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The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
2024 VA special monthly compensation rates

VA special monthly compensation (SMC) is a higher rate of compensation that we pay to Veterans as well as their spouses, surviving spouses, and parents with certain needs or disabilities. Find the 2024 special monthly compensation rates that may apply to you.



The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
50% VA Disability Rating for Migraine Headaches

April Donahower
August 5, 2019
Updated: February 16, 2024



The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Veterans who served at secret base say it made them sick, but they can't get aid because the government won't acknowledge they were there

By Dave Savini, Samah Assad
May 27, 2024

In the mid-1980s, Air Force technician Mark Ely's job was to inspect secretly obtained Soviet fighter jets.

The work, carried out in hidden hangers known as hush houses, was part of a classified mission in the Nevada desert, 140 miles outside of Las Vegas at the Tonopah Test Range — sometimes referred to as Area 52. The mission was so under wraps that Ely said he had to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

"Upholding the national interest was more important than my own life," Ely told CBS News, and that's not just talk

Ely was in his 20s and physically fit when he was working at the secret base. Now 63 and living in Naperville, Illinois, he's confronting life-threatening consequences from the radiation he says he was exposed to.

For decades, the U.S. government conducted nuclear bomb tests near Area 52. According to a 1975 federal environmental assessment, those tests scattered toxic radioactive material nearby.

"It scarred my lungs. I got cysts on my liver. ... I started having lipomas, tumors inside my body I had to remove. My lining in my bladder was shed," he said.

All these years later, his service records include many assignments, but not the mission inside Tonopah Test Range, meaning he can't prove he was ever there.

"There's a slogan that people say: 'Deny deny until you die.' Kind of true here," Ely told CBS News.

Dave Crete says he also worked as a military police officer at the same site. He now has breathing issues, including chronic bronchitis, and he had to have a tumor removed from his back.

He spent the last eight years tracking down hundreds of other veterans who worked at Area 52 and said he's seen "all kinds of cancers."

While the government's 1975 assessment acknowledged toxic chemicals in the area, it said that stopping work ran "against the national interest," and the "costs... are small and reasonable for the benefits received."

Other government employees who were stationed in the same area, mainly from the Department of Energy, have been aided by $25.7 billion in federal assistance, according to publicly available statistics from the Department of Labor. But those benefits don't apply to Air Force veterans like Ely and Crete.

"It makes me incredibly mad and it hurts me too because they're supposed to have my back," Ely said. "I had theirs and I want them to have mine."

When contacted for comment, the Department of Defense confirmed Ely and Crete served, but would not say where.


Moving Target

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

hard to know if this is real or fear mongering bc if any politician did this, they would be committing political suicide. not even AIPAC has enough political capital to burn the veterans down like this. veterans would come out the wood work and probably start unaliving politicians left and right given what many have endured on some bullshit....the US military would never recover and recruiting would be even worse than it is now.
naw fam ...i dont see it. congress has done some dumb shit but they would defund education before cutting the veteran programs like this...
hey if you can afford to take care fo the veterans when they come home fuqd up, dont send them to war....and war would be exactly what you would have when you cut the life line so many vets depend on.....keep in mind these are the mofos that most of you depend on for PSDs, cops, natl guard, first responders....and these are the mofos that got firearms and know how to use american living in america would want that kind of heat of being terrified of where you go...bc wherever you go, rest assured there is a vet there , maybe even watching over you while you sleep at night..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
hard to know if this is real or fear mongering bc if any politician did this, they would be committing political suicide. not even AIPAC has enough political capital to burn the veterans down like this. veterans would come out the wood work and probably start unaliving politicians left and right given what many have endured on some bullshit....the US military would never recover and recruiting would be even worse than it is now.
naw fam ...i dont see it. congress has done some dumb shit but they would defund education before cutting the veteran programs like this...
hey if you can afford to take care fo the veterans when they come home fuqd up, dont send them to war....and war would be exactly what you would have when you cut the life line so many vets depend on.....keep in mind these are the mofos that most of you depend on for PSDs, cops, natl guard, first responders....and these are the mofos that got firearms and know how to use american living in america would want that kind of heat of being terrified of where you go...bc wherever you go, rest assured there is a vet there , maybe even watching over you while you sleep at night..
The thing is this is retribution for not backing Trump during his coup attempt. The military stood against him and he wants to punish us for it.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Advocates push bill for aging and disabled vets as VA secretary attacks $1.7B price tag

“I have concerns about new programs that don’t come with new money,” VA Secretary Denis McDonough said Tuesday about the Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act, which contains 22 provisions for providing veterans’ health benefits and services in community-based settings and at home.

June 28, 2024


U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Denis Richard McDonough (D)