numerous occasions, someone reached their hands inside of her curtain and fondled her. She was terrified to open the curtain because of what she would do.

She believed had she retaliated she would have been severely punished even though she was sexually assaulted, so she said nothing. She Still has nightmares and panic attacks. (See Photo B of how berthing is designed)

I know that PTSD has 30%, 50%, 70% that allow you to work, but 100% makes you unemployable (I believe). I don't believe she can file both under PTSD. How can she maximize the benefits to get her from 70% to 100%

Photo A

Photo B
Yes, she can and you can get TDUI without being 100 scheduled.

You may be eligible for Individual Unemployability if you meet the requirements listed here.

This must be true:

You can’t hold down a steady job that supports you financially (known as substantially gainful employment) because of your service-connected disability. Odd jobs (marginal employment) don’t count.

And one of these must be true:

  • You have at least 1 service-connected disability rated at 60% or more disabling, or
  • You have 2 or more service-connected disabilities, with at least 1 rated at 40% or more disabling and a combined rating of 70% or more
In certain cases—for example, if you need to be in the hospital often—you may qualify at a lower disability rating.

The analogy is to file and keep marching towards 100 P&T. You will be rated yearly until you reach the promised land.